All About Angels

The Splendor of Angels....

(LJC) The variety of form of Angels...the variety of work performed by Angels...

and Their Beauty...

it can hardly be imagined.

 (2012) Michael....'Today I have asked our Beloved Susan to express her thoughts about Angels.

Susan.... Dear Ones, in thinking of what Beloved Michael has told us previously, I would like to begin by stressing again the utmost importance it is to have a Conscious Awareness of what the Angelic Host will do and can do for humanity at this time as people accept Their Presence with they live and move, believing in the Love which Angels pour at our call....and the Help They we acknowledge Their Presence with and among us

We cannot acknowledge anything about the Angelic Host and not experience  the Victory of Their Love as it flows in and around us...That Victory comes as a Flame of Pure Love from Their Hearts....and our energy is perfected by that Love.

Beloved Michael says it this way...."There are Legions of the Angelic Host whose Purifying Sacred Fire Love would make you worship the very air They breathe. That's the Love Susan is talking about." order for our human intellect to understand it must be illumined  by this Purifying Sacred Fire Love. In this way the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim is expanded and fills our brains with the Information our 'I AM' Presence knows we need in order to recognize and accept the Truth of the Angels....indeed the Truth of our own Angelic Beingness..

Beloved Michael...."When individuals call forth the Master Power Flame of the Great Angelic Host's Sacred Fire Love to illumine and to perfect them, they soon realize It to be the Master Power over everything with which they must deal in their daily lives. I tell you that humanity cannot be refused anything that they require if they will call for the Angelic Host's Sacred Fire Love ....and particularly at this critical time....for under the Cosmic Law, 'the Law of Love is the Master Hand of Creation' and Legions of the  Angelic Host bear that Blessing to the world."

Susan....Today ( 2016) the Earth and Its complement of Souls, both are undergoing a tremendous Cyclic Activity of Galaxy expansion. It is one of major 'cleansing' and upgrading of the lower vibration of Earth Energy that must be made ready to serve the Purposes of God in the New has to be 'lightened'  in order to make Way for the New Christ Fire to flow in...even as we have to be 'enlightened' in order to be part of the unfolding Drama.

What Beloved Michael wishes to leave with you well as with any others who will read His the full Conscious Knowledge, Feeling, Love, and Acceptance of the Angelic Host's Presence with you. And to tell you that the more you are aware of Their Radiation, the more Power They can draw in and around you and the more Service They can give to Life...through you.

 Every time you call forth an Activity of the Sacred Fire, a Being of the Angelic Host comes to guard that Gift of God for They are the Guardians of all Activities of the Sacred Fire that you call for. Whenever you are using the Violet Consuming Flame in and around yourselves or others, the Angels of the Violet Flame are in attendance until the work for which you call is complete.

Michael...."This you need to be aware of. Angels always come at your Call....They come whenever called by the human you or by your Holy Christ Self. When you are ready to move into action They are there...and if you ask Them They Release the Greater Cosmic Powers to help Life where you direct.

You call. They arrive in full splendor.

We ask you to never tire of calling Them into action...

for the world needs Their Love now more than at any other time in the history of this planet

They await your Call....

And I join with all the Greater Powers of the Universe in enfolding you all in our Sacred Fire Love

and in thanking you for all you do in the Service of God"

 I AM Michael


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