How can
one overstate the need for Mercy in the daily
life of people throughout the world today. As we look at the strife that appears
to be
overtaking and wiping out all semblance of civility among individuals, is it
then not surprising that chaos, mayhem and murder is the end result working its way
through much of the planet at this time.
In the
year 2011 the planet was being overwhelmed by the 'lack of Mercy'....by the lack
of Love....by the lack of Understanding of what the 'lack of Love' does to the
human being.
In the year 2016 many on the
planet still weep and pray for Mercy as some of God's people experience barbaric

September 28, 2011
Precious Mary
Now, my Beloved Friend
of the Ages....
with your help I wish to speak to any and to all who may wish to read
Beloved Ones...many of you raise the issue
of 'lack of Love' and of the need for mercy between and among people everywhere
and I would add, especially among those who deal in ancient hatreds....so let us speak
about Mercy, about Divine Mercy, about Cosmic Christ Mercy, and hope that our
Words will not fall on deaf ears....for today the need of Mercy is greater than
even you can imagine.
We are come to that time, to those
days, when those
like you who do listen and do hear Us, play important parts in the unraveling of
those ancient hatreds....it is your accumulated Christ Light that saves the Planet and people from the
mayhem and misery that is part of the daily life of so many world wide. This is
the Mission of the Light bearers of this time....Our Mission of two thousand
years ago has been to teach
you, to tell you what is needed....and then because We must, We leave it in your hands. We
have spoken of this previously.
It has only been in the
past few years as We have
succeeded in raising the Awareness and
Consciousness of more Light bearers throughout the world that We have been able
'glimpse' the completed Cosmic Picture in which
Divine Mercy becomes the normal Way of Life on Earth. Thus We watch for and Inspire all
of you whose
Light can be seen to be growing within and expanding around the physical form.
We pray for those who
are beginning to hear The Voice of
Their own Christ Presence....We pray they
will find these Words....and will read and take to heart these Words that speak
to the Awakening of the Christ Consciousness within every individual.
For it is only as that Spark of
Christ Light in the heart of each Soul grows will It Light the
Pathway of the individual...and become a Lamp unto the feet of others....for only then does Divine Mercy begin to manifest on Earth.
During this 'time' the God-Challenge the Soul accepts
is that of manifesting Divine Mercy when allowed to embody on
It is in meeting that Challenge that
the embodied Soul gradually moves out of the
heavy earth vibration into the next Higher, Lighter One in which there will always be new
to be addressed and Victories achieved....but completely unlike the purely human challenges of the earth plane
that can exist only in this lower, material vibration here.
Life moves on and on and on always
reaching upward throughout Eternity
as the Christ
Soul is ever reaching for and achieving the Higher, the Greater Opportunities that Life offers.
But only on this planet are there the struggles that must be overcome here on
Earth. And that struggle is often self-imposed and consequently, the release
from and surcease of human struggle starts with the individual here on Earth.
Beloved Ones of God's
Heart....the time grows short when We Ascended may come to you this way....when
We may speak our Instruction and voice Our Warnings to you. At some point soon, all
individuals will be 'on their own' as you
say....all people will have to work their way through the maze of man made
confusion that is engulfing the planet. We have given you these two thousand
years to prepare.
And during that time I came to many the world
over and My Message was and is always the same....always I speak of Peace and always I
ask each one of you to be the Example as you practice being Peaceful....as you
focus on expressing Love to all those with whom you come in contact on a daily
basis. I beg you to fill yourselves with Loving Light for it is your
protection....your only protection....it is your Shield against the world's negativity.
Today,(2017) I ask you to spend more time
in prayer, in quiet meditation. I ask you to place your mind on all things
beautiful, to focus your thoughts on all things Heavenly....to make a
Conscious decision to daily draw more of the Light and Essence of your Holy
Christ Self into the physical receptacle....that you, Body and Soul may become a
greater Light unto a
world that is so desperately in need of more Light...that you may be 'your
brother's keeper'....for today there are many who do not know the Law....do not
know what they are doing that harms not only themselves but also their
brothers....'Father forgive them'....do not know how to help themselves or their
brothers....do not know how to be a 'lamp unto the feet of others'.
There are many of you who
regularly use your rosaries....or you simply pray or decree...but however you
command Light into action....today I ask you to spend more time each day in that
effort, using whatever religious or Spiritual Wording has for you the most
meaning; and as you do this, join together your human and Christ minds ....let
your Holy Christness speak for you, the human/Soul Partnership...and then ask Me
to join you, that I, perceiving your
request may take up your prayers, decrees and thoughts, purify and expand them and
aid you in sending them forward for the use of the Ascended Hierarchy as They
work to contain the negativity that is causing distress on the physical plane.
Today anything that any of you can
do to help the Ascended and Angelic Hierarchy is needed. I ask you to give more
of yourselves to assist in the raising of the
vibration of the energy of this planet.
Once again We remind you; the negative
energy that is currently mercilessly tormenting and destroying people can only be brought under
control by the Power of Cosmic Christ Light....I remind you again that a certain
percentage of that Light must be generated by unascended beings now embodied.
That is Cosmic Law...
For a while yet We are here to help you....for
a while yet We can
give you Instruction and Information...I must say it again....but you must
understand. Over the ages there have been destructive activities that left much
'debris' that must be cleaned up before the planet can move on....and that clean
up requires a
percentage of your Christ Energy....only then can We add Ours.
We pray that YOU understand the
importance of the part you play in this....you, whom We have trained and taught
these past years, YOU must start the
Process. We can then join the Action, adding to your Efforts what ever is needed
for the final resolution of many destructive activities that have been allowed
to exist on this planet for far too long.
Today there must come a final,
determined push by Light bearers from all over the Earth....there must be the
overwhelming Christ Desire of those embodied today to rid the Earth of all that
is not Constructive and Harmonious to all Life on this planet...to all that is
not Merciful to all Life on this planet....for all that 'lacks Love'.
Ever I come to help. Even as I
stood by the Blessed Jesus in His Ministry....I stand by you.
You know Me as

