All About Angels


Have you ever said in a moment of exasperation, 'I'm not walking on water yet? It has been a favorite expression of mine when confronted with something I felt was beyond my human power to do or after doing something incompletely or not so well.

Thus the picture above speaks to me of the day when, having transcended the pull of the Energy of Earth, having purified my personal human/Soul Energy, and thereby having been drawn into the Higher Vibrational Energies...I will find myself in a State of Being where 'walking on water' will pose no problem. 

 Michael tells us that every Ascended Master is an Angel; but what we are discussing here are the other Angels....Angels created of Sacred Fire with a Special Purpose....God Creations (Beings) who were never intended to embody and who know only the concentration of the Power of God's Love.

And He tells that there is no such thing as a fallen Angel for He says, 'The Ascended Masters and Angels who have never embodied can't fail or 'fall', because failure only exists on the physical plane.

There are misunderstandings and misinterpretations of events that have happened down through the centuries that have confused mankind; and mankind's lack of Illumination has imposed distortion and untruth upon Divine Truths.

As we acknowledge The Presence of Angels with us and as we accept the Love and Help They wish to give us, we can begin to expect only Miracles to fill our lives and everything in our Beings and worlds kept forever filled full to overflowing with the Invincible Miracles and Manifestations of the Angelic Host's Control of physical conditions.

Their Sacred Fire Love brings with It the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan for all who will call It forth, accept It and expand It.

The Angelic Host project Sacred Fire Love in and around conditions to hold Victory and Perfection there. When the Sacred Fire is drawn around an individual or a condition, the Powers of Nature cannot act any way except harmoniously to the Angelic Sacred Fire which is Protection against the destructive activities of the Powers of Nature that mankind (through their discord) have imposed upon the Beings of the Elements and which produce destruction.

Beloved Michael is here to help us realize what the Power of the Angelic Host is to blaze the Sacred Fire Control of physical conditions in and around us to form the Protection that repels the discord of human creation..

His greatest Desire is to feel our Desire for the Help of the Legions of Angels and He reminds us to call to the Miracle Authority which He is to the Earth....asking the Angelic Host, to come into our outer use. He asks us to charge into physical conditions that which is Eternal in the Victory of God's Love that It may take Its Divinely Appointed Place in physical conditions and bring about the Divine Order that brings only Happiness to all.

Further if we Who listen to His Words will consciously and continuously and all powerfully keep returning our attention to the use of the Victory of the Miracle Love from our 'I AM' Presence and from the Angels, the Sacred Fire from the Ascended and Angelic Octaves will enter into the atmosphere of Earth and become the Authority over the human discord that tries to envelop the people and the Nations in its shadows.

Beloved Michael asks to use the Miracle Authority which He is to the Angelic Host and ask Him to Expand the Cosmic Law in all physical action that controls conditions in which we move.

As the current discordant conditions in the physical world are being brought under Master Control, nothing will oppose the children of Lgiht as we go forward to our Freedom.

Beloved Michael asks us to use the Authority of our own Mighty 'I AM' Presence, and the Authority of the Ascended Octave and the Authority of the Angelic Host and demand the Descent of the Sacred Fire of Their Pure Love....

That will control the power of the discord that has been the accumulated by humanity over the centuries. The use of The Sacred Fire of God's Love in the physical world sets aside the hypnotic control by destructive forces of the conditions in which we live, move and have our beings.

We thank our Beloved Michael for His Love

and pledge our Love and Lives to assist Him and the Angelic Hierarch

in any way in which we can serve at this most crucial time.....

being ever grateful in this year 2016 for those Miracles and Manifestations,

 never forgetting that it becomes our choice

as to how we will humanly experience and express those Miracles in our daily living.

Lois J Crawford





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