Become a Sacred Fire Catalyst


 Many years ago I heard Beloved Quan Yin

speak through Mr. Guy W. Ballard.

Of importance to each one of us personally that day was the Information

 that She was able to not only activate our Spiritual Awareness and Consciousness

 but that She could maintain It for us forever (if we wished).

I was ten years old at the time....

and those words never left my mind....

they are engraved in Fire...in Sacred Fire....somewhere in my brain.

Thus, through the years I have maintained a 'relationship', a 'closeness' with Her. From time to time, as They flow into my mind I pause to record Her Thoughts. This past week as I have been recuperating from some ailment and while resting, there was uninterrupted time to 'listen' to the Thoughts I perceived coming from this Magnificent Friend of mankind. I share them now with all who love Her.


 Beloved Quan Yin


May 25, 2007....Beloved Friend of the Ages,

 Greetings. Thank you for giving Me your attention.

But before we begin may I take a moment first to ask for Overwhelming Oceans of God's Beneficent Blessings to enfold you to speed your physical healing. 

Now....there is much to say at this time.

First. (speaking to LJC). Have you realized that you are one of only a handful of people who were in the Auditorium that warm August day in 1937 in Oakland, California, to hear my first Words spoken through our Beloved Guy Ballard regarding Our Concern about America.

At that time, from my Home in another part of the Galaxy, I was monitoring the great effort and progress being made by the Hierarchy, directed by Beloved Saint Germain and implemented by his 'I AM' students, who were engaged in awakening humanity to the great perils faced by mankind at that time (1930s through 1940s)....perils continuing into this time.

I was also acutely aware of the pressure being endured by His Messengers, Guy and Edna Ballard. Through their own God Presence they often called to me and asked for my Enfolding Love and Help. 

At that time, Guy Ballard, now our Beloved Godfre, Ascended was beginning to swim against a rising tide of vicious criticism. Lies were being told and accusations being made regarding the credibility of his Teaching about the Ascended Masters. Questions were being raised about the legality of certain activities of the students regarding....as you know...using the U. S. postal service to send the magazine, 'The Voice of the 'I AM' and other information to the students....

As well, Guy Ballard was constantly pressured by the rising and unrealistic expectations of many of the student body....expectations beyond his control....and humanly he was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the burden of the Messenger-ship that We had placed upon him and upon Edna and Donald Ballard. They had not realized what their willingness to serve as 'Bringers of Expanded Truth' would entail or where it would lead them when they accepted the Messenger Role. Beloved Guy didn't know the toll the effort would exert upon his physical body.

Let me take you back to the early 1930s world-wide....today many people have no grasp of the history of that period....at the time most people did not realize the destructive political and social unrest that was being fomented in Europe and Asia....as well did not perceive the gathering political storm within the United States. Citizens, then as now, were caught up in the confusion of the times and consequently failed to realize what was happening economically and politically.

Sadly many were ignorant of or turned their backs on the inherent danger posed to the American Republic by the socialistic direction government took to address the economic problems of that time. Unfortunately from the beginning of the country, there has been general public ignorance regarding a Constitutional government that guaranteed the Freedom of the individual...a Concept of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness through Freedom from control....from control of society or church or state ....systems that existed world wide at that time....and with the exception of the United States of America continue to exist to some degree world wide.

 Few realized then or realize now that 'Freedom of the individual' as written into the Constitution was then a new governing Concept....few really understood the idea of citizens maintaining law and order for themselves by adhering to a few simple rules that would be binding on all the people, as decided upon by the people.

However, the economic needs of many people in America in the 1930s was beyond what people of that time could imagine or deal with.....how could they understand or deal with the 'manufactured economic destruction of society' which is what the so-called 'Great Depression' was. Add to that, try to explain to the 'unawakened citizenry' what the marching of the 'hordes of evil' across the face of Europe and Asia could mean to their lives and for those who did understand, what could be done about it....constructive people have had to stand by and watch as millions of lives were being destroyed and Life desecrated wherever that 'evil' passed by....or enter into the destruction through wars as the American people have been 'forced' to do, either by their leaders or by circumstances. 

