agreed, in 1932, to go to public with the Ascended Message of

 the 'I AM' Presence

and of the purifying, transmuting properties of the

 Violet Flame.

Some History of

 Guy and Edna Ballard and their son, Donald Ballard.

Those of you who have been reading this website know that my Spiritual Perspective has been developed through a now seventy five year long study of the Master Teaching that came first to me through Guy and Edna Ballard as it was articulated through Their numerous Teaching Statements and  Spiritual Articles....through  numerous books and a large number of monthly magazines.

In these books, et all, can be found not only Their Instruction but also the history of 'how it all began'. There may be still those who do not know that the Three Ballards were chosen by the Ascended Hierarchy or that they were privately instructed by the Master Saint Germain and Others of the Ascended and Angelic Hierarchy to publicly voice these Higher Levels of Christ Spirituality to the Nations.

Or that today the Ascended Master Instruction given to the world through Them is now the staple, basic Information used by many Spiritual Groups worldwide. It is taught in many organizations, within many formats....yes, world wide. And still it is not generally known that this Transcendent Information originated with three (outwardly) very ordinary people....or that, though it is copied and used world wide, rarely do the individuals who give, for example, Violet Flame Decrees, have any knowledge of the Spiritual Pioneers through whom this Instruction originated. If I should wonder if Godness is expanding throughout the whole world I have only to realize that one can find the Ballard 'I AM' Movement Dictations, decrees and pictures and music in use on hundreds ....perhaps thousands of websites throughout the world. God is in control!

Thus, we  can be assured that the Ascended Master Truth and Instruction of the 'I AM' Presence and the Violet Fire and Consuming Flame as seen and read in hundreds of publications, on thousands of websites world over is alive and well and expanding.

Even as the Message of the Beloved Jesus has been kept alive over two thousand years,  'God' continues to expand that Message, working through thousands of people who recognize and love this modern Ascended Master Information and Instruction for the incoming Age....most of them never knowing that that Cosmic Information originated with Guy and Edna Ballard. Yes, those thousands of dictations, decrees, music and much originated with the Ballards, and it now flows throughout the world.

The story of Guy and Edna Ballard's willingness to step walk into the glare of public opinion....much of it advance Truths of a Higher Spiritual Level....well, I find that nothing less than heroic. As well I am amazed when I remember the many thousands of individuals who thronged to see and hear Them family was among them.  

I can imagine Their giving up their quiet, private lives and going out in the Service of 'God', true Disciples, true Messengers gracefully accepting both the  appreciation and love of those who attended their large well as standing firm and steady against the negativity that was projected against Them from the beginning (and in some quarters continuing to this day).

It was in the early 1930s when the Ascended Ones Who were instructing Them  asked Them to 'go public' as it begin to speak to groups of people...and using plain uncomplicated language to begin sharing and teaching a practical, Cosmic expansion of the Instruction that came through the Beloved Master two thousand years ago....and to add to that the next Level of the more esoteric Spiritual Instruction that was being given to Them by Ascended and Angelic Beings.

 Guy and Edna Ballard and Donald, their son, were asked to speak of Cosmic 'Truths', little known by the general public at that time....They were asked to show the Way of integrating Those Truths into everyday lives of those who could accept Them. They brought new Information to those who were .ready to move forward into a Higher Level of Spiritual Consciousness.

To be able to do this They had been trained for many years by the various Ones of the Ascended Hierarchy Who were responsible for bringing the less known Spiritual Instruction to humanity, restating and expanding upon the Ancient Wisdom of the Piscean Master and Those Who came before Him.

They were bringing the Christ Teaching of the Ages into the Light of a new day for the  Victory and expansion of Cosmic Christ Light on the Planet....bringing with it Freedom that would open the door for the Evolution of Souls who embody on the Planet.

It is my Belief that had the Christ Message of two thousand years ago been heeded the people and Planet today would not be facing the recoil of toxic energy that negatively fuels cyclic many cases,. catastrophic events. Had the Christ Message  been understood and acted upon during the past two thousand years, mankind, Body and Soul and the Planet would now be ready to peacefully work through the unfolding cyclic events of our time.

However,  it is well documented that the 'Jesus Message' was gotten control of and distorted....history records the fate of many who tried to carry forward the Truth He brought ....records the many ways in which Light bearers of the past have been exterminated or driven underground....but that is a discussion for another day....and it is also water under the bridge.

Mankind, Body and Soul must move forward....actually is being forced to move forward. All Life connected to and with this Planet has no choice but to move forward, one way or another.

And that 'forward Spiritual Thrust' of our time returns us to our subject....the Ballards....

Their Story and Life Efforts to teach evolving Spiritual Concepts goes  beyond what was being offered even one hundred years ago... certainly, .goes beyond anything that is now being offered in any mainline organized religion.

Their Message can be compared to the Christ Message of 'Jesus'.  He 'walked the Earth' to bring an entirely new level of Spiritual Consciousness to humanity articulate a more profound Perception of man and God to the people of two thousand years initiate an Understanding of the 'Christ Consciousness' that exists within every human teach the Idea of the human /Soul partnership ... the true Message of Christianity that speaks of the partnership of God, the Father and the human working together on Earth....creating a Heaven on Earth.

