You are the Freeing Sacred Fire of your 'I AM' Presence everywhere you move in the physical world. Your obligation is to help your Mighty Saint Germain in His Gigantic Task of cleansing the Earth and removing from mankind the impurities that have been the limitations of centuries. Then truly will you be the Ambassadors of Freedom and the Fire of the Cosmic Christ in the physical world to fulfill the Divine Plan and bring Victory where failure has been. Everything in the physical world will be compelled to change at your Conscious Command as you DEMAND ALL THE POWERS OF THE SACRED FIRE to come into yourselves and blaze into your outer use that which compels the Divine Plan's Physical Activity for the Freedom of all. The Sacred Fire must be commanded to lift the Earth, by the Authority of the Sacred Fire of your own 'I AM' Presence, by the Authority of the Ascended Host and of the Cosmic Beings Who are the Rulers of Destiny. You may raise hourly and daily, by your own Greater Use of the Powers of the Sacred Fire called into yourselves and sent out through yourselves, by your conscious Desire and by your Call to your 'I AM' Presence in My Name (or in the Name of any Ascended One). Thus, will I give That Which I have promised through the ages. When I said: 'I AM THE OPEN DOOR THAT NO MAN CAN SHUT' I meant just that, because through this Knowledge you can reach through that Open Door into your Higher Mental (Christ) Body and ask for what you will. Ask your Holy Christ Self to give you the Outer Power to assist your loved ones to be Free, to give the Strength to the people in your Nation to arise and hold the Freedom God has given as the Divine Heritage for all Generations to come Demand the Purification of the outer self, the Protection and Obedience of the outer self to the point where it is strong enough to reach into Our (Ascended) Octave and receive These Greater Gifts and Powers in order to accomplish greater things in the physical world. So do not hesitate to call forth Our Ascended Master Powers of the Cosmic and Sacred Fire, which will bring into your physical use many wonderful Blessings. But first you need to clear away the impure conditions in the physical, the mental and feeling world, yours and that of others, which might give you much to handle through jealousy and opposition. You will never have to handle it if you call forth THE COSMIC FIRE FROM THE ASCENDED OCTAVE TO PREVENT ALL OPPOSITION TO YOUR USE OF THESE SACRED POWERS. Many have sometimes felt a Light-headedness and a Light-feeling in the whole body. That 'Light' is Our Radiation of Greater Light into your flesh structure, anchoring Our Ascended Master Light-Substance into the brain structure, into the mental and feeling world, to give you Our Sense of Lightness or Greater Constructive Power. This heals the body and goes out into your affairs to bring Greater Freedom and Protection. When you draw enough Light into the body It not only harmonizes and heals the flesh body, but It automatically releases Greater Powers through the outer self in a PERFECTLY NATURAL WAY. As you draw forth These Greater Gifts, Blessings and Powers of your 'I AM' Presence, the physical self is strengthened against the destructive forces of the outer world, as it also becomes the Strength and Encouragement to others, not just for your enjoyment but for the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan which FREES the Nation from the warring conditions of the world You are entering in now, to the Use of the Greater Powers of your own Life Streams and Those Greater Powers are the Activities of the Sacred Fire, which at all times is the Controlling Authority and Directing Intelligence that governs all outer or what you call physical conditions. You have to govern those conditions, purify and control them, by the Power of the Sacred Fire. So you are going to have to turn to your 'I AM' Presence and in Our Name ask for all the Powers of the Sacred Fire you need, to make conditions in the physical world Divine, by the Sacred Fire which is ALL DIVINITY. As you move forward in the Use of These Greater Powers of Life, you yourselves become a Greater Expansion of That Sacred Fire through your own Heart's Flame. Through the expanding Powers of the mind, which is flooded with the Sacred Fire from the All-Knowing-Mind of your Higher Mental (Christ) Bodies. Thus the Power of the outer self becomes more of the Power of the Sacred Fire. It must be so! That is why at Pentecost, when the Lord, the Maha Chohan sent down the Assistance to the Disciples, who were to carry on and use These Greater Powers which We had explained to them, there had to be Tongues of Flame come from the Lord Maha Chohan, directly into the brain structure of those who were to stand against the destructive forces of the outer world. You are privileged, with this Conscious Understanding which 'I AM' giving you, to quietly visualize coming into your own brain structure, Those Greater Activities of the Sacred Fire which the Beloved Lord, the Maha Chohan bestows. HE IS THE AUTHORITY AND THE PRESENCE WHICH PROJECTS THAT FLAME INTO THE BRAIN STRUCTURE OF THOSE IN THIS WORLD. I received It from Him at the moment of baptism and the Disciples received It from Him, just before they were to go to the outer world. It is the Gift of the Greater Powers of the Sacred Fire which enables the outer self to be FREE from many limitations. It is the release of the Fire Element necessary to consume (all negativity) within one's human (energy) and to give Greater Strength to the physical self of others to help set each Life Stream Free.