And finally how were We to convince the sleeping citizenry that America was then and is now one of the targets of that 'evil'....'evil' that has many tentacles....is ages old....is called by many names....takes many forms....'evil' whose sole purpose is always to enslave the Soul or delay or prevent its evolution....'evil' whose purpose is furthered by enslaving, destroying or where possible preventing the birth of the human vehicle....the true purpose of abortion.

 And from Our Side, We see all of this....We see where and when there is not enough understanding, not enough Enlightenment (Light) within the people in any country to hold back those hordes of 'evil' that are still today fully engaged within the military regimes of many countries....fully engaged within the political and economic structure of most countries including the United States of America.

 We, on Our Side, are always fully engaged in furthering the Development and Evolution of God's Divine Plan. Therefore in the 1930s We saw that all of Saint Germain's work of the Ages to free Life from the destructive mechanisms of 'evil' might again be lost if something more were not done to help Him awaken enough Souls to the encroaching danger, not only to themselves, but also to the destruction of the Constitutional Method of Governing that He had helped to create in America...a Method of Laws that guaranteed the individual the chance to be all one could be....and finally the chance to reach for Spiritual Ascendancy.

 And so you can see that the Success of Beloved Saint Germain's 'I AM' Activity was of Cosmic Importance to the Hierarchy Which up to that time had been able to offer only a certain amount of assistance to the Spiritually inclined people of Earth. We had been doing all We were allowed to do...but as the atmosphere of the Planet darkened again, We had watched anxiously as We saw the danger....We knew some powerful action was needed ...and We were encouraged when one day Beloved Saint Germain presented to Us a Plan which entailed Our Help while describing certain Spiritually evolved individuals who (He felt) were strong enough and would be willing to Help Him when He explained to them what was happening on Earth....and when He asked for their help in bringing Spiritual Awakening to a new level.

Guy and Edna Ballard didn't hesitate when asked to help. And so began their intensive training which included a major step-up in their Energy which was necessary if they were to have the 'Power' to carry out the Master's Cosmic Project. They had much to learn and much to endure.

And so Beloved Saint Germain has told you how He found these two people....how He saw their Spiritual Development....and how He went to them asking for their participation in implementing his Plans in attempting to awaken the people to the necessity of calling forth Great Cosmic Light...enough Cosmic Christ Light to hold back the 'evil' that was poised to take over the Earth....including the United States of America. You have been told how when Guy and Edna Ballard felt ready to begin teaching, the first order of business was to find ways to describe the New Concepts ...how they had to learn to verbalize the Purpose and explain the Reasons for giving such highly Metaphysical Concepts to the people of that time.

The Ballards were asked to put into simple words Spiritual Instruction previously only taught in Master Retreats. They had to be able to convince Spiritually Awakening America why it was so necessary for individuals to know about their 'I AM' Presence....why it was so important to give Violet Flame decrees....why it was important to know many Esoteric Truths....why all must someday learn to call forth and expand the many here-to-fore unknown Activities of Universal Light.

Many of those individuals first attracted to the Messengers had had some Inner Understanding. They formed a base. They came, they listened and then with whole heart, immediately gave their lives to serve Beloved Saint Germain. Your family was in that group.

Some were drawn to the Activity for a time and then left....some came to learn what they could to use for their own personal purposes never understanding the idea of 'Service before Self', as you say....somehow, Beloved Friend, many then and still today do not understand Service....many refuse to believe how serious the problems of the whole Planet are.

Guy and Edna Ballard held classes, large and small....day in and day out for over three years. The focus was on the Spiritual Concept of the existence of each one's own Great 'I AM' Presence....of each one's own Higher Christ Self....and in learning how to call to that Higher Presence (God) in a new Way....instead of simple prayers, people would now be giving dynamic decrees...decreeing in the Name of each ones own 'I Am' Presence, individually but also as groups speaking as One Voice, calling to God, the Beloved 'I Am' Presence in the Great Central Sun and to All the Great Beings and Powers of Light within the Universe, asking for, decreeing for whatever Powerful Cosmic Activities could be blazed forth to this Planet to produce enough Sacred Fire Christ Light to do the Cosmic Work that needed then and needs now to be done.