Now two thousand years later, in our time, even though that initial Instruction of 'Jesus' has continued to spread and expand across the world, the Cosmic Need for the next part of the Instruction....a more powerful Expression of that Christ Consciousness....has arisen. It appears that the Planet is within a few years of some major 'changes' which possibly can mean everything from minor changes to major upheavals as far as how mankind will be affected, Body and Soul. These days of change have been intuited for thousands of years right up to the present time. And confirmed by the Ascended Hierarchy Who knew/know something more had/has to be done to help both the Planet as well as the constructive humanity of Earth move safely and constructively  through the present times.

And this is where the Three Ballards enter the scene.

 They were asked and they accepted the Mission to take up the Messengership, to 'go public' as it were, and as I have said to re-affirm the Message of the Christ,' Jesus' while adding the next Dimension of Christ Consciousness to It. How well They succeeded can be judged by how well and far reaching That Spiritual Language and Understanding has advanced since the Ballard's Efforts began in the 1930s. It can be judged by the numbers of groups and individuals who have adopted this expanded Ascended Master and Angelic Instruction as it was articulated by the Ballards. If one has studied some of both older as well as current Spiritual approaches to Life, it can clearly be seen that this new Ascended Master Instruction as taught by Guy and Edna Ballard has been the 'accepted and the more complete Spiritual Truth' for our time ....a Cosmic Truth which is spreading across the face of the Earth even as did the New Christ Message brought by 'Jesus, the Christ' of two thousand years ago..

Time and Truth March On!

 Now for those who do not know it, I would like to briefly tell Their Story and begin this way:

In the early part of the 1920s Guy and Edna Ballard along with their son, Donald had for some time been sharing their Spiritual interests with friends. When the group met, they often heard Guy Ballard describe some interesting New Insight he was receiving (intuitively) from One he came to know as Beloved Saint Germain as well as from Other Higher Beings Who were participating in revealing to him the more advanced ‘Laws of Life’. It was this small group of acquaintances....friends with similar Spiritual interests....who formed the first group to embrace this Advanced Cosmic Teaching’.

What become known as The Ballard 'I AM' Movement began to develop publicly with the publishing of 'Unveiled Mysteries'. Guy Ballard's experiences and the Spiritual Instruction given to the Three Ballards by Ascended Masters, Who were then and are now in charge of getting certain Spiritual Information out to the people, became of immense interest to many people of that time and continuing into our day.

The Ballards lived in Chicago, Illinois, USA. at the time Beloved Saint Germain as well as Beloved Jesus and Other of the Ascended Hierarchy came to Them (sometimes in Visible tangible Light Forms) to continue Their Spiritual Education.

One day a Ray of Light was projected onto a dining room table in Their Home from which came Beloved Saint Germain's Voice saying,

’We would like to dictate a series of Discourses should you care to cooperate. Take time to think it over and let Me know’. 

Edna Ballard (Bless her precious heart) answered immediately replying,

 ‘We are ready to begin now!’ 

We are told that twice a week over the next seven months Saint Germain projected His Instruction and Information in a series of Talks directly into their homes. These Communications soon became available in printed form and have become some of the most important and basic Instruction of all certainly was for all who were  looking for Spiritual Direction at that time.

At this point I wish to add that all the Ballard books are forever charged with Saint Germain’s Ascended Master Consciousness and Love as well as that of other Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host Who spoke through Them....the Hierarchy that is concerned with expanding the Christ Message throughout the world. This is the reason we are asked to quote Their Words, which we are told are Cups of Light. In this way we cooperate in the releasing and expanding Their Light into the atmosphere and onto the physical planet itself.

   These Beings of Light offer through Their Radiation and Expanded Consciousness the Protection, Freedom, Illumination and Perfection of Their Ascended Essence to all who study and apply the Truths given in these books with the (Ascended) Hope that all may soon express greater Mastery of Life.

Thus, the printing of 'Unveiled Mysteries' became the foundation for the Instruction of Saint Germain and Others of The Ascended Hierarchy Who freely offered It to individuals of our time....and that Instruction, that Truth as it came through Guy and Edna Ballard, has continued to spread over the Earth....It is used within many groups, large and small throughout the world....with whom the Ascended Hierarchy is currently working.



We sometimes ask what one or a even a small group of people can do when confronted with big issues to be resolved....and today the world still is confronted with some very big issues.

Well, think about it! What began with the interest and efforts of that first very small group of people in the 1930s....those friends and family who accepted the Ascended Instruction as it first came through Guy Ballard...those first few people who became the bedrock upon which Saint Germain’s Cosmic Plan was established....who were the nucleus, the Source of Information for the Ascended Plan to first teach individuals about their 'I AM Presence' and then instruct them regarding the protection and defense of the 'Freedom of the individual'...Freedom the Ascended Host had initiated in America and that was meant to go throughout the world.

In the year 2011 events were proving that nothing can stop that

 Plan for Freedom from evolving forward.

 Nothing can or will stop the Cosmic Truth that reveals to us who we really are  and what our Purpose is in the grand scheme of things!


