'The Cosmic Crystal Cup'

In English and Spanish

Let's talk now about how we open a Divine Connection with that Great

 Cosmic Activity of the 'Crystal Cup from the Ascended Master's Octave'.

knowing that when 'we turn it on', we allow the Water of Life to flow to us and through us.

To do this we, each one, will remember to 'reach up to the Cosmic Crystal Cup'

several times a day and call forth all Its Power and Powers into action for

 ourselves and for all in this physical world for the Eternal Victory of Light,

Freedom and Justice to all mankind and the Earth forever!

Yes, in fact we are instructed to call for the specific action of the Cosmic Crystal Cup

that causes the Cup of Light around us here on the physical plane to be

filled to overflowing with

a Powerful Light-Substance from the 'COSMIC CRYSTAL CUP'.

We set this into action when we decree for the 'POWER' of the Cosmic Crystal Cup

to descend into and through all who love and serve God.... 

into through and around all that God has Created

 knowing that we are setting into action a Powerful Cosmic Action of the

Miracle Light-Substance from the 'COSMIC CRYSTAL CUP'.

 Yes, we are opening a Divine Connection to the 'Crystal Cup from the Ascended Master's Octave'.

 Yes, we have turned on the Water of Life, allowing It to flow to us and through us.

Remember now: And this is important to understand and to accept this.......!

 When we make that Call, instantly there will pour back into our brains and body and atmosphere the 'Flaming Substance' of the Cosmic Light, qualified and directed by the Ascended Beings Who govern Its Activity. It will be charged with whatever is required concerning the Specific Quality for which we are calling.

Also in asking for the descent of Cosmic Perfection and Protection for our various countries

(remember: this Website goes out to people all over the world)

 we are asking for the Mightiest Release possible of Liquid Light into our countries, into the Crystal Cup of our country, so that Its Electronic Force may penetrate through the mental and feeling world of the people of every country. This Liquid Light will penetrate the brain structure and emotional body of mankind, exactly as sunshine penetrates a fog and consume it. The mighty Streams of Electronic Force from the Cosmic Crystal Cup of a Thousand Suns can penetrate the brain structure as easily as an X-ray....even more so.

And was there ever a time when this activity was needed more!!

In calling forth the Power of the Cosmic Crystal Cup into our country, consciously using our 'God-free will', we give recognition to a certain Cosmic Action of Electronic Force which is governed by Great Beings and Legions of Light Who qualify that Light Substance in a particular Way with Their Purifying, Harmonizing, Illumining Presence and Energy.

 We are giving Them the 'permission' (which They require) to direct those Light Rays into the destructive activities acting within our countries. They take up our Energy as we send It forth and They re-qualify It with Their Electronic Force and return It again into the countries for which we call. This acts to lift from humanity the destructive domination of vicious hypnotic forces at work throughout the Planet.

How do we invoke the Power and Activity of the Crystal Cup?

 Here are excerpts (wording edited)

 from 'The Call for the Crystal Cup'

as given to her students by Beloved Edna Ballard

Mighty 'I AM' Presence

'I Am'!  'I AM'!  'I AM'!

Thy Crystal Cup of Pure Dazzling Light,

so blazing no shadows can longer exist!

Move me forward, Thy Victory of the Overwhelming Power of the Cosmic Crystal Cup, Eternally Master wherever I move....compelling for me and for all who make this Call, the annihilation of all human limitation and its cause, effect record and memory from my Pathway forever!

I reach up to the 'Cosmic Crystal Cup' and call forth all Its Power into action in this physical world for the Eternal Victory of Light, Freedom and Justice for all mankind and the Earth forever.

Charge, charge, charge and keep my mind, body, being and world filled full to overflowing with the full Power of every Activity of the Cosmic Crystal Cup ....let there come forth through me every good thing for the protection, supply, Freedom and Justice for all who are constructive through out the world.

My Mighty 'I AM' Presence and Holy Christ Self, compel me to give the obedience Life requires to enable me to call forth and use these Greater Powers of Life that bless and help mankind to Freedom...and ultimately raise all into their Ascension.

Make and keep us all worthy of all Greater Perfection of Life which we command into action now for the Blessing of all mankind, the Earth and its atmosphere forever.

Now I issue a Great Cosmic Fiat for my country, America.

(asking each one to do this not only for America but for their own country)

'So long as the Stars remain and the Heavens send down dew upon the Earth,

 so long shall America remain Free.