Let Me be very clear.....on a plane surrounding the Planet there exists a powerful non-God

 force....let Me just call it what it is....it is an anti-Christ force whose whole purpose

 is to destroy Freedom wherever it exists.

 The goal?  This 'evil' has decreed that God's People are never to be free.

Thus from the beginning in America this anti-Christ force has worked and is working against the Constitution of the United States of America....against Freedom....and when that force failed to stop the adoption of the Constitution, it assumed many guises and has never ceased striving to undermine Freedom whenever it takes root. In the United States the plan is to slowly undermine and gradually destroy the power of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, documents meant to give Constructive Direction to the American people. Finally this godlessness uses every means to 'dumb down the people', to use one of your expressions....and to deceive the people with the intent to destroy Saint Germain's Plan for the establishment of 'Freedom of the individual' in America, thence throughout the world.

And so We, the Ascended Hierarchy continue to come to those of you who have some perspective about both the problems and the Spiritual Process needed to solve the problems shared by people and Planet....problems which can only be solved through each individual's effort, Body and Soul...to use your description of man and God working together on Earth.

I leave you with those thoughts of the moment....

asking you to continue to share your Understanding of the Intention of the Higher Minds regarding the Purpose and Need for establishing a country dedicated to Freedom of the individual on the Planet....

Be our Sacred Fire Catalyst

Ever enfolded in My Love.

'I AM' Quan Yin....


As received by  

Lois J Crawford

May 2007


February 2009

Almost two years have flown by since I wrote the words above. In that time much has happened in my life, in the life of my country and in the life of the people of this Planet. For whatever reason I never got around to uploading the Conversation above....and in the past few days as I was editing some 'Quan Yin' WebPages, I was contacted by Her again and was asked to add further very important and timely Information and send it all forth to the world.


Beloved Quan Yin....

speaking to Lois Crawford on the subject of


February 17, 2009 ....  Beloved Friend, 'I Am' Come to expand another Mighty Cosmic Wave of Divine Mercy and Justice over the Planet...to be a shield against the anti-Christ energy that is flooding in and continuing to lead the people of the Earth astray....'I AM' Here to protect and direct constructive Lifestreams away from misinformation...away from the lies of the anti-Christ mind control always at work on this Planet....away from the efforts of non-god forces whose sole purpose is to sidetrack Souls Who have come to be a part of the great Shift of the Ages (as some are calling it). I will tell you that The 'Shift' in Energy is real.

Thus I come to continue to talk about the Christ Effort that many of you and Many of the Hierarchy have been making for oh, so many centuries to free this Planet of evil...asking you, my Friend, to record My further thoughts; first, regarding the Messengers, Guy and Edna Ballard and then the Purpose for which They were sent forth in the early part of the last century (1930s). This all has a bearing on where humanity is now in terms of withstanding the tide of impurity that must be addressed at this time. 

 So to review: This is for those who are not aware of certain facts....for those who do not know that the Ballards were very special Lifestreams who were charged with the responsibility to Inform humanity of the immediate need for individuals to comprehend the danger posed to the world and particularly to the United States of America by the onslaught of 'anti-Christ forces' that were then (1930) and are now determined to destroy the emerging Master Message of Freedom throughout the world.

There continues to be doubt about some of the statements made by Guy and Edna Ballard regarding the seriousness...the dangers....faced by humanity at this time. I'm sure you are aware that Our Messengers many times have to describe and interpret Messages regarding Cosmic Concepts that are often new to them ...Concepts offered by Us for the benefit of humanity at certain times. Every Messenger (including you) has had to step out in Faith and express his or her Spiritual Understanding of a Message...from the beginning of our Communications with you, you have been asked to trust...to have faith and to believe what We tell you...and not be 'faint of heart' when We then ask you to share Our Instruction with others. So it was....only more so.... for Guy and Edna Ballard.


