All About Angels  



A Beautiful Shining Lifestream

  Can you picture yourself as that Beautiful Being shown above?

 That is what we are 'becoming as we expand the Flame in our Hearts as well as work to cleanse and expand the Light within all the chakras or Energy Centers within the physical body.

Little by little we are building a Field of Light around ourselves as well as changing the composition of the cells of our bodies....

uncovering the Points of Light that exist under the denser material that produces the physical body as we know it.

 A physical body, as we know it, is required for Soul Work on Earth at the present time, But as the Vibration of all the Energy of the Planet is raised to a higher Frequency, we won't need so much density around the Points of Light that form Light Patterns of our Earth Bodies.

This is one of the many Reasons the Ascended Hierarchy has been Teaching the use of the various Cosmic Flames, especially the Violet Flame which works like a blow torch to cut away the denser material, leaving the Points of Light shining brilliantly. 

Today as we accept this Teaching and as we practice the discipline needed to take the next step on our Journey, we are fast approaching the time when we will be seen on Earth as a beautiful Form of

 Pure Etheric Godness.

That is our true Identity.

Michael.... 'again I wish to bring to you through this One (ljc) what I have told you previously....namely that They, the Angels wait to bring you Assistance and Encouragement....They are far closer than you imagine. They watch for every opportunity to come as close as just takes your attention....that is what opens the Door'.

He tells us that They draw the Sacred Fire of God's own Heart everywhere They matter what has to be corrected and this is so important at this time when the Focus must be on purifying the Earth if mankind is to be released from the 'hordes of evil' of centuries. They constantly answer the Calls of for help of weary mankind.

This is what we must understand....the Angels are involved in guarding and bringing into the outer expression the Love and Mercy which each one's own Presence pours forth to Life ...for They must always guard any Focus of the Sacred Fire or the Cosmic Christ Light which contains the concentrated Electronic Force from Heights of Perfection. That is the way this Electronic Force comes into outer, physical conditions to purify and perfect Life on the Planet.

It then stands to reason that the more we can stay focused on the Angelic Host, the more we call to Them, the more we love and accept them, the closer They come to us.....and the greater the flow of Their Sacred Fire into our affairs...the greater the Protection They can bring to you at all times.

Let us remember today that in the midst of the world's present confusion and chaos, there are Legions of the Angelic Host ready at any moment to come to our rescue to control conditions.

We simply must take our attention from any distressing condition, and place our attention upon the Ascended or Angelic Host in order to allow the very Power needed to fulfill our Calls to come into those situations . That is all it takes to bring the Protection and Perfection we desire.

Michael: 'We of the Angelic Hierarchy are the Messengers of the Cosmic Beings and the Ascended Masters, constantly offering help to mankind. It is time for mankind to understand and make use of the Services the Angelic Host can supply to Life. We wait for your call.'

Lois J Crawford





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Our heartfelt thanks to Margi Harrell for her music 'Solitude"

This is the link to her site


All  LJC  text

 Copyright © 'Beliefs'
