


About Success  

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The history of the human race records how smart we can be

 and how destructive we can be....

how cruel and how sublime. 

Why so cruel? How so sublime? 

Hello everyone, welcome to the Modern Mystic.

 Over the years I’ve worked at sorting through all the conflicting ideas of man and Almighty God....trying to reconcile what churches were teaching and what people were believing about “man on Earth and God somewhere, far off in His Heaven”.

I have been working to understand how the visible and Invisible levels of my Life worked....always hoping to be a successful, Spiritual human being. All my Life I have been aware of Inner Guidance though I wasn’t always sure what to call It.

 I've felt in touch with some Aspect of that God of the Big Picture. And I never stop asking for clarification about the human purpose in what I believe is a 'God Plan'.

Over the years I have found that if I listened, Information always came in answer to my questions. Somewhere a long the line, I began to think Information came from my Invisible Soul Instructor.... and eventually, came to call this Relationship of 'man and God', “the human/Soul Partnership”.....and began to realize how very important it is to the success of an ordinary life to know about the human/Soul Partnership.  

So each week as I come to talk about Peace, I also come to talk about developing this Relationship that describes man and God working together on Earth. I want to help everyone realize WHO THEY REALLY ARE AS A HUMAN/SOUL PARTNERSHIP.

 Within this Realization is the Spiritual Meaning of Life in general. For it is the active, individuated God-Force at work within mankind that gives Meaning to human life...makes Peace and Freedom and Love and Brotherhood possible.

 ...Please join me again today in affirming THE ACTIVE SPIRITUALITY OF ALL LIFE as we say,


You often hear me say:

There is much we don’t know fully about the Purpose of either the human or Soul Life on Earth. Many facts appear to be deliberately hidden from us, others have been lost through the passage of time.

Why hidden, I can only guess....but the planet is old....and mankind has been coming and going for a very long time....I have never doubted that there is a Cosmic Plan regarding Earth and the complement of Souls here....or that what happens here is orchestrated by the Spiritual Hierarchy Who guides the Affairs of the Planet....Those Who know the end from the beginning.

 However, it is more than likely that what we don’t know is the result of  the human mind not being ready to know more.

And that because most of us treat Life lightly.

Our Greater Purpose and thus our history has not been very important to us....and so, few search beyond what is visibly in front of them. Whatever the reason, there are Mysteries within Life, all around us, both human and Spiritual. We live our lives within Ancient Mysteries. And today the success of our current lives depends on our remembering....depends on our willingness to apply the Ancient Knowledge to our Modern Technology.

Today we have this sense of cyclic change....this sense of moving forward, a sense of progress. The people of Earth are experiencing a feeling, even an excitement, wondering if the time has come when what has been so long hidden will now be revealed.

 Somewhere in The Bible we read about the “rocks crying out”....and today archeology is studying those rocks and the rocks are revealing records long hidden about our human and Spiritual History. I think much has to be revealed if modern man is ever to “know himself” and he can learn much through knowing his history.

And for that purpose, some of it has been preserved not only in rocks and ruins but carried across time in literature, in art, and architecture, through myths and traditions and rituals of widely differing cultures, in religious practices and within sacred societies found in every culture.  

Information of the past ten thousand years is emerging, giving us glimpses of that period of time but also suggesting an even more ancient past, revealing it to be full of tangled myths and history that go back for thousands and thousands of years.

 When I let my mind play with these stories of ancient times, I think that the information that is emerging may be describing the early history of the first embodied Souls.....or perhaps the history of a specific group of ancient human/Souls.

 I think this eruption of information is getting us ready to acknowledge how old we Souls really are....showing us some of the great things we’ve done in the past....offering us encouragement in this time.

 As we can begin to see our Soul History in a bigger picture, we will get a glimpse of remarkable human/Soul activity as far back as we find it.  