Speaking now of 'Project Freedom'


We ask the world to believe that Our Beloved Colleague,

 known to you as the Master Saint Germain, was able, finally, to set in motion

the Ascended Hierarchy's Plan that was referred to as

 the 'Freedom For Mankind Project'.  Saint Germain chose a sparsely settled and relatively

 unspoiled land mass that became known as the United States of America.


 Years later when the country was threatened and the need arose

He found and trained Guy and Edna Ballard

and He asked them to go to the world with the Message that spoke of Personal Freedom and

 Spiritual Responsibility. They were to teach the people about their own 'I AM Presence' and

to introduce the Concept of and use of the Violet Consuming Flame.

Further they were to teach the people about the Divine Gift of Freedom of the individual as it was embodied in the Constitution of the United States of America....truly a Sacred Document meant to guide Spiritually minded people.

 They were also to warn people against ever allowing government control (in this case, socialism) to encroach into their lives....people needed then and need now to know that gradual steps in socialism are the road to total oppression, ie. to slavery....to the loss of Freedom that is today called Communism, which is the political scourge that was then about to devour the resources and eventually destroy millions of lives in a great war in Europe and later occupation of many countries. The Hierarchy hoped, that if warned, the people of the United States could avoid being contaminated with that destructive, negative energy...and would escape falling into that trap.

Sadly then and now, people world wide including in the United States were not concerned about the threat of totalitarianism and did nothing to stop it ....and so great wars had to be fought...And most people, world wide, continued to let the Message of Freedom pass them by....and thus today, Freedom of the individual, a shining Spiritual Concept, did not take root on Earth in the Way the Hierarchy hoped for....and that Constitutional Freedom of the Individual....the Law of the Land only in the United State...until just a few years ago ...and now exists only in the memory of the older generations, being unknown today to the younger ones.

Please allow Me to point out....if the 'I AM" students world wide had stood together after Guy Ballard's 'death' and had continued to issue the Powerful Fiats for Forgiveness, Purification and Freedom for America and the world, then a Certain, Great Cosmic Authority and Activity of Light could have been activated and would have begun to slowly descend and enfold all Life.

And today 'Freedom' as the Masters envisioned it

 would be the normal way of living for the civilized part of the Planet...and only those whose Life Energy spoke of Freedom would now be allowed to embody here....and the world-wide destructive behavior of the past seventy years would have been impossible...because where there is Light there can be no darkness.

Sadly the majority of mankind has followed the road to the left....leaving the entire world  open to very destructive political and economic situations....all created by very destructive and evil human behavior world wide. What the people of the Planet are facing today is  the continuing march of the anti-Christ energy across the face of the Earth. And it could have been prevented....it didn't need to happen....if only the people had applied the Master Teaching. It could have been stopped!

It is the same anti-Christ energy that distorted the Message of the Christ two thousand years ago at which time many people were given the same Truths. If enough of those wielding the power in government and citizens capable of understanding had heeded the Christ Information and warnings given then....Information meant for the use of all the people during the next two thousand years, so much could have been avoided. And the people would not be in the situation where today they must now deal, face to face, with this remaining and enormous force of godless evil.

 Again the time for choosing is here...and evil must be dealt with this time on a one on one basis....by each individual, Body and Soul...this is personal Armageddon....this is the time of the end of the old human order....and let those who doubt this, at least prepare to survive.   

 Again to repeat what many of you know....During several hundred years the Hierarchy has worked long and hard to bring into focus not only the Reality of the Ascended Ones and Their Efforts to serve humanity but also to describe certain Cosmic Activities established for purely humanitarian purposes. This past one hundred years We have been asking humanity to trust Us and to work with Us...to believe in Us....We have said it in many ways....each one's personal futures may depend upon it.

Evolutionary Planetary Activity has reached a point of no return....energy is at a tipping point....a boiling point....there is little time left for sleeping mankind to 'awaken' and make some changes in their current 'belief systems'....Spiritually and humanly. The survival of modern civilizations now depends on the people themselves. What will they choose. We wait to see.

