Wolfgang. A. Mozart 1756-1791

So now let's see what David Tame has to say about this composition,

 Night on Bald Mountain by Mussorgsky.

Remember he is talking about musical compositions from the standpoint of (what he believes) are their moral and Spiritual worth and illustrates this by describing this composition Disney used in his production in 1940 of Fantasia. If you remember Disney used a series of classical compositions in Fantasia, setting animations to them.

Tame writes: "Disney granted his animators complete freedom to represent in animated scenes

 whatever the various pieces of music chosen for the film evoked in their minds.

J. S. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor evoked for the Disney artists abstract patterns of

 mathematical precision and cosmological rhythm. Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony was

 accompanied in the film by the pastoral scenes  which the music suggests.

Accompanying the Mussorgsky piece and fitting the music, in the composition Chernabog,

 Mussorgsky's lord of evil and death, appears on the night of the witches' Sabbath. Spirits,

 witches and vampires dance frenziedly about. The skeletons of all those not buried in

 consecrated ground are raised up. Finally, tiring of them all, Chernabog condemns them all to a

 fiery pit. Each visual sequence faithfully parallels the eerie, sinister and monstrous soundtrack.

 which bring us to the question:

Why should anybody need to have such 'music' imposed upon them in the first place? 

'Night on Bald Mountain' might be studied by musicologists in the same way we study prehistoric

 remains or the strange customs of savages.

But for Higher Purposes this music has always been less that worthless."

Does anyone doubt that any kind of 'uglyness, whether musical ideas or any other' we

 doubt that they act in  our emotional world to subvert both our human and Soul evolution. I tend

 to think they were deliberately designed to do just that!  And Spiritually unaware individuals use

 them and pass on those negative ideas to others..

With a little investigation we can see that towards the end of the last century a new philosophy

 was taking hold of the human mind. It encompassed an humanistic, socialistic outlook, atheistic in

 nature and has been generally fostered by scientist and people, who

 put themselves above God Rules of Perfection and Beauty....above Peace and Freedom for all....

Let me speak plainly here...

For me, after years of research and analyzing it seems a godless 'force' works overtime to

 deliberately sabotage 'the good and beautiful that God hath wrought'....we see this 'force' at

 work in art and music and literature....

 At any rate, over the past one hundred and fifty years, people have been lured away from

 Spiritual and moral values through many channels....but no more so than through the effect of  

 low vibrations that play upon their mental and emotional energies when they listen to music.

 There are vibrations that produce ugliness and some of that exists in much of the 'pop music'

 of our time. At many levels, life in the twentieth century has become a time of pure animal

 humanism and godlessness. Do we wonder how much modern music, classical and popular, has

 played a part? Prior to the last century, what we call 'serious music' had been, in large part,

 based on Spiritual Ideals. 

The great composers of the classical and romantic eras were motivated by

 Spiritual traditions. Many of the earlier classical composers wrote music for the church. And

 many of their secular compositions contained Ideals of Spirituality  and Brotherhood. Within

 that music, beautiful and Soul satisfying melodies can be found, and what the trained musician

 would describe as 'mathematically perfect'  harmonies and rhythms, which are, as author, David

 Tame puts it, " like Cosmic Pulsations of the Mystical Motor of the Universe".


The Wisdom of the Ancients  held that music is a Powerful Force not only for social good in

 general, but also for positive change. In the early days of the United States of America we

 experienced that Positive Force. Then we saw all that begin to change towards the end of the

 nineteenth century. Gradually  this 'Wisdom' fell by the wayside as modern composers began to

 experiment with new techniques, basically mechanical, ignoring the old Rules which were actually

 based on Higher Spiritual Rules. That took classical music into a spiraling, downward, humanistic

 direction....focusing it away from the previous Spiritual Standard.

 A new breed of musicians appeared on the Planet, ostensibly composing for 'arts' sake

rather than for the sake of Spiritual Upliftment.


Music that had once consisted of the Sacred Mathematics of the classical composers such as

 Bach or the Spiritual Symbolism such as found in the music of Mozart was to be replaced by the

 deliberate and inexcusable antics of 'out of control, undisciplined human minds'.

 Composers had in the past experimented for the sake of improving their skills.

Now in the twentieth century, music was being written for purely intellectual reasons.


 Today as we look at a world that bobs and weaves and groans and screams to gross and ugly

 sounds, we have to ask ourselves what that 'negative force' has in mind for us.

We have to wonder about this sound, ie., this music of our time that continues

 to be composed by technical humanistic 'minds'.

We wonder about musical compositions created without heart energy....

We wonder about sound that often emphasizes only the ugly aspects of life....

We have to wonder if this 'new music', classical or common, isn't designed to turn people away

 from their Divinity and from the Greater Divinity of the Universe.

I have no doubt that it is being used to capture the materialistic mind and emotions

 of the sleeping human being. Or that it is being used to denigrate the beauty of the music of

 earlier composers such as Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, and the many others

who idealized, and Spiritualized their subject matter.

Should we concern ourselves with this? 

(LJC)  News Flash....this just in from the website.... 


August 2007.....Excerpts from an article.....

New York Jets Listen to Mozart on the Football Field

Is the Mozart Effect Real?

There's nothing more macho than a bunch of big, strong guys throwing on the gear, hitting the field, and battling it out during a grueling NFL football practice — all while listening to Mozart. Huh? What was that last part?

That's right: New York Jets coach, Eric Mangini, has Mozart blaring through the loud speakers during practice. Why?

"From different studies, they've shown — I may be a little wrong on the technical side — that Mozart's music and brain waves are similar and that it stimulates learning. They play it a lot at schools around the country, very low, underneath. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but why not give it a shot?" said Mangini.

After hearing this on ESPN, as the sportscasters mocked and laughed at the topic, I decided to do a little research myself. I found what is known as "The Mozart Effect." Some believe that listening to Mozart, or any similar Baroque music, stimulates the brain and can increase intelligence, learning, and cognitive ability.

.One of the reasonings behind the Mozart effect that actually seems to make some sense is this:

When your body hears the even, one beat per second of Baroque music, your heart rate and pulse relax to the beat. When you are in this relaxed, but alert state, your mind is able to concentrate more easily. Music corresponds to and affects our physiological conditions. During heavy mental work, our pulse and blood pressure rises, and it's usually more difficult to concentrate in this state. The Baroque and Mozart music pieces on the Mozart Effect learning tapes and compact disks have been especially selected for their beat pattern (60 beats per minute), reduce your blood pressure and pulse rate and increases your ability to learn at the same time.

So, even though the actual "Mozart effect" seems to be a bit over-hyped, that doesn't mean classical music can't at least help relax your body and calm your mind.

I don't normally listen to music as I work, but I'm going to test it out a little this week to see if I can tell any difference. Feel free to dust off your classical collection and join me in the experiment.

We'll continue this discussion on the next page


Lois J Crawford


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 Copyright © 'Beliefs'
