I have been called 'the Prince of Peace'. My great Obligation to Life is to establish the Cosmic Christ Flame of Peace into the physical structure of the Earth....as the Authority of the future. When you call forth the All-Christ Flame, know with every fiber of your Being, that Its Flame flashes from the Great Central Sun through the Physical Sun, through your own 'I AM' Presence and that expands from within out. As your call goes to the Heart of the Central Sun for Cosmic Peace, there comes a Rush of That Great Cosmic Flame from every Ascended Master and Cosmic Being, Who assist the people of Earth to be Free. When you call forth My Ascended Jesus Christ Peace, try to understand that It is the Feeling of Absolute Mastery which I had even before the Ascension and It WAS THAT FEELING (OF MASTERY) WHICH ENABLED ME TO ATTAIN MY VICTORY. IT STILL ABIDES IN THE ENERGY OF THE ETHERIC RECORD OF MY ASCENSION OVER THE HILL OF BETHANY. THAT IS MY FOCUS OF THE FLAME OF PEACE TO THE EARTH! I want you to feel that with all you are and have. That is why I placed It there. It is not only a Magnet for the attention of mankind, to raise them gradually into My Octave of Perfection, but within that Energy is the Flame of Peace, abiding in the atmosphere of Earth. This Flame must one day expand, until It possesses all into Our Great Vibratory Action of Our Love where Peace is Eternal. Strange as it seems and much as mankind dislike distress, yet when they had the opportunity among the Nations of the World, they did not declare a Permanent Peace (failure of League of Nations). That was caused by the hypnotic condition of a sinister force over the people of the earth. To offset that there must now come the Demand (of the people) for the Fiery Peace of Eternity to possess and control ALL Energy in the physical octave. You make that call and the Flame of Fiery Peace will do the rest. I said to you centuries ago. 'Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world'. Some of you were with Me during My Ministry and were the observers of My Ascension, which stands as a Living Magnet in the atmosphere of Earth. When you acknowledge the Flame of My Victory (of My Ascension), that Ascension Flame must come into you and make you Victorious over this world also. When you understand deeply, THE ONENESS OF LIFE, THE ONENESS OF SUBSTANCE AND THE ONENESS OF ENERGY, then you enter into the Ascended Masters' Use of the Cosmic Fire which interpenetrates everything in Creation. Then you know that the moment you send your thoughts to us, instantly the Fire (Our Energy) flashes in and around your outer selves and we are present with you then, through that Flame. Therefore, IF YOU WANT THE PEACE FROM OUR ASCENDED OCTAVE, THE FLAME OF OUR PEACE CAN FLASH IN AND AROUND YOU, AND ABIDE WITH YOU UNTO YOUR ASCENSION. Please feel that every time We pour Our Radiation to you, every call you make for Our Assistance, you are answered by a Flame from Our Octave which is then permanently anchored in and around you. What we call The Sacred Fire (Cosmic Energy) exists everywhere. What you call electrons are in Reality, tiny sparks of that Sacred Fire and they exist everywhere throughout the Universe. The words, 'the All Christ' always refer to the Sacred Fire Element that exists everywhere in Creation. You want the 'Divine Plan' manifested NOW in the physical octave, do you not? Then say,' I AM THE ASCENDED JESUS CHRIST MANIFESTATION OF THE DIVINE PLAN FULFILLED. Now the Way is open for Us to Blaze the Christ Flame and Substance which helps your manifestation come instantly into outer action. What do you think is the Action of Life which enables Us to answer you instantly? It is the Great Central Sun Magnet's Magnetic Power of Cosmic Love....Cosmic Love is the cohesive Action of all Energy and all Substance with which form is manifested anywhere in the Universe. When you wish to enter into the Heart of the Cosmic Christ to feel the Love I have felt through all the centuries, this allows Me to make you KNOW WHAT THE POWER OF LOVE CAN DO FOR YOU. Just say: Great Fire of All-Christ Cosmic Love, come Thou into me and into all physical action everywhere I abide!' Try It and see for yourselves the Magic of Its Power.
Messenger: Beloved Edna Ballard Excerpts from Message 4 June 1948 'Voice'
'I AM' the Glorifying Presence of All-Christ Love. 'I AM' the Transfiguring Action of Its Glorious Fire in action in me now 'I AM' Master of all physical circumstances 'I AM' the Victor over all this World 'I AM' the Joy and the everlasting Peace of my 'I AM' Presence , now and forever sustained and ever expanding.
Ahora en Español Traducido por:
Lección 4 de 15
Yo he sido llamado ‘El Príncipe de la Paz’. Mi gran obligación para con la Vida es establecer la Llama del Cristo Cósmico de Paz en la estructura física de la Tierra… como la Autoridad del futuro.
Cuando ustedes llaman a la Llama del Cristo Total, conozcan con cada
fibra de su Ser, que esa Llama Resplandece dentro del Gran Sol
Central a través del Sol Físico, a través de su propia Presencia ‘I
AM’ y que se expande desde dentro. Mientras su llamado va al Corazón
del Gran Sol Central para la Paz Cósmica, viene una Ráfaga de Esa
Gran Llama Cósmica desde cada Maestro Ascensionado y Ser Cósmico,
quienes asisten a la gente de la Tierra para ser Libres.
Junio de 1948 de la ‘Voz del I AM’
acción en mí
de Mi Presencia 'I AM'
Lois J Crawford 2003-2009