I am offering you the Feeling of Love in My Heart. This is to make you experience the Help, Experience and Perfection I want you to have. The Flame of Life in My Heart is the Cosmic Christ Victorious Power from the Great Central Sun. As I make you ONE with that Flame through My Radiation, there comes (for you) a Greater Raising into that Christ Consciousness. I ask you to call Ascended Master Feeling into yourselves. Whether that Feeling be from Myself or Others, matters not, except that Each Master has a Particular Keynote, which is that One's Principle Characteristic. You have struggled many times to hold control of yourselves and to use the Violet Consuming Flame. Then once in awhile, you 'fall off your perch,' as you say. Well, if you will let Our Feeling surge into you and DEMAND Our Control of the energy of the outer self.....every bit of energy....and JUST DEMAND ASCENDED MASTER FEELING CONTROL ALL THE ENERGY OF THE OUTER SELF This means everything in the atomic structure, the mental and feeling world and even the atmosphere about you. For the radiance of your feeling world goes forth for some distance around the physical body. If you will INSIST that all the Energy of the physical body, be charged with Ascended Master Feeling before you go to sleep at night, then when you awaken in the morning and many time a day, We will charge that Feeling into you, to give you Greater Freedom and to release many of the Conditions which need to come quickly into outer physical manifestation. Turn to your I AM Presence (and to your Holy Christ Self) and say: BELOVED I AM PRESENCE QUALIFY ETERNALLY ALL THE ENERGY OF MY OUTER SELF WITH THE ASCENDED MASTERS' FEELING. (It is important that you understand) until you give all outer Authority to your I AM Presence and (permission) to Us to qualify ALL THE ENERGY in your world with Our Ascended Feeling, your (human) feeling does not change. When you realize that Life is One, then the moment you place your attention upon some Great Quality or Power Which produces Great Perfection, your Life is immediately One with that Greater Power of Perfection. When you make this Call (to your I AM Presence and to Us) do the best you can to to hold the outer feeling still until the Call can be answered. Your Presence (is always) charging you with Its Feeling of Perfection, but you having Free Will can change that if your attention goes to something destructive. But when you DEMAND of your Presence that all the Energy in your Being and world be charged FOREVER with the Ascended Master's Feeling, then your Higher Mental Body (Christ Self) calls to Us and We flash the Flame in and around you and hold It there until your Ascension If you will make preparation for this at night before you go to sleep then in the morning when you awaken, charge It again, and again in the middle of the day. It will be like a Heartbeat. The Pulsations of Increasing Power of Our Feeling will come into you three times a day, just like a Great Cosmic Heartbeat. That will begin to exert Its Mastery, Its Full Dominion in the Energy of the outer (human) self and the atmosphere about you! Then many delightful things will come to you, which will be a Joy for all Eternity.
The Ascended 'Jesus', the Christ
The Messenger: Beloved Edna Ballard Excerpts from 'Jesus' Message 14 June 1948 'Voice' Every day we say: 'Oh, My Beloved I AM Presence, Glorify Thou me with the Flame which Thou art. With all the Glory of the Great Central Sun. With all the Victory of the Christ in Cosmic Action. Glorify thou me with all the Love from the Heart of Creation, that Its Blazing Flame may come forth and compel Perfection everywhere.'
Ahora en Español Traducido por:
EL BIEN AMADO JESÚS Lección 14 of 15
El Bien Amado Ser Que Conocemos como el ‘Maestro Jesús’ Ascensionado hablando de
El Sentimiento de Maestro Ascensionado
Bien Amados,
Estoy ofreciéndoles el Sentimiento de Amor en Mi Corazón. Esto es para que ustedes puedan experimentar la Ayuda, Experiencia y Perfección que quiero que ustedes tengan. La Llama de Vida en mi Corazón es el Poder del Cristo Cósmico Victorioso del Gran Sol Central. Mientras los hago a ustedes UNO con esa Llama que a través de Mi Radiación, viene (para ustedes) una Mayor Elevación en esta Conciencia del Cristo.
Ustedes han luchado muchas veces para mantener el control de ustedes mismos y utilizar la Llama Violeta Consumidora. Luego, de vez en cuando, ‘se les cae la perca’, como ustedes dicen. Bueno, si quieren dejar que Nuestro Sentimiento aumente en ustedes, y PIDAN Nuestro control de la energía del yo exterior....cada pedacito de la energía y....
Si ustedes INSISTEN en que toda la energía del cuerpo físico, sea cargada con el Sentimiento de Maestro Ascensionado antes de ir a dormir por la noche, entonces cuando usted despierten en la mañana, y muchas veces en un día, Nosotros cargaremos ese Sentimiento en ustedes, para darles que una Mayor Libertad y liberar a muchas de las Condiciones que necesitan para entrar rápidamente en la manifestación física exterior.
CON EL SENTIMIENTO DE MAESTRO ASCENSIONADO. (Es importante que ustedes entiendan) hasta que den toda la Autoridad exterior a su Presencia I AM y (permiso) a Nosotros para calificar TODA LA ENERGÍA en su mundo con nuestro Sentimiento Ascensionado,
Sin embargo, cuando ustedes PIDEN a su Presencia que toda la Energía en su Ser y del mundo sea cargada PARA SIEMPRE con el Sentimiento de Maestro Ascensionado, entonces, su Cuerpo Mental Superior (Cristo) nos llama y Nosotros hacemos resplandecer la Llama en y alrededor de ustedes y mantenerla hasta su Ascensión.
Jesús’ Cristo Ascensionado’ La Mensajera: Bien amada Edna Ballard Extractos del Mensaje 14 Junio 1948
Digan todos los días: y obligar a la Perfección en todo el mundo’.
Mensajera: Bien Amada Edna Ballard
Lois J Crawford 2003-2009