All About Angels

An Angel Ambassador of The Holy Spirit

 (LJC) Our job today is to call forth the Eternal Divine Memory of the acceptance of the Reality of the Angels. Centuries ago we knew, accepted, and conversed with them; we knew of the Power of the Angelic Host....

Now, today the need of the Planet is so great and if ever we needed the Power of the Angels, we need it now especially if we have any Hope of having the Divine Plan fulfilled for this Planet and its people.

We must call to our Beloved 'I AM' Presence and to the Angelic Host to keep us surrounded by the Immortal Purity of the Sacred Fire Angels....for that keeps us disconnected from human creation.  

 We need this as an Invincible Guard to our emotional bodies so the discord of other people's feeling and actions cannot come in and connect with our Life Streams....we desperately need this protection these days from the totally destructive thoughts, destructive pictures and sounds that constantly grab at our attention....we need to know that the Angels of the Sacred Fire can in an instant, control destructive human creation....They can draw Their Protection and Power about us...the Cosmic Actions of the Angelic Host can make it impossible for human creation to connect with us. We all need this.

We have offered our Service to God....

One of the mightiest avenues of Service we can give is to call the Cosmic Angels of Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Power and Immortal Purity to strike in and around every one of our loved ones, especially around all who serve to defend us and your country. And issue the Fiat that the sinister force shall not approach anyone at any time.

Beloved Saint Germain once told us that when we use the word 'STOP' it is a Cosmic Command and can shatter into annihilation approaching destruction.

We need to remember this!

We need to call, now today, for the Great Angelic Host's Sacred Fire Power that 'STOPS' all human creation ever approaching us, our loved ones and especially our countries that are so vulnerable today from negative forces that are determined to undermine and destroy anything good on this planet. God is under for so long that Power has been. Now is the time for that to STOP! It only ceases to be when we embodied give the COMMAND!  

We, unascended ones, have to call forth the Legions....we have to connect with the Great Central Sun Legions of the Protecting Angels....we have to join with Them in blazing all the Sacred Fire Protection and Perfection They know is needed around all that is constructive.

We have to make that Call.

It is our Call that is waited for by the Heart of Creation. That activates the Beings Who direct the Sacred Fire Love. That allows Them to send forth Legions of Angels to take command and to establish for Eternity the Protection that only Sacred Fire Love can give to humanity.


Lois J Crawford




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