We, in the Master Octaves, have always done all in Our Power to find individuals whose minds are open to Spiritual Information which We, at Our Level, are charged with giving to mankind. Having identified these 'Friends of God', We go to them and speak to them and ask for their cooperation. When they respond in the affirmative We begin training them as Messengers. Today We are teaching many to speak the Message of the need of the people to call forth and implement certain very important Cosmic Activities vital to the safety and stability of both Souls and Planet at this time.

We have placed at mankind's fingertips, so to speak, Spiritual Information that stresses the need to embrace the Cosmic Concept of God-Freedom. Now We wait to see if humanity wants that kind of Freedom! And to see if those who want it, are willing to work for it ....to fight for it.

Today (2009) the most powerful tool for 'fighting for the preservation of God-Freedom in

 the United States...and throughout the world....is the increase in

Calls and Prayers to God Almighty in the name of the Christ Self of each one

asking for the Descent of Powerful Cosmic Christ Light from Heavenly Places,

asking for that Christness...that Holy  Compassionate Light... to enfold the entire Earth....

Please, remember to ask.

Always....always Ask!

For you must ask if you are to receive.

Today this is the only way left to save the Freedom of the Individual as it has been established in the United States of America...this was a Master Effort that has been, as you chess players say....the 'opening gambit'....in the Hope that the Cosmic Game of 'Freeing Humanity' will be allowed to expand outward, moving from America to finally cover the entire Planet.

 Freedom is God's Desire for His Creation

And serving 'God-Desire' is the responsibility of all Life....

it is the Sacred Work and the Goal of the Soul.

Serving the Desire of Almighty God brings Joy to the Heart of every Ascended Master and Angel. All They do They do with the Greatest Love and Joy....using every channel available to explain and demonstrate Mighty Cosmic Truths...speaking in terms simple enough for the human mind to understand so that humanity may begin to use those Truths as individuals interface and become one with their Soul Partners.

Now, I must speak of the unfortunate and unnecessary economic and political situation facing the United States. I know that you (LJC) are greatly concerned. If time permitted I would like to tell you of the countless times over the centuries, how in partnership with Others, I have worked to save countries, to save the populace from unscrupulous political and dogmatic lifestreams that time after time have raped and pillaged and destroyed what had been or might have been successful societies. It is no secret to anyone who studies the current situation to see anti-Christ energy at work....to see how it has infiltrated every area in every society....always finding the simple minded or the more sophisticated atheist ready to do its biding. There are people, who seeing 'evil' already at work, join in and amplify it, expressing human egotism and arrogance and godlessness. Yes, if one has 'eyes to see' it is easy to recognize 'evil', ready and determined to target people....any people....many people....never happier than when people's lives are left in financial and social disarray...or when a country is completely destroyed. Your history is the record of what I tell you.

 Societies do not fall apart by themselves. Economic systems to do not fall apart or implode by chance or without help....no, there are forces in the Universe that join with lifestreams that embody time and again deliberately choosing destruction through the power they have personally generated or inherited, loving the power of laws that they can write to control others....enjoying any unlawful, immoral behavior.

Turning now to the United States: In the past few years, arrogant men and woman have gotten control of that government...and are well on their way to destroying a Constitutional Republic. Powerful and truly evil people and institutions have gained an upper hand in politics there as well as in the national and international banking and economic realms....and one step at a time, while the people are sleeping or just don't care.... irreparable damage may have been done to the country.....and to the Laws of the Land....to the Constitution.

Meanwhile We have had to stand by and watch this destruction of Beloved Saint Germain's Country of His Heart. We have had to watch Constitutional illegalities and/or deliberate or unconscionable societal immorality in one or more of its many forms. We have had to watch it at work in business and government, in churches and homes. We have had to watch it 'change' the country, creating chaos and ugliness....shutting out the Light....denying God a place in the life of the American people.

No longer can We say that America is the Land of the Free...

for now We see a socialist government, a socialist America,

one that has slowly turned free men and women into wards of the state.

God forgive the blind arrogant and ignorant human nature.