Her people shall have Divine Justice, Protection by the 'Light of God that never fails'

for Freedom and Divine Justice shall not perish from the Earth!'


(now speaking your fiat out loud....)

I have spoken. Powers of Light, compel the Fulfillment of this my decree forever!'


Remember: We are told 'God spoke and nothing became everything'...

now the Voice of God must be heard through the Spoken Word of each one of us....(LJC)

  Lois J. Crawford




*En Español*

Traducido por:
 Eduardo Illanes de Santiago de Chile

Los Maestros Ascensionados sugieren que nos acordemos de alcanzar

 hasta la Copa de Cristal Cósmica varias veces  al día y llamar por todo su Poder y Poderes

 a la acción para nosotros mismos y para todos en este mundo físico para la Victoria Eterna de la Luz,

 la Libertad y Justicia para toda la humanidad y la Tierra para siempre.

 Sí. Se nos enseña que en el llamamiento de la acción de

de la Copa de Cristal Cósmica vamos a darnos cuenta de que cuando

 decretamos ....

PODER, PODER, PODER de la Copa de Cristal Cósmica
desciende, desciende, desciende
 en y a través de este lugar y alrededores
a todos los que aman y sirven a Dios ....
a través y alrededor de todo lo que Dios ha Creado

 estamos convocando a la Acción Cósmica de esa

Substancia-Luz de  la COPA DE CRISTAL CÓSMICA.

Estamos abriendo una conexión con la Gran

Actividad Cósmica de la ‘Copa de Cristal de la Octava de

los Maestros  Ascensionados.

 De hecho, estamos girando la llave y el agua está fluyendo.

Cuando llamamos el Poder de la Copa de Cristal Cósmica aumentamos la Presión

  de la Substancia-Luz que fluye a través de nuestro llamado.

Además, activamos las diversas Actividades de la Perfección de los Maestros Ascensionados desde la ‘Copa de Cristal Cósmica’ de los Mil Soles' mediante el envío de nuestro Amor sincero a Ellos.


 Cuando hacemos esa Llamada, inmediatamente se derramará de nuevo en nuestro cerebro, el cuerpo y el ambiente, la Substancia Llameante de la Luz Cósmica, cualificado y dirigido por los Seres Ascensionados que rigen Su Actividad. Será cargada con todo lo que es necesario concerniente a la Cualidad Específica  para la que estamos llamando.

También en pedir el descenso de  la Perfección Cósmica y la Protección de nuestros diversos países (recuerden que: este sitio Web llega a otras  personas de todo el mundo), estamos para pedir la más Poderosa  Liberación posible del Líquido de la Copa de Cristal en nuestros países , en la Copa de Cristal de nuestro país, para que Su Fuerza Electrónica  puede penetrar a través del mundo mental y el sentimiento de la gente de cada país. Esta Luz Líquida penetra en la estructura del cerebro y el cuerpo emocional de la humanidad, exactamente como el sol penetra en la niebla y la consume. Las poderosas Corrientes de la Fuerza Electrónica de  la Copa de Cristal Cósmica de los Miles de Soles pueden penetrar en la estructura del cerebro tan fácilmente como un Rayo X .... aún más que eso.

En el llamamiento del Poder de la Copa de Cristal Cósmica en nuestro país, utilizando nuestro ‘libre albedrío’, le damos el reconocimiento a una determinada Acción Cósmica de la Fuerza Electrónica que es gobernada por Grandes Seres y Legiones de la  Luz que califican la Substancia de Luz en un determinada Forma con su Presencia y Energía Purificante, Armonizante e Iluminante. Se les da el permiso que necesitan para dirigir los Rayos de Luz en las actividades destructivas que actúan en nuestros países. Toman nuestra Energía cuando la enviamos y ellos la re-califican con Su Fuerzas Electrónica y la devuelven de nuevo a los países para los que llamamos. Esto actúa para elevar a la humanidad de la dominación destructiva de las fuerzas viciosas hipnóticas trabajando en todo el Planeta.


¿Cómo invocar el Poder y la Actividad  de la Copa de Cristal?

