Secrets Revealed
Humanity has been given hints of Cosmic Secrets of Life from many great Teachers over the ages
....but only in this time, have we finally been given enough Information regarding 'Who we really
are'....enough to allow us to go forth in our personal daily pursuits,
Spiritually more powerful as we use this Knowledge to serve the Greater God-Good.
Thus this Website is dedicated not only to the Great Hierarchy of Evolved Beings and Angels
but also to our human this case specifically, to Guy, Edna and Donald Ballard.
for it was They Who were the first Ones to stand before large groups of students
and speak about our
About our inherent, individual Christness
and about the Cosmic Violet Ray and Its importance in our lives .
But let's begin this way
with the words of the Beloved Saint Germain.
Who told us when this Instruction began in the 1930s that the Great God Command of our time is
The Year is 2 0 1 5 and Beloved Saint Germain is speaking to us.
Beloved Ones,
Again, I Bless you and thank you, all of you who continue to march by My Side.
You are the Beloved of My Heart forever.
I wish you could see as We see the comradeship that exists between those of Us Who have completed the basic requirements of what you are calling 'the ascension' and those of you who are daily striving to accomplish those identical 'basics'. From Our Side we are cheering you on, knowing that if We could do it, you can do it.....and under easier circumstances in most instances than most of Us faced.
We Who have walked that Pathway are well aware of your efforts and to the degree that you may wish it and will ask for it, We are offering our Ascended Consciousness, blazing it around you and in all you do.... and from time to time when appropriate, We are sharing our Memories of some of those days....those many days....through those eons of time.
Oh Beloved Children of Light. In previous talks I have laid out for you the world conditions you face. Many of Us have spoken to you through the years of the Greater Universal Plan for the planets of this Galaxy. We have spoken of the time table we must adhere to.
Over the past century many Beings of Light have come forth to work with you. Working together We have given you individual instruction regarding you own 'ascending process, while explaining your part in the evolving Cosmic Scheme for the purification of Earth. We have described your responsibility to call forth and expand the powerful Light Rays that when called into action are the Answer to solving all the problems on Earth.
And if questions arise, I ask you to read again and again my Words, Our Words of earlier days ....
for They apply now as then.
And My Greeting for this New Year is to assure you all that 'I AM Here' today as then.
And to offer you again My Miracle Mantle of Ascended Mastery.
Never let a day go by without activating It around yourselves and around all you hold dear.
Ever MY Love enfolds you.
Ever I walk beside you,
Saint Germain
As once we knew Him
You might wish to read ....
Beloved Saint Germain's Message... Year 2014 Message
All LJC text
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