....a sincere and dedicated patriot who believes in the Power of God at work in the Life of the who sees Freedom and Liberty for all written in The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution, the Cornerstone Documents upon which the Nation was founded....a leader  who is prepared to act to protect the people and the Nation from any who declare war on this people and Nation.


"I believe the most solemn duty of the American president is to protect the American people. If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This will not happen on my watch.

I am running for President with a clear and positive plan to build a safer world, and a more hopeful America. I am running with a compassionate conservative philosophy: that government should help people improve their lives, not try to run their lives. I believe this Nation wants steady, consistent, principled leadership -- and that is why, with your help, we will win this election.

The story of America is the story of expanding liberty: an ever-widening circle, constantly growing to reach further and include more. Our Nation's founding commitment is still our deepest commitment:

In our world, and here at home, we will extend the frontiers of freedom.

Pres Geo. W. Bush....

 Sept. 2,2004 

March 27, 2007



 Dear President Bush, I write to speak publicly of my pride in your quiet, dignified leadership and of my gratitude for your patriotism. I, for one, stand beside you in your efforts to lead this country in a time of unprecedented perils that threaten our Constitutional way of life.

 Over the years of your leadership, I have watched closely the parade of world events. During that time I have observed the unconscionable betrayal of America by certain factions, political and otherwise within the country....betrayal of our Founding by those who appear to have not the least idea of the Meaning of the Constitutional Republic that is the United States of America...or if they do, then by my reasoning I declare them guilty of treason against this country...for they have been thwarting many of the efforts of your Administration to fight a war against unconscionable enemies, both domestic and foreign....there are some giving support to those who choose to aid the enemies of this country with their words and actions...and in the process may be leaving this country open to the destruction of the Way of Life cherished by some of us....hopefully by the majority of us.

I read of foreign factions, both those who are unconscionably ungrateful for American friendship and support and those others who have as their primary interests, the destruction of everything that America stands hard as that is for free people to can anyone be against individual Freedom and Liberty or the Creativity that springs from the hearts of people free to follow their personal star.

President Bush, for six years I have watched unconscionable obstruction placed in your Way to lead this country...not just by a media that has been demonstrably unpatriotic for many years...long before you came on the scene....but by those who should be standing beside those of your own political party who should make a real effort to support come to your defense when what your detractors are saying about your leadership is patently untrue or at the best one-sided. Instead those who should be your friends and supporters stand around waiting for your to defend yourself....I didn't think that was the way it works. I thought we rallied around and defended our friends and this case, around our President.

 I read and listen to the what I consider to be competent, conservative and patriotic voices....they too, are constantly engaging in what we call 'Monday morning quarterbacking'....carping, joining the chorus of criticism against you....a bunch of spoiled brats....Oh, America....

It is not only the miscellaneous evil elements of world society that work overtime to discredit and derail your efforts but sadly, you are hampered in your Presidential duties by the lack of support from those who should be helping you. And then they criticize what they themselves are party to.

I have watched you STRIVE for answers NOT ONLY to the problems of the United States but for answers to problems of Nations throughout the world with hardly a word of thanks or praise...often without the advice and help you need and deserve to make wise decisions...this reminds me of parents struggling to do everything for children for whom nothing is good or right or enough....struggling without knowledge in advance to give direction for what is best or right.

Today I am watching you rise above the often obscene vilification and unconscionable hatred being heaped upon you by the biased media, at home and worldwide....and by self serving politicians here at home whose approach to governing our Nation threatens the security of every nation. I watch you placating citizens who are often clueless about the real issues...the bigger picture....all of which you must come to grips with and which you had nothing to do with creating. There are no simple answers to the problems of our world today! But it is easy to criticize anyone who tries to solve problems.

And almost humorously if not so serious, there are those who think you should spend your time explaining and defending yourself and your decisions. To that I say, 'what good would it do' for every word you utter is fair game for those who make their living politicizing or analyzing everything you say...'what good would it do' except to give more fuel to those who hate you and/or are stupidly insensitive or treasonably anxious to damage this country by spending their time trying to destroy you and your efforts.

Again I say, 'Wake up America! Be aware...there is treason afoot even as it was in the days of our original fight for Freedom. Be aware of the many who earn their living attempting either to destroy this Presidency or are failing to stand beside this President....failing to 'hold up his arms' as he works to confront all the problems facing modern civilization.

 I speak to Those Patriots who can see the dangers confronting the United States at this time (2007). I say to you, 'we should be helping this Patriotic President'. We have a duty to support him in every way as he seeks to protect America and to find ways to maintain the American Way of Life. It matters not whether we understand and agree with every word and action...this President is seeking not only to protect us from a real danger within our borders, but is promoting social stability, not only for us but for people throughout the world. He is swimming against a powerful un-American, unpatriotic tide. He needs our kind words....our unconditional support.

Now without asking permission first I wish to print an article I found written by Newt Gingrich,  one that speaks to my concerns and states clearly the problem America faces.

