Dear Friends,
As we enter the 'stream
of Energy' that is the New Year
Let us take a moment to
pour out our Love
in gratitude
to each Master
Being and Angel Presence
Who gave so
generously and so graciously
of His or Her Radiation during the
Year 2003
how They love us and
continue to enfold each one of us
in the Light of God That
Never Fails.
Now let us add
our Life Energy to Theirs
and share
in enfolding every Lifestream in the Miracle Mantles
of the Beloved
Ascended and Angelic Guides and Teachers.
We are entering
into a New Year that brings with it
Challenges but also
brings the Gifts
of the Year 2004...a 'six year'....
a year in which we will
be asked to focus on the perfecting of
our 'human nature'....
readying each physical
self to
welcome the Descent of
the Holy Christ Spirit,
which is being lowered
from High Octaves of Light
into the Sacred Chalices
that are preparing for Its Arrival.
Each One becoming
Fully Consecrated to the Missions
of the Incoming
Christed Self.
The Soul no longer a
But Spirit grown to
full Stature,
capable of doing the
Work of the Creator on Earth.
Let us then participate
in the outpouring of the Energy for the New Year
by expanding Our Love to
all, so powerfully, that all Earth is Illumined.
A Special Blessing is
invoked for all
who are drawn to
and apply
Instruction of the Blessed Ascended Ones of Light
with the 'intent' of securing Peace on Earth.
God Bless you all!
Lois Crawford