 Now We come to the 'straw'....that which may break the back of what remains of free America.... but also finally rid the world of the evil ones responsible for the destruction. In the United States in the recent election over 50 % of voters freely cast their votes for the new socialistic administration. Even as I speak to you, (Feb. 17, 2009) the leader of that administration, the new president, is signing into Law a very destructive and mis-named economic Stimulus bill ....a government spending bill that is intended, by those responsible for the legislation, to bankrupt the country and has the potential to finally destroy the integrity as well as any semblance of personal or individual Freedom in the United States of America.

But you ask....How did this happen?

 You (LJC) and many others have always sensed that there are 'controllers' at work in the world. You are correct....on the top rungs of the social, political, church and economic ladder there have always been 'controllers' of mankind. They work individually in their businesses or in the governments or organized churches of their countries but today, their dreams of control have become even grander. Small elite groups of financiers and top leaders of various countries have bonded together to decide the economic future of the people of the 'one world government' that they are slowly creating.

 At the top of the elite ladder today are some of the same unconscionable ones I have had to deal with century after century....they are those who have been responsible for all wars and destruction. They are the past leaders of countries, ancient and modern and of major church activities for thousands of years....they are those that have controlled humanity for ages...always at the forefront of all racial divisiveness. They hate mankind and worse than that, they hate God.

During this present economic cycle the elite few have worked from within every government, designing and using a type of capitalistic system for the creating and transferring of wealth....one they could control...one they turn on and turn off as they choose....one that brings unimaginable wealth to a few. These small groups of elite government and political figures...including the vastly rich and the elite in the church world, meet in exclusive settings, plan and manipulate the 'money systems' of the world and in the past fifty years have succeeded beyond their wildest imagining....


this time they do not win the game. Check mate!

The Cycle ends....the Energy shifts....and this time they, the elite, have overplayed their hand.... their interference in governments and personal greed has led to widespread banking failures and fraud in business...and through that and many other nefarious schemes, they have sowed the seeds of their own destruction....seeds that are sprouting. At this time they are caught in a net of their own making. Many do not yet realize this.

This time they are to personally experience the chaos they have created. The destruction of their banking empires and central banking 'credit' systems will soon manifest, and people will be shown the system for what it is....how it is a giant 'ponzi' scheme, to use one of your words... the people will see how they became foolish victims of that 'evil'...all the while within that chaos Divine Justice will be at work....working its way through the entire economic system...Divine Justice that will for all time to come put the 'controllers' of mankind out of action in any capacity.

When I chose to remain in Earth's Sphere instead of going into the Octaves of Light it was because I was determined to stay here to oversee the defeat of these truly evil ones, once and for all time becoming a Sacred Fire Catalyst...a Sacred Fire Champion of those who choose to walk the Pathway on Earth.

It is unfortunate that many will suffer as a world wide economic debacle unravels....but those who suffer most will have sown the seeds of that suffering...and We hope from that experience they will see the error of previous thinking and action and move on.

 It is also 'unfortunate' that in the last election fifty one per cent of voters threw away God's Gifts of Freedom and they also will reap the results. In America, it is time for people who were privileged to embody here or to emigrate here to wake up....to understand that Almighty God provided Freedom and a Path to Prosperity for all who are privileged to live here...and it is time that each one who lives in the United States of America is aware of the responsibility to honor and protect those Gifts.

So now, as all of that demonic energy works its way through the system, Purification is taking place, And We are always here to encourage and help those who are awake to their Christ Partners...and We Bless and commend all who willingly and lovingly 'bend the knee' and with glad heart, work with God on Earth.

Speaking to you (LJC)....You were young at the time when we began to publicly teach and warn the people of the need to 'awaken' to the perils to be faced throughout the coming one hundred years. We foresaw what was being planned by 'evil' for the Earth at this time and looked for those with whom We could work. Under Our Direction you have studied and now perceive well the political and economic debacle facing the world today...therefore as I speak warnings to the people of Earth, you know where of I speak....

