Beloved Quan Yin

Statue in Kansas City

April 26, 2012

Quan Yin had been in my mind for several days....I often sense Her, shall we call it, 'Her Essence' around me in our home and lately had had the 'feeling' that She wanted to talk to the world through me....desiring to Bless the world with Her Powerful Violet Flame Healing Radiation...I felt she wanted to Comfort us and reassure us about the present unsettling world wide economic and terrorist situations faced by people everywhere today....and wanting us to know that what we face now is the continuing 'working out' of old dramas....all playing out within the evolving cyclic developments of our time. She had been giving me intuitive glimpses of the gradual evolution of Life on this planet, helping me understand what is being worked out here and what is to come as Cyclic events work out.

         Finally today Her Thoughts came to me,

Beloved Quan Yin....'We hear our students crying out to the Ascended Host, We hear you saying….'we see what is happening in the the world? Tell us, how do we turn this around so that what is good can evolve out of all the negativity we see at work in the world today....must the whole planet face chaos, world wide destruction in order to wipe the slate clean, not only of all that is ungodly, but will that destruction take with it all that is good? We think of the historical wipe-outs of civilizations of the past where nothing was left....

Beloved Ones, as you read of what appears to be the impending and slowly unfolding destruction of Quality of Life for many on this planet…as you read of what seems to be the inherent inequality of life of some others, when today you read of or see the cruelty and brutality, the deceit and corruption practiced by one group of people towards another and watch the atheism and betrayal of all that is Godly appear to be destroying common decency and morality among so called 'civilized humanity'....Beloved Friends, let Us assure you that what you see and what many are experiencing is the necessary and Cosmic 'Separating of the Wheat from the Chaff!

(you might wish to refer to this page....)

January 2012....Kuthumi: Divine Law

 Beloved Quan Yin continues:

Let me describe it this way....At the close of every cycle there comes this time, this period of what appears to be total confusion and anarchy the world over. What is happening is it to the turning of a page,,,,the next page where God’s people are being offered the choice and the opportunities to choose their next destination.... which will be determined by what they choose they choose the chaos or to develop their own Christ hood.

 From our perspective we are ready to help those who choose to go Godward....We, along with Legions of Angels and many unascended but very Evolved Souls are working to clear the Way and offer Inspiration and Information to those who are choosing to graduate/ascend from this earthly Dimension into the next Higher One for which they must prepare themselves.

Thus the Answer to what appears to many to be confusion on this planet is clear to We wait for the outcome of humanity's choices and wish so fervently that We could prevent some of the choices that are going to bind many of God's people to future experiences that are similar to this one....but alas....We can only offer our Love and Encouragement....We are only allowed to point out the human pitfalls and offer Suggestions on how to live a Christ centered Life....and then We must wait for the ending of this material world drama....

 and be there for many of you as you walk into the New World which opens up new opportunities for God's People.  

And furthermore I will tell you that it is a scenario that has played out over and over again on this planet, through thousands of years and each time much of mankind embodies and fails to wake up....fails to live up to Its Divine Birthright...and Souls have come again and again, some hoping to 'get it right'....

However, and I say this clearly and desire with all My Heart that I should be understood....this time it is a different 'ball game' as you say....there is no 'coming again'....for the world as humanity now knows it will be no more....all will change....all will 'move on' to wherever their Energy Development takes them. The present humanity has now had two thousand years to embody (some many times) and to accept and practice 'The Christ Message' given within the Piscean Dispensation.            

Let me explain it this way....there is a complement of Souls assigned to each planet and to the ‘Work’ of each evolutionary period. For planet Earth it is the ending of one cycle and the commencing of the next and it requires much cooperation among all aspects and levels of Planetary Life. The Piscean cycle brought with it the Birth of the Christ Cycle'....that Piscean period is at an's work is done....and the next chapter/cycle is opening into a new level of Greater Christ Activity....a 'place' where only Heart Level Energy exists....a place that does not support the present slow energy of this planet.....a place where this slow vibration cannot go. You can draw your own conclusions about the future from that statement. 

Thus, there is now only a short time in which all Piscean assignments must be completed….as the Wheel completes its turn….and the New World is born (on this planet). And there are those who mean well but who have not completed their work, who have not fully prepared themselves during the past two thousand years to move beyond, ie., out of this material energy....many have not finished their Compassionate Service....

Yes, there are those good people who will not be ready for the New World….who will not have finished preparing themselves to live a Christ centered Life in a Christ centered 'Place'....a Place where the soiled energy of human mayhem and treachery cannot exist....where it can no longer exert its influence as it does in your world today. It is these we watch and pray for. 

And thus, today I come to speak very plainly....again as I did in the 1930s when your Beloved Saint Germain asked Me to serve this great cyclic Cause with Him.

(That night in August 1939 she came and enfolded all there in a

Crystalline Sphere of Her Cosmic Light....bestowing upon those individuals

a Blessing that will stay with them forever.  She anchored in each one a

 'Spark' that Connects them to Her so that for all Eternity, they can

 'join hands and minds' with Her and work together for the betterment

 of humanity wherever a need arises.)

  Quan Yin...'.You were among those that warm August day in 1939

 who heard Mr. Ballard, our Beloved Godfre, voice My Words to

 that large multitude in Oakland, California….you are one of a

 handful remaining who remember those Words I spoke that

 day.... you are one of those We have trained to voice our

 words since that time.

Now let me end this communication this way....We, the Ascended and Angelic Hierarchy forever Bless and Thank all of you who have given your Lives in your dedicated Christ Service with Us. We love you more than words can say for all the encouragement you pour out to your fellow 'students' on the Path.