And there is so much of our grand history yet to be remembered....and if we will let our Souls take the lead, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed to us and nothing constructive we did before that we cannot do again. There are stories in metaphysical literature about wonderful Golden Ages, when we lived beautifully....when the human bowed to the Wisdom of God and let its Soul partner take the lead in human affairs....we can again dream and work toward the next Golden Age. And we will succeed if we choose the Golden Way to live our lives each day.      

Part of our Soul History is the story of the mythical Atlantis....a story that is as interesting to us today as it was to the ancients. Having read everything I can find on the subject of Atlantis, I have begun to think that what is being described as a lost land might actually have been a culture....a State of Mind.... perhaps a particular group of people, rather than a lost continent.

 How can a continent be lost....perhaps it never existed as a single place...and certainly if it existed, may be remembered today by a different name.

 The word Atlantis makes me think there is something important we are trying to remember. And that always leads me to ancient Egypt and what the story really is about the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx and about the Pharaohs, who they really were then and who they really are today... and how all that ties into the Story of Abraham and the twelve Hebrew tribes, one of whom is the group we know today as the Jews, while another ten tribes are scattered all over the planet, many not knowing from whom they are descended.

'Remembering' may be what we are all working on.....and the success of this journey may depend on how well we can remember and how much we can apply original, old information to our modern lives.

 So, there is a mystery here....and remembering may be a growth mechanism for our time....remembering why so much history has been re-written....why so many records have been deliberately destroyed. Remembering how it all fits together. If our job is to remember, then we have to peel off layers and layers of misconceptions.... layers and layers of lies and distortion.

This is where the Blazing White Light again serves us....for that Light is a laser beam that cuts through to the Core of the Truth....and when the Soul is ready to know the Truth, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed by the Light. 

And we have entered the Age of the Soul. Today the Soul is working to break the chains of human domination....Do we ever think about how great a part of our lives is lived working for the success of our human endeavors....often with our Souls left out in the cold....and now that must change if we are to successfully journey into the Higher Vibrations of the incoming Age.

We have come to the time when we are again to be told WHO WE REALLY ARE....WE ARE TO KNOW WE ARE A HUMAN/SOUL PARTNERSHIP.....WE ARE TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF GOD AND MAN WORKING TOGETHER ON EARTH. Can we even imagine what that means to our lives or the Life of the Planet ....can we even guess how successful our lives will be, as we spend the rest of our lives pursuing our dreams within that Partnership? 

Think of how much education we all have....think of all we are capable of just as human beings.

 Think of how much we have to offer the world just as we are.

 Now add to that equation the Power of the Soul....

Think how the Soul Mind will steer us to the Truth of our lives.

 How that Mind of God will direct us to the right decisions in all we wish to do....

how It will encourage us and Empower us to soar to heights greater than we ever imagined.

 Within the Soul Memory are the Answers to the long hidden aspects of the human/Soul Partnership.....

Within the Soul Memory are long forgotten dreams.

 When we 'remember' how to turn on the Power of our Souls we will remember how to draw forth long forgotten strength....

enabling us to create the Perfect Situations for ourselves....

allowing us to outpicture the Perfect Person we already are....

that person hidden within the Mystery of the human/Soul Relationship.  

We need to stop forcing the human-us to be more than it is capable of being....

we need to turn on the Power of our Souls....

Remember that Flame anchored in the human heart? When we balance the Cosmic Equation of Love Wisdom and Power, we will be all that God needs us to be....

all that the Partnership needs to be....or wishes to be.

 Most of us do not yet remember our past....who we were or what we were capable of doing then....

 but it is safe to say that tomorrow belongs to those who are ready to believe today in their Spirituality and the Spirituality of the Greater Universe.

The future belongs to those who KNOW WHO THEY REALLY ARE, here on Earth today, as well as who they are, in Heaven.

Today and tomorrow belongs to those who believe they have much to give to a hurting, evolving world.