Éstos son extractos (texto ligeramente modificado)

 del ‘Llamado de la Copa de Cristal'

tal como se indica a los estudiantes por la Bienamada Edna Ballard

Poderosa Presencia ‘I AM’ 

'I AM' 'I AM'!  'I AM'

 Tu Copa de Cristal de Deslumbrante Luz Pura
tan ardiente que ninguna sombra pueda existir

Muévanme hacia adelante, en Tu Victoria de Abrumador Poder de la Copa de Cristal Cósmica, Eternamente Maestra dondequiera que me mueva .... obligándome a mí y para todos los que hacen este Llamado, la aniquilación de toda limitación humana y su causa, efecto registro y recuerdo de mi Camino para siempre!

Yo alcanzo la Copa Cósmica de Cristal’ y pido todo Su Poder en acción en este mundo físico para la Victoria Eterna de la Luz, Libertad y Justicia para toda la humanidad y la Tierra para siempre.

Carga, carga, carga y mantiene mi mente, cuerpo, ser y mundo lleno hasta rebalsar, con todo el Poder de cada Actividad de la Copa de Cristal Cósmica .... que salga a través de mí todo lo bueno para la protección, el suministro, Libertad y Justicia para todos los que son constructivos a través el mundo.

Mi Poderosa Presencia ‘I AM’ y el Sagrado Cristo en mí, oblíguenme a dar la obediencia que la Vida exige, para que yo pueda llamar y utilizar estos Poderes más Grandes de la Vida que bendicen y ayudan a la humanidad a la Libertad ... y, finalmente, elevarlos a todos en su Ascensión .

Hagan y mantengan a todos dignos de la Mayor Perfección de la Vida que nosotros llamamos a la acción ahora para la Bendición de toda la humanidad, la Tierra y su atmósfera para siempre.

Ahora emitan el Gran Fiat Cósmico para mi país, Estados Unidos.

(Cada uno debe hacer esto para su país)

‘Mientras las Estrellas y los Cielos bajen el rocío sobre la Tierra, en tanto América permanezca Libre. Su gente tendrá la Justicia Divina, la Protección por la ‘Luz de Dios que jamás falla’ para la Libertad y la Justicia Divina, no perecerá en la Tierra’.

 He hablado.....

‘Poderes de la Luz, obliguen al cumplimiento de este mi decreto para siempre.’

(digan este decreto en voz alta)…


Se nos dice que 'Dios' habla y nada se ha hecho todo’...

ahora la Voz de Dios’ debe ser escuchada a través de la Palabra Hablada
de cada uno de nosotros.


Now Lee Murdock asks............

What is the Action of the Crystal Cup

Speaking now regarding the Physical Body


In the Ascended Master Teachings the 'Crystal Cup' is sometimes used as a metaphor or symbol of the purified lower bodies (the human consciousness), once harmonized this 'cup of consciousness' can receive and then pour forth the Pure Love, Wisdom and Light of the Individualized God Presence. This is the Divine Purpose behind the human consciousness and it is the ultimate fulfillment of its destiny. Each of us is individually destined to walk not only in the presence of... but as an expression of the Heart of God, guided from within! Blessing all that we touch with Its Perfection and Love.

The Great "I AM" or 'Great Central Sun' as it is also known, is at the core of ALL THAT IS and is pouring forth its Pure Divine Light, Love, Wisdom and Power. This Light is infused with harmonious Divine intention, empowering all creation with a limitless flow of "Cosmic Light". The Light is designed to bless all of Gods creation and if allowed to express without interruption from the lower human bodies, this Cosmic Light produces Pure Perfection for all life.


Through the misuse of the four lower bodies (the physical, Etheric, emotional and mental bodies) humanity have literally closed the flow of this Divine Light to the smallest of trickles, barely sustaining the life functions and little more! Manifesting the world of lack, limitation and confusion that is often called life today.

The limitless Love, Blessings and Joy of the "Beloved I AM" is ours to call forth to bless all life. It is released into our hands and use in greater volume as we surrender the lower fear based patterns that have dominated the four lower bodies and we allow the four lower bodies to be harmonized through the use of the Violet Flame.

The Violet Flame is a Sacred tool given to humanity by the Great White Brotherhood. At first used only by the initiates in the Sacred Spiritual Retreats, however thanks to our Beloved Saint Germain its presence and use has now been released to all humanity. A gift to liberate ourselves from the Karmic bonds and error patterns of the four lower bodies and in turn release the full perfection of the Divine Light to flow into our hands and use.

'The Crystal Cup'

 is a phrase that first blessed my consciousness

 within the "I AM" Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

Lee Murdock




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