 March 2007

Newt speaking: The news report came about mid-week. Maybe you saw it.

The Associated Press reported that terrorists in Iraq have passed an unthinkable threshold: They used two children to disguise a car bomb.

The car was waved through a checkpoint by American soldiers who could not imagine that children would be in a car filled with explosives. When the terrorists got to their target, they got out of the car and ran. They left the children behind in the car, and then blew it up.

There is a word for people who put children in a car to be blown up. The word is evil.

It's Important That We Say It: Our Enemies Are Evil

When I travel around the country speaking to groups of Americans, I often tell the story of a couple arrested last year in Great Britain. They were arrested on the suspicion that they were going to use their eight-month-old baby to smuggle a bomb onto an airplane. They were apparently going to disguise the bomb as baby food. And they were perfectly happy to kill their baby just as long as they killed some Americans in the process.

There is a word for people like this. The word is evil.

It's important that we say this out loud and that we render this moral judgment. Because if we fail to understand that our enemy is evil, we have failed to understand what we are fighting.

We are not used to adversaries who will kill young children -- even their own children -- just to get a chance to kill us. But we had better get used to it, because this is the level of seriousness in the threat we face -- this is the level of its ferocity.

And yet I wonder if some of us are still not prepared to recognize and confront the evil of our enemies.

Suicidal Inability to Come to Grips With Evil

I grew very worried last week watching America's elite, who seem to be literally afraid to face the fact that we are at war.

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the leading captured terrorist from al Qaeda, offered a startling confession. He was almost certainly embellishing what he had done, but still, he told a chilling tale. He spoke unapologetically of the terrorist acts he had committed and those he had wished to commit.

He took responsibility for killing almost 3,000 people on Sept. 11, 2001. He said he had cut off a reporter's head, held it in his hand, and had his picture taken with it. And what was the reaction of two United States senators?

They were worried that we had mistreated Khalid Sheik Mohammed in captivity.

They didn't walk out of the room and say this is a frightening example of how serious our enemies are. They worried that we were dealing incorrectly with the man who had just finished saying how much he wanted to slaughter us.

This is a suicidal inability to come to grips with evil.

History Repeating Itself

It reminds me of something the great historian William Manchester once said of the elites in the years leading up to World War II.

It was the spring of 1939, after the Munich agreement had failed, after Hitler had absorbed the rest of Czechoslovakia, and after it was obvious that all the deals the democracies had made with Nazi Germany -- all the appeasement -- had failed. As Europe moved toward war, Winston Churchill tried to create a Ministry of Supply in Great Britain for the terrible war he knew was coming.

The public supported him and even the newspapers supported him. But the people Manchester called "the men of Munich" -- the elite, those who could not bring themselves to believe that Hitler was evil, that he meant what he said -- blocked Churchill at every turn. They would rather risk defeat than admit that they had been wrong.

Today's Men and Women of Munich

Today, we have the Men and Women of Munich. Just as before, these are elites who are afraid to face evil, afraid to recognize what our enemies are doing, and afraid to put partisanship aside and put America first so we can join together to defeat those who would destroy us.

The Men and Women of Munich have just scored a victory in Congress. They passed a bill that they have been enthusiastically telling their leftwing allies is designed to end the war in Iraq by crippling the military's ability to achieve victory.

Think about what that means. They haven't stood up courageously to vote to cut off funding for the war and take responsibility. No, they have avoided responsibility and sent the President a bill that is designed to fail and leave young Americans in uniform to pay the price.

This Is Not Just America's Problem

This inability to recognize the evil of our enemy isn't just in our government. Remember the story I told you, about the terrorists who used two children to disguise a car bomb in Iraq? Do you know how the editors at the Associated Press chose to headline that story? Not "Terrorists Slaughter Children, Save Themselves." Incredibly, the headline was "U.S. Destroys Bomb Factory in Iraq."

Talk about burying the lead.

And another news report surfaced this week displaying how Western society is failing to confront the true nature of our enemies because of the insane demands of political correctness.

In Germany, a judge refused to grant a Moroccan-born German woman a divorce on the grounds that the Koran allows husbands to beat their wives.

The woman had filed for divorce because her husband regularly beat her and had threatened to kill her. She had police reports to back her up. But the judge set aside the German constitution in favor of "respecting" religious fanaticism.

As for what it means for the future of Germany -- and Western civilization for that matter -- one German elected official put it best: "When the Koran takes precedence over basic German law, than I can only say: 'Goodnight, Germany.'"

Never Underestimate the Determination of Your Fellow Americans

We are living in serious times -- a time when all of us need to think of the needs of our country and its future rather than our own personal or party interest.

And despite the somber tone of my message to you today, I'm hopeful about our future.

In the years before World War II, the people of Great Britain and America eventually saw what the elites refused to see. They saw their futures, their families' futures, and the great civilization they had built threatened. And so they acted to defend them.

Everywhere I travel across this country I am approached by those of you who have this same understanding. You're not out to score cheap political points. You're not blinded by political correctness. You're demanding that your families and your nation be defended. You're demanding something more serious and more substantive from your leaders.

