Behold the Flame of Love I have placed in every Heart that Believes in Me Know This Flame is yours to use in all you do in your daily affairs. Know It keeps you close to Me and protects you. In this time of Planetary stress Accept My Love as your Shield, protecting you from the darkness in which many of humanity are now caught.
and the Year 2004 is about to begin I offer you these thoughts. Two thousand years ago there were those of you, embodied at that time, who beheld the Star signaling My Arrival on Earth. That Star that shone so brilliantly 'in the East' was the Star, the Light, the Christ Light of My Own Greater I AM Being. Now in this 'Christmas' time of year when your thoughts turn to Me, I ask each one of you who have Believed in Me, who have served at My Side for longer than you can even imagine, I ask you now to become a Star.... a Bright Star of Christness that will shine in the Heavens and become a Beacon on Earth to all who seek their own Christ Identity. There are many of you who are taking that step of the 'Initiation of the Resurrection' in 2004... you are experiencing the Process that expands and raises the Vibration within every cell of your Earth Self and in all the Energy that surrounds you, you are readying yourselves, Body and Soul, to become One with your own Cosmic I AM Christ Self....Enabling yourselves to draw onto the Earth Plane, the Energy of Christness. This is the only Solution to all godlessness that imperils the People and Planet at this time. This is the meaning of the Second Coming. It was my 'Assignment' to come first to show you that this could be done within the embodied state. It was the Responsibility of My Ministry to bring in the next Wave of Christ Light two thousand years ago. Now we are at the end of that Piscean Cycle, a two thousand year period during which My Teaching was to bear Fruit. Now today, you who are my Disciples and Students of My Teaching are become The New Ministry, the New Channels through which Cosmic Christ Light manifests as the Second Powerful Wave of My Love to the World. Each of you who understand my Words bears the same burden of Responsibility in this Incoming Cycle that I bore two thousand years ago. Thus, I come to you at this time of year when your thoughts are turned to Me, when you are expanding Christness within yourselves, I say to you, 'Now is the Time to Go forth and expand The Star of your own Beingness. Become the Gift of Christ Love to the World.
The Ascended 'Jesus', the Christ
LJC December 2003
'Oh, My Beloved I AM Presence, Glorify Thou me with the Flame which Thou art. With all the Glory of the Great Central Sun. With all the Victory of the Christ in Cosmic Action. Glorify thou me with all the Love from the Heart of Creation, that Its Blazing Flame may come forth and compel Christ Perfection everywhere.'
LJC 2003