Lois J. Crawford
The Return of
the Prodigal Son:

Tax collectors and
sinners were all drawing
near to listen to Jesus,
but the Pharisees and
scribes began to
complain, saying,
“This man welcomes
sinners and eats with
So Jesus told those
indignant listeners this
“A man had two sons, and
the younger son said to
his father,
‘Father give me the
share of your estate
that should come to me.’
So the father divided
the property between
After a few days, the
younger son collected
all his belongings
and set off to a distant
where he squandered his
inheritance on a life of
When he had freely spent
a severe famine struck
that country,
and he found himself in
dire need.
So he hired himself out
to one of the local
who sent him to his farm
to tend the swine.
And he longed to eat his
fill of the pods on
which the swine fed,
but nobody gave him any.
Coming to his senses he
‘How many of my father’s
hired workers
have more than enough
food to eat,
but here am I, dying
from hunger.
I shall get up and go to
my father and I shall
say to him,
“Father, I have sinned
against heaven and
against you.
I no longer deserve to
be called your son;
treat me as you would
treat one of your hired
So he got up and went
back to his father.
While he was still a
long way off,
his father caught sight
of him, and was filled
with compassion.
He ran to his son,
embraced him and kissed
His son said to him,
‘Father, I have sinned
against heaven and
against you;
I no longer deserve to
be called your son.’
But his father ordered
his servants,
‘Quickly bring the
finest robe and put it
on him;
put a ring on his finger
and sandals on his feet.
Take the fattened calf
and slaughter it.
Then let us celebrate
with a feast,
because this son of mine
was dead, and has come
to life again;
he was lost, and has
been found.’
Then the celebration
Now the older son had
been out in the field
and, on his way back, as
he neared the house,
he heard the sound of
music and dancing.
He called one of the
servants and asked what
this might mean.
The servant said to him,
‘Your brother has
and your father has
slaughtered the fattened
because he has him back
safe and sound.’
He became angry,
and when he refused to
enter the house,
his father came out and
pleaded with him.
He said to his father in
‘Look, all these years I
served you
and not once did I
disobey your orders;
yet you never gave me
even a young goat to
feast on with my
But when your son
who swallowed up your
property with
for him you slaughter
the fattened calf.’
He said to him,
‘My son, you are here
with me always;
everything I have is
But now we must
celebrate and rejoice,
because your brother was
dead and has come to
life again;
he was lost and has been
by Jesse's Café


Lois J. Crawford
All LJC text
Copyright © 'Beliefs'