And if I know you, I have a feeling you're going to get it.

Thank you Newt....I hope you do not mind my using your words to make my point.

To our President I say, 'The free world should be supporting you, President appear to be standing alone on the brink of a precipice....the butt of countless worthless comments by leaders within the governmental structure of this country and throughout the world. You remind me of Moses leading the people out of the wilderness....a wilderness of their own making!

Always remember, President Bush...One with God is a Majority.


—former New York City Democrat Mayor Ed Koch

“Today, (June 2, 2008) according to the most recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey, ‘71 percent of the American public disapproves of how Bush is handling his job as President, an all-time high in polling.’ His position can be compared with that of Harry Truman who left Washington unpopular and alone in 1953. Today, with the passage of time, most historians and certainly the American people, see Truman in a different light, primarily for his willingness to stand firm against Soviet aggression, whether against Greece or South Korea, and proclaim the Truman Doctrine, effectively defending the free world from Soviet efforts to expand their hegemony. Like Truman, George W. Bush, in my view, will be seen as one of the few world leaders who recognized the danger of Islamic terrorism and was willing with Tony Blair to stand up to it and not capitulate... The reason I believe history will redeem President George W. Bush is that he is one of the few leaders on the planet today who understands the larger picture. He has not lost his courage and vision of the future. He knows what calamities await the world if it engages in appeasement and deserts an ally in order to buy an illusory peace. We will recognize his worth long after he is gone.”

Thus you see Mr. President, many see your worth. As for those Americans who ask for more 'leadership'. I say 'America has leadership'....yours and other thoughtful Patriots  who give their time and energy to serve our Country, while many powerful unpatriotic voices and non-god forces working day and night to denigrate and destroy your leadership. If you were not doing good things for this country, why would 'evil' work so hard to destroy you or your 'leadership' (which we are told doesn't exist)...why try to destroy something....unless it has the power to disturb something....and what would that be other than the 'liberal socialistic forces', the anti-God, atheistic forces....none of whom have the interests of the Republic at heart! 

 I support you, many support you, President Bush. Don't give up. Don't let criticism of small minds disturb you....tell it the way it what is right for America always. America is the Hope of the people of the world who have for ages been cannon fodder for those 'forces' that oppose freedom....America is the Heart of that Freedom.

We stand with you in preserving and protecting Constitutional Freedom in this country.....that America may give the example to the oppressed but decent people of the world may finally be free. We should support all world leaders who understand that what we are dealing with today and possibly for years to come is an evil, tyrannical world wide force that is hell bent on destroying Freedom wherever it is found....hell bent on destroying Freedom of the individual in the United States....the High level of Freedom that early Patriots fought for....gave their lives for....many of them standing bravely with George Washington when there seemed to be no hope that those who fought for Freedom would prevail. It is of interest to me that our first President, George Washington still has many detractors today who hate this brand of Freedom he was willing to die for. They are the oppressors of mankind and come in all types, shapes and sizes. The only thing they have in common is that they hate Freedom of the individual!

Wake up, Americans, before it too late!

Do we think 'God' will forgive Americans who fail to protect 'Freedom' as it was originally envisioned and developed in this country. Or overlook the folly of Citizens of any country for not embracing at least the Idea....the experiment of 'individual freedom'.








A final thought directed at those who can see nothing good in George Bush....and encouragement for those who do and who have supported him in the diabolical battle against  liberalism as it is currently being played out in the United States. Here is an article I found:

Subject: Bush's Congress
Comment: Just for the record, President Bush lost his Congressional advantage a mere 4 months into his first term when Senator Jeffords (formerly R-ME) chose to declare as an Independent. At that point the Senate Majority Leader became Tom Daschle (D-SD retired) and obstructionism was the order of the day. In my opinion there is no way the preceding 8 years in any way accurately reflects a political agenda pushed by George Bush or the "Republican" Congress. The "fact" that Bush had a Republican Congress for his first four years in office, is a commonly uttered Democrat talking point that is blatantly false (like most of their talking points)

 and subsequently he has had even less support from Congress. Thus the current financial debacle which he tried numerous times to avert.
From a patriot in Somis, California  9-08

It goes without saying that knowing the 'history of the past eight years.... knowing how the deck was completely stacked again this man by previous administrations and a liberal Congress, as well as by events over which he had no control...I DO AND HAVE SUPPORTED PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH in his determination to protect his efforts to protect Freedom and Liberty as envisioned by the Founding Fathers of the United States of he has offered this Vision to the world.

I share his Hope that the same Constitutional Freedom and Love of Liberty, 'GOD-GIVEN' to the people who came to America, will spread its Bright Light over the whole Planet.

I share his Hope that mankind will finally put down its weapons, give up its hatreds and embrace Peace. I share his Belief that Life is precious.


America needs Patriots

Lois Crawford




Inaugural Speech January 20, 2005

George W. Bush Legacy

   The U.S. Constitution

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