The Seventh Ray Activity of Love, Forgiveness and Mercy,

Transmutation, Transformation and Freedom.



June 2008....

Beloved Saint Germain Speaking About the Violet Flame:

These Thoughts recorded by Lois J. Crawford


Beloved Ones of God’s Own Heart,

 do you understand that the Violet Consuming Flame is the Love,

 the Forgiveness and Mercy of the Great Heart Flame of Life of the Cosmic

 Beings Who control this System of Worlds?

Do you know that the Cosmic Law made Me the Authority of the Violet Consuming Flame's Freedom to this Earth? Do you know what the Knowledge of the Violet Flame means to Life....what It means to the entire World all the Powers of Nature and Forces of the Elements?

Today I ask you to believe this and feel deeply what that Violet Consuming Flame means to all Life everywhere. I ask you to accept and feel Its Cosmic Fire blazing in and around you, Its Illumining Consciousness controlling all things around you. I ask you for all time, in all things, to let the Violet Fire be your ‘Friend of Freedom’ for indeed it is the ‘Friend of Freedom’ to your own Heart's Flame.


Please understand and pour your Love and Gratitude to the Great Cosmic Beings Who have created this System of Worlds and Who have poured the Violet Flame Love of Their own Life Streams to your Life Stream as Their Gift of Mercy and Forgiveness...a Cosmic Gift that enables the human discord to be dissolved, consumed, removed from the Universe and forever forgotten.

When you see as We see, you will realize how all Life is affected by the ugliness some of mankind have created and imposed upon Life century after century....When you see as We see, you will understand that the destructiveness going on today is but history repeating itself....very old and very destructive Etheric records replaying themselves.


All the technology you have now on Earth today was already created before. This is not the first time mankind has used it to endanger themselves and great portions of the Earth. This is not the first time mankind has engaged in nuclear war. This is not the first time the munitions of war that are known today were used to desecrate the Earth in an attempt to destroy 'what God hath wrought'. Can you understand how much you need the Violet Consuming Flame's Love, Forgiveness and Mercy to redeem the past?


I ask you to go forward....go forward in My Name and call It into all outer conditions. You can say....remembering always to invoke in your Calls to any Level of Greater Godness, the Power and Authority of Your own Greater Godness....your own individualized ‘I AM’ Godness.


Thus you may say....'My own Beloved 'I AM' Presence and Beloved Saint Germain, Blaze the Invincible Violet Consuming Flame through me, from my feet up through my entire body, my entire Being and world. Help me to feel It and see It filling my Being and world....until I see It controlling all conditions within everybody and everything. Blaze Your Sacred Fire Violet Flaming Authority, Mercy and Compassion throughout the Nations, consuming all that is less than God-Perfection wherever it may exist.

 With all my Heart, I thank thee....

It is done!'


I, Saint Germain, ask you to send forth this Sacred Fire Love of the Violet Consuming Flame with the knowledge and assurance that It will render such needed and Transcendent Assistance to all Life everywhere.

One day you will Bless the day you became aware of Its Presence. You will Bless the day you were privileged to use this Great Flame that is the Great Forgiving Love blazing from out the Heart of God. It is the Great Mercy Flame that mankind must use in order to forgive the order to purify the present.

This is the only Way given to human beings to undo the unfortunate suffering imposed upon Life. It is the only Way given to human beings to Open the Door for their Soul's return to God.

I ask you to train your minds to place a Curtain of Violet Flame before you when pictures come before your vision that should not be...and call for the annihilation of those pictures so that Energy does not touch any other part of Life...and just know that the Violet Flame stands between you and everything in the world around you.

There isn't a Victory that you want in this world that does not have to be preceded and founded upon the Purifying, Protective Action of that Violet Consuming Flame. The picture of the Violet Flame held within you is the Freedom you crave and the Victory for which you call.


If each one who reads these Words will understand how magnificent the Violet Flame is. If each one will value the Knowledge of the Violet Flame, and will use It with Devotion, sending It forth to Purify all that has held mankind bound in the shadows, then each one's World can become the World of the Violet Flame, Its Freedom, Its Love, Its Victory, Its Power, Its  happiness, Its Illumination and most importantly today, Its Mercy to all Life everywhere.


 May you experience all that It can do for you. Live within Its Presence and experience the Realization that It, the Violet Flame is the Cosmic God-Power provided that takes you home where you belong.


I leave you now, enfolded in My Mantle of Violet Flame Freedom,

I leave you enfolded in the Knowledge of what this Great

Transmuting Flame will do for you and will do for all Life everywhere.

It is both your responsibility and your privilege to use It.

It is your Life.


The Ascended Master Saint Germain


Expand the Violet Flame

To The Pathway


Lois J Crawford




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 Copyright © 'Beliefs'


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