Cosmic Rules of Life


Let Thine Eye Be Single


The Ascended Teachers instruct us as follows:

As we pray or decree, 'our first Love, Attention and Call must go

to our own Beloved Mighty 'I AM' Presence and Holy Christ Selves'.

This is not only the Rule, the Law, but the Cosmic Mechanism that operates the release of the Christ Power required to manifest, that is, to produce all that we need or desire in our outer use!

But now please note:

Once the Power has been drawn forth from the 'I AM' Presence, It (that Power) cannot be taken away from us....we drew It forth....we now own It....our first God-Duty is to protect It and then use It wisely.

This part of The Law needs to be understood.

Again, please note:

All of humanity's problems are the result of the misuse of that Power....the failure to protect that Power and finally the lack of Understanding and Illumination regarding the Source of that Power.

Thus the current Ascended Master Teaching commands us to keep our attention on our Mighty 'I Am' Presence, asking that we be filled always with Cosmic Christ Illumination, and with the Greater Powers of the Sacred Fire....with all Cosmic Light needed in our outer use, Body and Soul.

And further and very importantly that we also be filled with the Greater Love from the Ascended Master's Octave...these two Activities constitute for us the Magic Power of the Universe!.

And then we ask that our minds, feelings and bodies be filled with that Ascended Forgiving, Purifying Love and with the All Powerful Cosmic Christ Love that holds control....this is where we learn to place our entire emotional and mental....indeed our physical selves, too within the Violet Consuming Flame and to call on the Law of Forgiveness in order to allow that Magic Power of the Universe to have full control of our lives, Body and Soul.. 

Now Note:

The Law is this: If we wish to have these greater Gifts of Life we must demand Their Illumining  Essence come into our lives and into all Life in this world, into all substance and all energy.

 Therefore we call not only to our own Great Presence but to Great Cosmic and Ascended Beings Who govern this World, asking Them to Flood all the Sacred Fire Love, all the Cosmic Christ Illumination we or any of humanity needs at this time, to compel the consuming of anything that does not serve God....to compel the consuming of all confusion and of all problems on Earth forever and ever, making it possible for Freedom to ring throughout the Planet as once It did.

 To that end, let us decree : 

Beloved Mighty 'I Am' Presence and Great Host of Cosmic and Ascended Beings,

In your Holy Names, I demand the Cosmic Christ Sacred Fire's Love

 possess and control the minds and feelings of all mankind.

I command the Invincible Victory of Cosmic Christ Love

be blazed into, through and around everybody and everything that lives

and compel the Cosmic Illumination and Purification of all Life

in this or any other world that may have been comtaminated with or by evil.

I make these 'demands....I give these Commands to Life....

knowing that I, through the Power of my own Mighty 'I AM' Presence

have all Authority, all Power and the Divine Responsibility to do so....

It is the Law.

And now from Chapter Six of 'Unveiled Mysteries' comes

this Wisdom from a Great Master.....:

'Beloved Children of the One Mighty God.

Knowest thou not the Life thou art using is from the 'One Supreme Presence' ....

Eternally Pure, Holy and Perfect?

If thou doest aught to mar the Beauty and Perfection of that One Life, thou cuttest thyself off from the Gifts of thy God. Thy Life is the Sacred Jewel of thy God's Love...the 'Source' of the Secrets of the Universe.

Thy God doth trust thee with His Own Heart's Light.

 Cherish It!

Adore It!

Let It ever expand unto greater Light and greater Glory!

Thy Life is the 'Pearl of Great Price'  

Thou art the keeper of God's Wealth.

See thou use It for Him only and know thou hast received the 'Light of Life' for whose use thou shalt give an accounting.

Life is a continuous Circle.....If thou dost create That which is like unto thy 'Source' and knoweth His Love and Peace within thee, if thou useth thy Powers of Creation to bless only, then as thou dost move around thy Circle of Existence, thou wilt know the Joy of Life and unto It shall be added Greater Joy.

If thou dost NOT create like thy 'Source',

 thine evil shall return unto thee with more of it kind.

Thou alone chooseth thy destiny and thou alone answereth to thy God for thy use of  'Life', thy Being. The Great Law no one can escape. Long have I proclaimed this Law of Life.

The Law of 'Thyself' thou art unto thyself, because thou canst always come unto thy God if thou desireth the Perfection of Life.'

There is much more of this Marvelous Instruction in that chapter, which comes to us with the Tremendous Radiation of the Great Being Who was speaking to the people of a civilization built about twelve to fourteen thousand years ago. The Truths spoken to the people of that time, are the Only Truths, and Great Beings come to Earth periodically to refresh the mind, Body and Soul, of those (Souls) embodied in a given time frame. In our time, These Great Beings continue to come forth when They are needed. The Ascended Master Teachers of mankind change over the Ages as the Teachers Themselves ascend into Their Next Higher Dimension.

But the One Truth never changes...It was the same yesterday, It is today and will remain always!.

 Life is always expanding....always ascending....always evolving.

That is the Law of Life.

Lois J Crawford



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