The Ascended 'Jesus', the Christ
The Messenger: Beloved Edna Ballard Excerpts from 'Jesus' Message 13 June 1948 'Voice' Every day we say: 'Oh, My Beloved I AM Presence, Glorify Thou me with the Flame which Thou art. With all the Glory of the Great Central Sun. With all the Victory of the Christ in Cosmic Action. Glorify thou me with all the Love from the Heart of Creation, that Its Blazing Flame may come forth and compel Perfection everywhere.'
Ahora en Español Traducido por:
EL BIEN AMADO JESÚS Lección 13 of 15
El Bien Amado Ser Que Conocemos como el ‘Maestro Jesús’ Ascensionado
Poderes del Fuego Sagrado
Bien Amados,
Ustedes son la Liberación del Fuego Sagrado de su Presencia 'I AM' en todas partes donde se mueven en el mundo físico. Su obligación es ayudar a su Poderoso Saint Germain en su Enorme Tarea de limpieza de la Tierra y de eliminar de la humanidad las impurezas que han sido las limitaciones de los siglos.
El Fuego Sagrado debe ser ordenado para elevar la Tierra, por la Autoridad del Fuego Sagrado de su propia Presencia 'I AM', por la Autoridad de la Hueste Ascensionada y de los Seres Cósmicos Quiénes son los Gobernantes del Destino.
Quiero decir simplemente eso, porque a través de este
Conocimiento se puede llegar a través de esa
Puerta Abierta a su Cuerpo Mental Superior (Cristo) y
pedir lo que quieran.
la Protección y la Obediencia del yo exterior,
Muchos han sentido una Luz en la cabeza y una sensación de Luz en todo el cuerpo. Esa ‘Luz', es Nuestra Gran Radiación de la Luz en la estructura de su carne, anclando Nuestra Sustancia Luz de Maestro Ascensionado en la estructura cerebral, en el mundo mental y de los sentimientos, para darles nuestro sentido de la Luminosidad y Gran Poder Constructivo. Esto sana el cuerpo y va a sus asuntos para lograr una Mayor Libertad y Protección.
Mientras ustedes liberan estos Grandes Regalos, Bendiciones y Poderes de su Presencia 'I AM', el ser físico se fortalece la contra las fuerzas destructivas del mundo exterior, ya que también se convierte en la Fuerza y Aliento para otros, no sólo para su disfrute sino para el Cumplimiento del Plan Divino que LIBERA a la Nación de las beligerantes condiciones del mundo.
Tienes que gobernar esas condiciones, purificarlas y controlarlas, por el Poder del Fuego Sagrado. Así que van a tener que volverse a su Presencia 'I AM' y en Nuestro Nombre pedir por todos los Poderes del Fuego Sagrado que necesitan, para que las condiciones en el mundo físico sean Divinas, por el Fuego Sagrado que es TODO DIVINIDAD.
Es por ello que en Pentecostés, cuando Maha Chohan envió su Asistencia a los Discípulos, que iban a llevar y utilizar estos Grandes Poderes que habíamos explicado a ellos, tenían que venir Lenguas de Fuego de Maha Chohan, directamente en la estructura cerebral de aquellos que se pondrían de pie contra las fuerzas destructivas del mundo exterior.
Ustedes son privilegiados, con este Entendimiento Consciente de que I AM dando a ustedes, para calmadamente visualizar en su propia estructura cerebral, Aquellas Grandes Actividades del Fuego Sagrado que el Bien Amado Maha Chohan otorga.
Es la liberación del Elemento Fuego necesario para consumir (toda la negatividad) dentro del ser humano (energía) y de dar una Gran Fuerza al ser físico de otros para ayudar a cada Corriente de Vida a ser Libre.
Jesús’ Cristo Ascensionado’
La Mensajera: Bien amada Edna Ballard Extractos del Mensaje 13 Junio 1948
Digan todos los días: y obligar a la Perfección en todo el mundo’.
Lois J Crawford 2003-2009