June 18, 1944

the Great Being known to us as the

 The Beloved Mighty Surya 

 spoke the following 'Wisdom' through Beloved Edna Ballard,

 the Messenger of the Great Ascended Brotherhood.

 And today I am being directed to restate certain Key Statements 

 which Wording I edit (only slightly).

In this dictation Mighty Surya is giving the Students Instruction about

The  Power and The Action of The Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love.

He tells Them: "It is imperative that you have this Explanation

before much concentration of the Power of the Flame is drawn

forth for healing purposes.

When the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Healing is delegated to an individual to

 produce the manifestation (of healing) then the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love must be in full command. Then as you call forth the Miracles, Perfection and Cosmic Power of Cosmic Love you will find the Mighty Action of that Sacred Fire increasing and playing upon the atomic structure of an individual whom you wish to heal....until cell by cell there will reappear the Full Perfection of the etheric pattern fulfilled and the physical form stands whole,

 But you cannot do it without ENOUGH LOVE.

(He is not talking only about human love)

Remember the words of Beloved Saint Germain:

'Only enough Love can draw you back into the Perfection

you once knew and may become again'.

The Love to which Saint Germain referred is the

 'Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love' from the Hearts of the Cosmic Beings Who have built the world upon which you live!

It is the Cosmic Action of your own Blessed Electronic Body (the 'I AM' Presence) Who occupies Its time and Its Activity in the Universe, by creating Perfection at Cosmic Levels of Manifestation, while your Higher Mental Body (the Christ Self) stands as the Silent Watcher over your outer physical activities and supplies and directs you in what you need. But the Greater Part of yourself, your Electronic Presence, is wielding this Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love in the manifestations which It draws forth to produce Perfection for this whole System of Worlds. 

That is the Activity of the Electronic Presence, the 'I AM' Presence, of every Life Stream!

That is how the 'Forces of the System' are governed  by the 'Individualizations of the Flame' from the Central Sun which abide within the Electronic Bodies of mankind. With your conscious Love and call to that Presence, you may have Its Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love expanded to render service through your flesh forms, just as well as by Its Own Direction. But you must make the call. You must open the door from your side of Life! Your Presence will not refuse you. Neither will any Ascended Master nor Cosmic Being.

Supposing Cosmic Healing Power were delegated to this Messenger and after just a few cases were healed, what do you think would be the surge of those in the outer world, to come near Her within twenty-four hours?

You need to consciously call forth Cosmic Protection and Wisdom to handle such a situation. You need to call forth the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love and the Cosmic action of the Unfed Flame to hold the Balance everywhere.

Do you know that through (Spiritual) music, We can focus the most Intense Action of the Fire Element and nothing fears It. That Flame consumes the fear. When the Cosmic Flame comes forth through constructive music the destructive forces know they are helpless before the Fire Element. The expansion of the Sacred Fire of that Cosmic Flame of Love ever before you, through your physical forms, is that which is required to set mankind free. And to release into this physical world, the greater Power of Life to dissolve the human qualities.

Your opportunity to render service is almost without limit, while you are yet in these atomic forms and when I see the need of mankind, when I see what you can do, when I see what your Life Streams will do through you, Dear Ones, I ask you, please don't waste a moment on the things of the 'little self' longer.

You can render tremendous Service to Life. You have the Understanding. You have been provided with a Place of Purity into which you may come and have this Law explained to you.

Will you be My Crystal Cup of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love to My Beloved Life Streams upon Earth. They are all dear to me and dear to all the Ascended Masters! They might not seem quite so dear to your human self; but remember, Beloved Ones, even the most limited of some of those in the outer world today, are the Twin Rays of some Life Stream which might be ascended. Do you not think it is a tragedy in the Universe, when one of a Life Stream has attained the Ascension and the other one has gone perhaps to the depths of degradation? 

I do not see how anyone could longer desire anything for the 'little self that is so little' in comparison to the Great Service you can give when you understand Life and know that you are a part of every atom of Life in Infinite Space.

 How can you dwell longer in just the carrying out of your own ideas, when this Great Service to Life stands waiting.

 And you have the capacity to give this Service and We stand ready to Illumine you and tell you how to hold the Protection to help you.

Oh, live for the Freedom of the world.

Live for the Ascension of every Life Stream.

 Pass no judgment on what you see.

If it be less than Perfection then it is but the shadow of energy misqualified. But Life abides within it and must sometime come into Perfection.

Let the Flame of Cosmic Love expand through your hearts today and with that desire to render service and with your determination to hold the protection and purify yourselves, I will wrap you in My Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love and make you the Manifestation of the Power to do these things!

I know the Power of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love.

I know It is the Supreme Authority of the Universe.

 Therefore, BE its Reality.

Walk as the Fulfillment of the Law and let that Flame play through you Its song of Life. And experience the Thrill of commanding the individual to arise and say;

'Be thou made whole'.

Beloved Jesus did it. He said all men would do it! One day every human being will use the words of Jesus with Fulfillment. He told you of the Acknowledgment He gave for three years, affirming:

'I AM the Presence of Pure Divine Love that transcends every human concept and that opens the Door to me to all the Light within Its Heart'.  

That enabled Him to physically Manifest His Victory.

May your own Beloved 'I AM' Presence open its Heart to you, and tell you all that the Flame of Cosmic Love means to you and to Life everywhere.

May It show you Its Divine Plan and give Its Assistance to Fulfillment until your Ascension.

With this explanation, from now on whenever anything of that 'little self' disturbs you, will you rip it out of yourselves, throw it in the Violet Flame and say:

Mighty 'I AM' Presence, expand Your Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love through me!

Fulfill Your Cosmic Plan and expand Your Cosmic Light through me!

Release Your Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Perfection through me!

Hold your Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Protection of Cosmic Love about me.

Make me Thy Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love in full manifestation.

Give me Thy Full Illumination and move me forward

the Cosmic Fulfillment of Thy Law.

Make me the Law of the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love-in-action through this flesh form  and dissolve all unlike Thy Glory, Thy Freedom, Thy Victory and Thy Perfection.

Now with the Mightiest Love I know how to pour forth,

I seal you in the Great Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love,

in Its Great Cosmic Protecting Power of everything required

beyond all you can even imagine.

It shall go forth to bless you and give you the Freedom to render

this service by the Power of the 'Sacred Fire that none can put out'.


Our Gratitude is boundless for the

Powerful Purifying Love of Beloved Surya

and for His Concern for our well being.

Let us then, repay Him, a million fold, as we accept and use and expand,

 each and every day The Wisdom and Assistance He has offered us.

 And may we understand the Necessity and Privilege of doing so.

It is up to us, Light Bearers everywhere,

to awaken and function in the Name of our 'I AM' Christ Presence

in order to powerfully Invoke the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love in sustained

 action into the Service of Mighty Surya and Beloved Saint Germain and all the

 Ascended and Angelic Hierarchy.

We can do this

and in the sure Knowledge that our Heartfelt Christed Calls

do compel the Cosmic Answers for this Planet and for all Life here.

May we understand this and do our part!

Lois J, Crawford



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