All About Angels

An Ever Present Help in the Time of Need

We so often think of Angels within the context of the feminine side of Life. But the Mightiest of Angels in literature have been depicted with a masculine Identity. We have only to think of our Beloved Archangel to know that is true.

Each Angel and each Being, each one of us, feminine and masculine.... each with a different role to play, as each one works with specific and different Aspects of Total Godness.  To understand this one Law of Life would help us change some of our judgmental attitudes towards our fellow beings.

Michael: 'There has been a vague acceptance in the mass of mankind of Guardian Angels, which some individuals have seen in times of crisis. There is almost an unlimited variety of the Legions of Angels...each group having a specific Purpose or giving a specific Service...having a specific color or one unique quality of manifestation.

 There are Angels created to address every human problem. Still today there is little human recognition of how much the Blessings of Nature come about through the Love poured out by Angels to the Beings who create for mankind the Blessings in the Powers of Nature.

(LJC) Following that thought, Beloved Michael has said that the Love we give to our Presence, the Love we give to the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements, the Love we give to any part of Life that is reaching for something higher, that Love we give of our Life is Light, our Christ Light; and that Light, freely given to Life becomes the Sacred Fire of our Mastery. Is that not a wonderful thought?

 And along that line of thinking there is this to consider... Beloved Michael tells us that without the willing and conscious free Gift of our Light, of our Love, mankind has little hope of crawling out of the hole it has dug for itself!

It is plain to see that our daily Work is to strive to produce Harmony, Purity and Perfection in our sphere of human action. Our love and concern for our fellow man, in big and small ways, opens the Door which with the Help of our Angels, swings wide open and through that 'open door' pours the Christ Essence so needed on the Earth Plane.

Let us then open many doors. Our Blessed Angelic Partners, using every Power at Their Command, will expand and send forth that Love to those struggling Souls on Earth....and some of them need much help!

Many years ago, Beloved Saint Germain advised me 'never to tire of doing good'! I thought that was a good and noble idea I know why!

Lois J Crawford





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