You were there (in the beginning of the 'I AM' Activity) and have a personal knowledge of the Beloved Ballards and their transcendent efforts and you can understand the 'sadness' in the Heavens that the Souls on Earth still have not fully comprehended or implemented the Cosmic Lessons that they, among Many Great Messengers before them, came to teach, nor do many ever realize the magnitude and Spiritual complexity of the Task They undertake.

We never cease to pour out Our Gratitude to those modern brave Messengers and to all Other Beloved Ones Who were there to help them and to all who are today continuing to assist in moving the Message forward....for continuing to make it possible for Saint Germain's Plan of Freedom to succeed.

Thus I have come to you, asking you to record My Words...

allowing Me to say that which needs to be understood

and rarely has been stated fully before....

I am here to say in plain words....

that We, the Ascended Master and Angelic Hierarchy, laid a plan two thousand years ago intended to counteract evil and to protect the constructive people from the barbarism of that time. A very Holy and Beloved One of God came. He was thought by many to be a long awaited Messiah. He was a fully evolved Christ and He came to speak of Truth and Hope and had He been heeded much of the human tragedy, from the so-called Dark Ages until the present time, could have been avoided.

But We have never given up on our Plan to establish on this Planet a system of government of the people, by the people and for the people....one that unequivocally guarantees the Freedom of all the people....and when Our Beloved Brother Saint Germain Who had worked to that end for centuries, finally found enough people desiring and willing to fight for and win Freedom in the New World, it was deemed a great Victory....only to find two hundred and fifty years later that the Freedom so long dreamed of by Us was being destroyed by unconscionable human greed and chicanery and given away through human ignorance and arrogance...

And so we come to today.

We have witnessed half of the people of the nation dear to Saint Germain's Heart supporting un-American, unpatriotic, unimaginable socialistic actions by their government and by the national and international business community.

We will tell you this:

We know the identity, Body and Soul of all those responsible for the damage done to America, now and in the past. We know the identity of Americans and the foreign ones who sit in ivory towers denying God....yes, we know them....having had to watch them age after age sowing seeds of destruction for God's People....

(yes, We know who you are!)

And I tell you that this time they do not escape.

I tell you they will rue the day they harmed one hair on the head of one small child anywhere....harmed one mother or father anywhere....looked down on one patriotic citizen of the United States of America.

These evil ones shall suffer as they have caused others to suffer....all the others for whom they have only contempt. Everyone of God's children is precious to Us....

Be assured that Many of Us are here to assist our Beloved Brother Saint Germain

save Freedom for the people.....Freedom for America....Freedom for the world.

And We, the assisting Hierarchy will never abandon His Dream of Freedom for God's People.

I leave you with those Thoughts!

May all who read this become 'a Sacred Fire Catalyst'

Ever Blazing My Love to all Life everywhere

I AM Quan Yin

As received by 

Lois J Crawford




February 17, 2009...I have spoken previously how as a child I was drawn to Her Essence of Mercy and Compassion and ever since, consciously or unconsciously my efforts have been directed to helping to expand Her 'Essence of Mercy and Peace', assisting Her to Blaze It around every person, place and condition wherever there is a 'lack of Mercy....

Lack of Peace, lack of Mercy must cease on this Planet.

Our continued Faithing and Believing in Cosmic Mercy finally puts an 'end to human suffering',

Trust with me that if enough of us have Faith and Believe in Compassion and Mercy,

 together we will smother the fires of human suffering.

And always the Beloved Quan Yin will stand by our sides assisting us in every way possible.

 Today as I enter into these moments of communication with Her

 I ask my readers to join me as

We call to Her and we send our Love and Gratitude to Her for all Her Service throughout the ages and offer Her all we are and have to assist Her in Her Work, knowing She is helping to  end the suffering of mankind on this Planet.

 We will assist by consciously directing Her Violet Consuming Flame of Mercy throughout the Planet....commanding that everyone in the world be enfolded, Body and Soul, in Her Transcendent and Cosmic Violet Flaming Love, Mercy and Compassion.

Our Freedom depends on it....

She has our Love and Appreciation and full cooperation.

Lois J Crawford

February 2009


Pathways      The Lady  Quan Yin