As your Light expands We pour our Ascended Essence and Radiation into It and around you to Bless and protect you....all of all you do in the Service of Almighty God. We expand the beautiful Service you have and are giving in the name of your own Beloved Mighty 'I AM' Presence, a Cosmic Being of such Beauty Who works closely with Us, the Ascended Hierarchy. Please remember to stay bonded to your God Presence for that 'I AM' Presence is the Lifeline that gives Expression to your human/Soul self. 

Always We stand your guard....we cover you all with the Crystal Dome of Christ Light, within which you walk free from the strife of human activity.

Think of me....

'I AM' Quan Yin

loving you all and caring for you through all eternity.


From 'Unveiled Mysteries ....excerpt from Chapter Nine

On a Great Mirror scenes were shown concerning the Earth and the many changes that will take place over the next seventy years. It was revealed that no matter what the appearance, a sinister force attempting to create chaos throughout the world, will be completely destroyed. And that when that is accomplished the mass of humanity will turn to God, and 'Peace shall reign on Earth and man will send out good will to man'!,

The Presiding Master spoke of the greatly increased outpouring of Cosmic Energy that occurs every twenty five hundred years and explained that this Light and Radiance is currently flooding the Earth, giving a forward impulse to the growth of the entire Earth and humanity.

He said that just preceding these Great outpourings extraordinary physical disturbances occur and general unrest is felt by the people and that this is due to the discord that has accumulated during the last of the preceding period. It is to cleanse this energy and bring humanity back to the Original Purity of Life that cataclysmic action takes place.

"We are approaching another such period and this time the release of the Great Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Energy, will not only quicken the minds of the race but the atomic structure of the Earth as well, making It (the Earth) more 'Luminous' in our solar system.

Never since these great Lords of the Flame came to Earth, have conditions permitted such a Great Outpouring to take place as will occur ere long. Many, who have seemed to become hardened by their former activities, will awaken as it were, almost over night, and feel the nearness of the Great God 'Presence' within each heart. Many, who have been meek and humble but holding close to the 'Inner Presence', will suddenly blaze forth, amazing themselves as well as others, by the Transcendent Light they will manifest. All will be done by the Power of God-Love, and humanity will truly begin to realize that it is the height of folly for one part of God's Creation to war against another part.

The desire to bless others instead of themselves will almost involuntarily enter into the hearts of mankind and send forth a 'Light' that will illumine the rest of the Way to Perfection.

Selfishness alone holds the children of this sphere in bondage.....but when the 'Light of the Christ' expands the 'Love in the Heart' selfishness flees.

Great natural physical changes will take place.

The Great Ascended Host will assist the children of Earth, hundreds of humanity will find their present physical bodies being quickened by the rapid raising of the vibratory rate..........

Beloved Children of Earth, you stand upon the Threshold of the Ages,

 Its door is being held open by the Great Ones of Love who ever invite you to walk consciously by their side in the 'Light'.

The cycles change and we enter a New Dispensation that brings with it a safer, more powerful and yet rapid means by which the one climbing the Path to Attainment is enabled to hold permanent contact with the Great Cosmic Light'.

** In this New Order, the discipline will be to focus and maintain the attention entirely upon the three highest centers of the body and do all work at these points. Only the energy centers (chakras) in the heart, throat, and head will receive conscious consideration and attention.

The entire effort will be to hold the attention upon these (three), for only by looking away from the lower centers will the individual ever be able to rise out of misery and limitation.

 The center at the top of the head is the highest focus in the human body and there the Silver Cord of Liquid White Light from the Great Source of Creation enters.

When the attention of the mind is held steadfast upon this,

 the Door of the Soul is opened

and the Three Fold Activity of the Pure White Light encircles the waist just below the solar plexus cutting off forever the destructive activities of the animal nature in man.

This permits his Soul to leap forth into its Complete Divine Activity united once more with the Perfection of Its Source....

Sincere students should meditate frequently upon the Perfect Action of the Golden Light within the head, for It will illumine and teach the outer mind all good things. This is the 'Light of the God Within'. One should feel It filling his entire consciousness, his body and world. This is the 'Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world' and there is no human being in existence who has not some of this 'Light' within him."       

 This chapter ends with these Words:

"There is nothing Supreme but God There is nothing Eternal and Real but The Christ. There is nothing True but the Light. These three are The One. All else is shadows that hide, mislead and make mankind stumble.

He who walks the Pathway of Light stands true to the Christ and looks always Godward, lives in a world of his own untouched by the seething vortex about him, yet ever working in it while the shadows last. These he turns his Light upon and thus compels them to pass into the sea of forgetfulness.

If you arm yourselves with this Eternal Understanding of Life, swear allegiance only to your Source, God, and stand true to the Christ and carry the Light, you will accept as your Code of Honor the obligation 'To Love and to Bless Life' no matter in what form it may be expressing wherever you meet it.

This is the Eternal Plan of Existence and whosoever knows That may proceed anywhere in the Universe, explore all it contains and yet be untouched by whatever shadows mankind has created....

GOD alone is Great, and only unto the 'Source of all Greatness does all Glory belong. He who knows only his Source and refuses aught else is wise indeed, for he become Permanent Happiness and is Master wherever he moves.

Beloved Humanity, may God's Mighty Radiance shed its Light to illumine heal and bless you with Divine Love which will ever hold all close in the Eternal Embrace of the 'One Supreme Light'".  

With these Words, the chapter ends.



Lois J Crawford



.The Miracle of 'Christness'

Speaking of Service

The Pathway