The human Soul Partnership will lead the and God working together, concentrating on attaining worthwhile goals for beautifying the lives of man on Earth.

 Thus, we all have the ability to attain whatever we seek....through our Soul Power we have the potential to set our talents free.

 Freeing our talents starts with stepping out of our boxes that have kept us imprisoned.

The day comes when we have to set off in a new or at least, an Upward, that has been shown us intuitively as well as humanly. The time comes when we want to believe in the words we hear in our hearts and heads....when we realize that we are no longer afraid to grow or longer afraid to reach for success from a wider Spiritual perspective.


The thoughts for this program come from an Essay in which I was mulling over what it takes to be Successful as a human being. It came from a frame of mind where I was learning to connect the dots between the human and Soul and getting a 'handle' on how that Relationship worked.

 Over many years, the more I thought about it, the more I realized there was no real success for either human or Soul without an active working relationship....for the Body has no life with out the Soul Flame in the heart....and the Soul has no life on earth without the physical body.

As I came to that realization, the rest began to fall into place....and I think the most important realization came in around the Idea of man and God working together on earth....

that had such a ring of Truth in it for me....

made such Cosmic Sense....

after that I could no longer listen to sermons or rationales about the sinful human-us or our unimportant place in God’s scheme....I just knew that couldn’t be true under any circumstances.

So that began my adventure into getting to know my Soul.... which led me to becoming my Soul’s human companion.....and from the Soul Perspective, becoming the Guiding Light of the human being.

It is leading me now to becoming the fully integrated Cosmic Partnership here on Earth.

 Now I know, anything and everything is possible. 

But I have realized that within that active Relationship, much is no longer acceptable.

Do you remember all those previous programs where I talked about how we must guard our every thought, feeling and action. How as the Partnership expands, we have more Power (energy) at our finger tips.... how we must choose our goals carefully.... how we must choose a Lifestyle that expands both our human abilities as well as our Soul potential here on earth.

For once we glimpse WHO WE REALLY AND WHAT OUR COSMIC PURPOSE ON EARTH REALLY IS, we no longer can go on in any old unproductive patterns of thinking, feeling and acting or speaking.

It is incredible how we change (Inner and outer) as we become Conscious of the Power at work in our lives. 

And Change is the Key here....the changing of old patterns at the various levels of human self, mental, emotional and physical makes Spiritual Success possible.

Our Spiritual changing automatically makes human success possible in ways we never thought possible before. We now begin to experience Life as a set of circumstances over which we have control. We soon discover that it is the Conscious, thoughtful decisions we make, Body and Soul, that determines the Direction of our Journey. Where before we might have felt like victims to our circumstances....physical, mental, emotional and we know we can’t be victims when the human/Soul Partnership can see and can know whatever needs to be known.

 Now we begin to have confidence in our Power....human and Soul.... and we take control of our lives and let God’s Love flow through our lives. 

So many people walk around waiting to die.

The human-us struggles and sometimes thinks it will be 'better off dead' or if it believes in an afterlife, it believes at least that it will be better off somewhere else....never stopping to think that it, the body, is only the vehicle for a Soul that wants to live.

 And the Soul, having lost control of the vehicle’s mind and emotions, often waits for the body to die, so that It, the Soul, can go somewhere else,

somewhere where it will not be burdened with a physical body....

somewhere where it can get on with Life.

The Soul waits to withdraw and go into Energy Planes where Life can be lived well. It is a Miracle to me that we Souls come to Earth at all....

it is a Miracle how much we love God as we accept this assignment....

for Earth Life can be tough....

and we Souls have to learn to be tough if we are to accomplish what God has in mind for this planet...

if we, the Soul, are not to become trapped in this low dense earth energy..... 

Long ago I accepted the premise that Love is the answer to Success in our lives....

So we want to practice loving our lives....

loving all life....

believing in and loving our Soul Power and human potential....

believing in and loving goodness.