  Today  (2016) 'that Ascended Master Plan' continues to evolve on Earth through many organizations that have been inspired and are using the Spiritual Information and indeed even the Class Formats that the Three Ballards developed.

 Over the years many variations of the Ballard Spiritual Theme have been developed by different groups and various individuals to carry the Master Message forward.

At the present time, this Master Truth is moving over the face of the Earth in Perfect Divine Order under the Direction of the Ascended  and Angelic Hierarchy. It is for the individual to choose from a  number of Spiritual Avenues that are available that will offer the New Spirituality that prepares the individual to grow up and out of anything chaotic should it out picture in his life. This Instruction articulated by the Ballards does prepare humanity to survive and personally grow and particularly now  as we live within whatever format is devised to allow Life on Earth to survive the  'changes' being experienced over the entire planet

as today all that does not serve God is

being transmuted into something that does serve God

or does not stand in the way of God!.

Guy and Edna Ballard Accredited Messengers of the Ascended Hierarchy


In this Website I tell you often about Guy and Edna Ballard because we are in one of those times of massive Purification and we need Powerful Friends to help us get our work done. And They qualify as Powerful friends. It is always of interest to me to realize how in God’s Good Time, Doors open and Masters and Master Teachers  walk onto the Earth plane....and humanity has the choice to walk with Them, out of the old and into a brighter new day or stay behind. History proves the truth of this. Those of us who had the  good fortune to be taught by the Ballards were well aware of their Cosmic Credentials. Though we knew Them as individuals like ourselves, we believed in their Cosmic Power....and today when we know them as the Ascended Godfre and Lady Master Lotus we realize how much greater that Power has become that They can now wield from those High Heavens....and so the reason for my telling and retelling their story is to so captivate my reader with their history, that all who know their story will feel an  immediate friendship with Them and will feel welcome to turn to Them and not only invoke their participation in God's work here....but will wish to join with Them in their Sacred Work. 

 Today what can only be described as Victorious Cosmic Christ Light is blazing out onto the hurting world...quenching the Thirst for Truth for those people who are ready for the more expanded Consciousness of Greater Godness.

Yes, we are in one of those 'times' when Great Cosmic Light is coming out of Higher Dimension....let's call Them, Heavenly Places...covering the Earth... and on Earth, individuals, Body and Soul, are 'awakening’ ....and people are using, absorbing and expanding that Great Heavenly Christ Light which brings with It Higher Spiritual Consciousness and the Dawn of the New Day. And we who have been schooled in this Perception, must become partners with Those Whose Christ Power, when combined with our Christ Power assures a God-Victory in all we do in the Service of the Cosmic Light.

  In the 1930s when ‘Unveiled Mysteries’ was given to mankind, there was a tremendous response to this Great Gift of God as many understood the Deeper Meaning of that which was being offered. Many realized humanity was finally being provided with Information that would swing open wide That Cosmic Door into Realms of Life where there were Explanations, not only to ‘Who and What God’ is, but now Souls would be provided with the Answers to their own Spiritual Identity. Now they would have an understanding of Who They Really Are, Body and Soul.

Over the centuries humanity had come a long way on its journey in search of its Spiritual Heritage. However throughout the modern recorded history of the Earth, Truth' had been available only to those few who made it their Life's Work to find It and to arduously prepare themselves to receive It. Only fragments of the Real Understanding of Life had been taught to the general public for thousands of years and during those times much confusion and deliberate falsehood entered into It.

 For a very long time good people have been slaves to 'lack of Truth'!  

But now the Cycles were/are changing and the Times demand that Powerful Spiritual Information be made available to all who are searching for it....who would/will accept it and use it. Thus at the beginning of the last century the Lords of Life agreed to the expansion of certain Spiritual Information under the direction of Beloved Saint Germain and Those Ascended Beings Who offered or were asked to participate with Him. As we have seen, on the human side of the equation at the outset He chose Guy and Edna and Donald Ballard as His Messengers to spearhead the Ascended Effort to introduce mankind to many of the here-to-fore Spiritual Mysteries of Life.

These 'Messengers' then went into 'high gear' encouraged by the excitement and enthusiasm generated by the publishing of ‘Unveiled Mysteries’ which has continued to be since that time a Miracle Expression and Expansion of the Ascended Master Teaching.

Looking back it is amazing to realize how within those few years before Guy Ballard Ascended (1932-1939), throngs of enthusiastic people filled the major large auditoriums in the big cities of the United States, coming to hear Those Messengers teach. It is equally amazing to realize with what eagerness and earnestness people of that day listened to those first Dictations directly from an Ascended Master.

 That was phenomenal for Planet Earth

 and for those ready to take the next steps into Christhood.

God Bless you, all  who read these words.

God Bless Beloved Guy and Edna and Donald Ballard

  I enfold you all in my Love,

Lois J Crawford



   GUY W. BALLARD  'Unveiled Mysteries'  Chapters  1 & 2




Our Heartfelt thanks to Margi Harrell 

for her beautiful music


All LJC text

Copyright ©  'Beliefs'
