Beloved Saint Germain

Part 5

From the Indian Master, Beloved Chananda, came this tribute in 1937 to this Beloved One we know today as 'Saint Germain'.

He said, 'One day  I shall ask permission of the Great Divine Director to tell you more about 'Saint Germain' that which you do not yet know. For this Mighty Presence (S G) has done more for mankind than any other Ascended Master Who has ever Lived.

'Saint Germain's courageous Work began seventy thousand years ago. He has taken  upon Himself the responsibility of bringing many civilizations to their heights with the assistance of .Beloved Nada.

That's what the world needs to know and shall know. I stand as the Champion of His Mighty Activity to all mankind and shall always do so.

 'Jesus' has asked me to make this Statement.'


Here then are excerpts from a dictation received September 1, 1932, by the Messenger, Guy W. Ballard which I edit under His Direction and that of the Beloved Master Saint Germain:

Saint Germain:

'I wish now to make it clear that all who come under the Radiation of this Instruction of the Ascended Master's Teaching on the 'Mighty I AM Presence' are those who have these many years come within the Violet Ray. The Ascended Presence of the Christ, which is the I AM in each one, is steadily taking full command.

Ere long, the 'Great Mystery of Life' which is the I AM Presence, will be revealed in the heart of each one who comes under this Radiation. Let no one be deceived!

The end of the prophecies and their fulfillment is at hand. And from the fulfillment of the prophecies, God having spoken through man, will arise the Kingdom of Paradise....of Heaven upon Earth.

The period of this New Birth, will be swift and to some, terrible in its Mighty Manifestation. But know that it will bring in its train peace, happiness and the Light of True Understanding to the mankind remaining, which is sufficient to make everyone rejoice that through the centuries of this Great Expectancy, the Righteous Reward and Devotion to God in man is bringing its True Fruition.

Everything moves forward and will continue to move under Divine Order, yet the closeness of this surging Inner Christ Power, the Mighty I AM Presence, is as though impatient to take its full command.

Students who seek the Light of God, if they seek with sufficient sincerity and intensity, will cause all problems of the outer self to be quickly and normally resolved.

If individuals finding themselves confronted by problems, will say:

Mighty God in whom I recognize and feel Thy full Power of Action....

Thou Mighty I AM Presence....

solve this problem and do it quickly'.

And then calmly enter into the stillness, the Silence of that Mighty God Presence, they would soon find and feel the peace, certainty and relief from that with which they are struggling in the outer.

Remember: It is the FEELING of struggle in the physical self that really CAUSES the struggle.

However to seek God merely to solve a problem but partially opens the door.

 But to seek Almighty God, and to seek each one's Mighty God Presence with sincerity and devotion will quickly cause all outer problems to be solved in peace and harmony. 

Let me now speak of the Violet Flame. Say to all, to whom you can convey the idea, that they are now held within the Violet Ray. All should begin to visualize this Violet Ray about them, seeing within Its center the qualifying Presence of the soft pink (Energy) of Divine Love. And no one of great sincerity should need aught else than this, to find ALL outer activity conforming to its 'Mighty Presence'.

To make one's self a true Student of the Light, the individual will hold his full Consciousness, unwaveringly, on the Mighty Christ Presence,

 acknowledging  that Presence to be the constant, invincible and only acting Presence and Intelligence in his mind, body, home and affairs.

 In this steadfastness, no matter what the outer appearance seems to be, that (consciousness) most quickly brings the longed for peace and freedom.

Already upon the mental plane, the Christ Radiance is spreading, likened unto the dawn of a glorious sunrise. All who hold themselves steady with faith and confidence in this Mighty Light will find such individual revelations taking place, as they at this time cannot possibly conceive.

Those who come under this Radiance with the determination to receive the Light, will find themselves able to say;

Mighty Master Christ Presence! Speak to me!

And they will hear that Inner Voice as clear and distinct as you speak to each other.

To those who will listen, I want to assure them that the opening of the Sixth Seal, which is at hand, will make the comprehension of these Mighty Inner Truths clear in such a manner, the student will marvel that he has been on the periphery of this Great Truth so long, without more fully grasping Its true meaning.

Students should look within themselves and find wherein there have been unnoticed subtle things that are binding them. Each should joyously open his heart to the Truth that reveals to him the things which need to be remedied.

Any rebellion within the (human) consciousness should be put down as the GREAT OFFENSE AGAINST GOD, against the Mighty I AM Presence of the individual. There should be  nothing to interfere with the penetrating Rays of this Great Christ Light. This is the time to enter into the Truth and live It.

It is My great Pleasure to put before you a Mighty Truth, namely that those sincere desires of individuals which in some instances seem to have been long deferred, may speedily take form, bringing with them their Eternal Blessing, wherever they are Righteous desires.

The earnest student is ere  long to know and understand the true meaning of the words of 'Jesus'....'I AM the Resurrection and the Life. Each one, feeling himself held within the Mighty Violet Ray, should mediate on this statement, saying,

'I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my Divine Plan now made manifest'.

All destructive force, when it reaches a certain point of activity, will destroy itself. To the human  it sometimes seems a long time getting to that point, but it is so and has always been so.


From this time on, no individual can gain wealth or the renewal of wealth without knowing that God, the Mighty I AM (Christ) Presence is the full Source, Power and Intelligence of its Production and must be given full credit as the only producing Power.

 No human effort without the Presence and Activity of God ever amounts to anything.

 Too long have human beings been the usurpers of that Power and even in the usurping of that Power, the time has now come when It (the Power) will no longer be available to them.


THE 'I AM'. 

This is the first time in the history of the Earth that there has been a resistless, impelling action of the Christ Force. There has never been such an opportunity in the history of the Earth for those who have (Spiritual) Inclination to seek the Christ Light and even for those who have not, to be raised enormously.

Saint Germain

September 1, 1932

 He taught us that man has in him infinite possibilities and that, from the practical point

of view, we must strive unceasingly to free ourselves of matter in order to enter into communication

with the world of higher intelligences.

And thus, the Teaching of the 'I AM' Presence for the Incoming Age  was begun by The Ascended and Angelic Hierarchy under the Direction of Beloved Saint Germain in the 1930s.  Now more than eighty years later, this Teaching has spread throughout the world. It has grown into many organizations, all evolving from that first  small group of 'I AM' Students that gathered around Guy and Edna Ballard in the 193os.

 And think how brave those first students were as they began to live that Teaching and faced the ridicule of family and friends.... imagine the rejection and derision as they began to implement those New Spiritual Ideas and Deeper Understanding of Life. The opposition they faced can be compared to the opposition and ridicule faced by those who accepted the Teaching of Beloved Jesus two thousand years ago....opposition and ridicule that continues into our time.

However, in spite of what human nature continually does to hide or destroy the Truth of God, there are now thousands of dictations available, coming from several hundred 'Evolved Beings', whose Words and Thoughts have been channeled through the many Souls who have embodied to serve God in that way at this time.

In our time,

I believe that 'God' Who had the First Word,

will have the Last  Word.

Lois J Crawford



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