We want to practice waking up every morning with the awe of just being alive....

practice living each day well...

as someone said, “Practice creating our own rainbows”....

practice being open to all possibilities and always believing in Miracles.

 For while Miracles are extraordinary events for the human-us, I suspect they are ordinary operating procedure for Souls.

I think back on the Life of Jesus.....I think of the many extraordinary things He did.

We have not understood that Jesus was a fully operational human/Soul Partnership while he walked the Earth.

Perhaps Miracles were ordinary human/soul activities to Him....and have we remembered that He told us,

 “that what He did, we would also do”. 

And when we understand this Body and Soul connection He achieved , what He said and what He did, makes perfect sense.

Now, we just have to be about believing it and doing it...and letting nothing hold us back from exploring our wildest dreams. For what good does it do us, to KNOW WHO WE REALLY ARE  if we don’t make use of that Knowledge to follow our Dreams and one day to work Miracles.

 Within the protective Light of God we can take what once we might have thought were risks....

we can do whatever we think it takes to make our human/Soul dreams come true....

for those dreams are God’s dreams.

We can love every day and all its challenges. We can learn to stop measuring our results against the achievements of others...

it is not important what someone else is doing or not doing....

Each of us is unique....

each of us has responsibilities that no one else can fulfill....

we each create our own worlds by what we do ....

by who we are....

We each decide where we want to go and how we want to get there. These are the choices we all make for ourselves within the Windows of Opportunity that open up for us. 

We must watch for those opportunities to grow....Body and Soul....

and take responsibility for our actions.

Part of our changing lifestyle is to stop making excuses....

no more excuses for anything done or not done in the past....

no more excuses for not being as good as we think we ought to be as we try to measure up to what others think we should be.

I’ve spoken often of the need to keep our Energy balanced....mentally and emotionally.... humanly and Spiritually. We find as we work on balancing our efforts and Energy. confusion drops away....

we are in the moment....

doing what can be or needs to be done in the moment.  

This is where our focus on ourselves as the human/Soul Partnership helps us. For knowing that we have a Body of Christed Light just above us....

that our I Am Presence is right there, above that.

 Knowing WHO WE ARE, BODY AND SOUL, shows us how we are those three levels of Self....

 that Trinity of Life....

and how we are connected to all Life everywhere

and to all Greater Godness above and beyond us.... 

I have found over the years that when we stay focused on that larger picture, we stop being discouraged about our weaknesses. Instead if we think about it, how can we succumb to ideas of weakness as we hold that Image of our Greater Selves in our minds....doing that we can only be successful each day, focusing on all that is good and positive, ready to handle whatever comes along.

When younger, I spent many years living in the future....getting through today with the promising myself that tomorrow would be better or easier....

for there were many years when my life was difficult.....

so much to learn....

so much to life, children to raise, a business to tend to if the bills were to be paid....

yes, so much to much to do....

and often so much fear and uncertainty in spite of my Spiritual training....

In fact, as I look back, I see that I might not have survived it all without my Inner Soul Strength so active in my life....

but I found, in time, that the Secret of Successful Living is to live in the moment, living one moment, one day at a time....feeling the pain, feeling the joy.

This is the way we learn the Truth about Life...we learn that wherever we are, whatever we are faced with, there is a Power that gives the human-us a Sense of being satisfied with the Rightness of our lives

right where we are....

satisfied with whatever we have to work with.

For me it came down to learning to stand still, as balanced as possible, Body and Soul...and live each moment....

It meant not running away from meant learning to cherish each moment of meant just living in the moment....and taking the good with the bad and living Life as fully as we are capable of living it....and loving it. 

This is a little poem I found on a is entitled,


...and it speaks to the Process of Living like this: 

One day you will see that it all has finally come together

What you have wished for has finally come to be.

You will look back and laugh at what has passed

 and you will ask yourself....

“How did I get through all of that ?”

 Just never let go of hope

Just never quit dreaming

  And never let love depart from your life......

That truly is a recipe for successful living....

never let love depart from your life....

for the human Soul/Journey is an Experience paved with difficulties and with sacrifices which have to be balanced with Determination, Faith and Courage....

with persistence and hard work and with Love that endures throughout it all....

Love of God....

Love of self....

Love to be shared....

Love for of all Life.

If we are living a successful human/Soul life, we are living by our own Light. That Light shines in us and out around us, illumining our way.

 The degree to which our Light shines, within and without, is the degree to which we say we are successful and happy....or that we say we are fulfilled, Body and Soul.

It is the degree to which we make others happy....

the degree to which we serve God first before we serve our human desires.

The degree to which our Light shines through us and around us determines the success of our tomorrow’s.

And there is no limit to the amount of Light we can draw from our Christ Selves....

there’s no limit to how much we can give to the world.

 Think of Light as the Breath of an Almighty Power....that Being breathes out its Power and we breathe It in.......and there is no limit to how much of that Cosmic Power we can have....we decide how much we want.

 Then if we can remember that the Breath of God contains the Mind and Consciousness of God....then we know that we have access to endless Strength and Knowledge....

endless Courage and Peace.

 We know that nothing separates us from never-ending success in all we attempt, Body and Soul.....

we know we can do whatever we dream we can do....

that there are no limits to what we, the human/Soul Partnership, can do.

When I was younger, I wasn’t sure what human success was in God’s Mind. I was ready to do whatever seemed appropriate to be a Good Servant....a good person. That hasn't changed...I still am and the way I have always gone about deciding what is 'appropriate for the moment' has been to let my heart show me the way.

After I think a situation through, learn all I can, I get quiet and listen for the words that will start flowing on my request for information.... and that information always comes through Feelings that flow from my that level I feel what is right....

 through the Heart Center, I intuit what is the right action of the moment. 

I listen to my feelings and hear what is right for me to do in any situation.

I listen and I feel what my needs are and feel what it is that I will have to do to progress.

I listen and feel the Wisdom within me, leading me to perfect solutions.

I have learned that if I will listen to the Heart Song that continuously sings within, my life flows, filled with peace and harmony.

 And Ideas come that bridge the hard places....oh, yes, as long as we are here there is work to do and some of it seems hard to us....some of it, is hard for us....for without it, how would we test our strengths....

how would we ever know for sure WHO WE REALLY ARE, BODY AND SOUL....if both Body and Soul didn’t have difficult tasks to perform as the years go by....

so that if Life is offering interesting challenges, we can be assured that we are still growing....

we can also be assured that the answers are always there in the Energy of the Heart....

the heart that sings songs of Wisdom and is always encouraging us and trying to lead us to our Destiny....             

If we haven’t thought of ourselves as a human/Soul Partnership, we will fail to recognize the degree to which we are capable of great achievements....

we judge ourselves by what we humanly know and can do at the moment....

never realizing that the human-us is just the tip of the iceberg.

 Our minds haven’t computed that WHO WE REALLY ARE AND WHAT WE CAN DO is represented by the Power that flows in through the Spark of God

that is our Soul....

that Spark that is anchored in our hearts. 

If we can see our inherent Power as ten percent human and ninety percent Soul Power, we are beginning to get the True  Picture of ourselves.

We realize that what’s been going wrong on this planet is 'man trying to do it all by himself'.

 But more importantly, we understand what will happen here as we let loose the Power of our Souls on the earth. And we do this so simply....we just recognize WHO WE REALLY ARE, Body and Soul,

and we stand back and let God run the show through us....

 As we wrap ourselves in the Heart Light of God

As we see opalescent Christ Light spiraling around ourselves

As we open our minds to the Highest Information Channels

And invite Cosmic Light to stream forth into our minds and hearts

And into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child on the planet

As we all become Channels for Light,

Illumination and Love

 to descend to Earth.

