w e l c o m e  t o  t h e  w o r l d

 o f

A   M  O  D  E  R  N     M  Y  S  T I  C


From my son's garden comes this

beautiful blossom reminding one of the Lotus,

the lily that has for thousands of years symbolized Spiritual Enlightenment.

always representing Spiritual Liberation,

 the unfolding of Spiritual Awareness and Consciousness

 and Divine Perfection expanding within the individual.

 The Lily has come to depict the Spark of 'Christ Consciousness' alive and well within the human form.


Today we like to think of It as describing the



placed by The Creator in every human heart.


I would like to begin by thanking you....all of you who are taking time to visit this Website

in whose pages will be offered glimpses of 'Spirituality' as I perceive It .

I ask you to walk with me on Spiritual Pathways that are part of our human heritage, both the Older,

 as well as the Newer Instruction. The New Instruction contains information for the Incoming Age and

offers humanity a closer relationship with 'God', helping the human us recognize our True Identity...

our True Purpose. This is the Time in which we are taught to access....to activate....

 our Immortal Christness...the time when we are shown how it is that we are indeed,  the

Hands, Heart and Mind of God in action on Earth. 


 The focus here is on the more modern, Mystical Applications of Spiritual

 Information and Mystical Insight particularly as Those Ascended taught It through Guy and Edna Ballard.

All the Information will stress and encourage the practical understanding and daily application of

 'Concepts of Christness' as given to us by the Master two thousand years ago ....

that expanded Spirituality that can be achieved within one's daily Life....with the Hope that

 'those Cosmic Ideas' will Strengthen each one's Desire to grow and expand 'Godness', Body and Soul.


 At all times the emphasis is on personally experiencing 'Christness'

as it works within and through each individual.



I have defined 'Mystic or Mystical' as describing the more personal 'one on one Relationship with God....

   and particularly in our day, as describing Those who wish for more knowledge of 'Godness'

as it plays its Role within human activity. Being 'Mystical' means approaching Life in a Way that utilizes

 one's Christ Power within the Activities of both 'Body and Soul'.

A Mystic is anyone who seeks to "Find, Know and Apply the Eternal Truth to one's daily Life".


Why is this important?

Does anyone doubt that the world, humanity,,,,

indeed the entire Planet is going through what appears to be a 'trial by fire'?

Is there any constructive, compassionate person who sees the suffering and chaos

 in so many parts of the Earth who has not asked, 'what can I do to help?'


We can help....each and every one of us. Humanly there is no end to the service

we can give. We can, through our individual efforts make of Earth a better Place by human

 efforts and by Spiritually developing ourselves, Body and Soul. We can

 consciously integrate the Energy of our own Christ Selves into our daily lives.

 That increased Christ Energy then will make of Earth a more Peaceful Place....a place where every

'human/Soul Partnership' 'creates and lives' in Joy, in Love, and in Freedom.


I believe it is possible to create on Earth One of those Transcendent, Spiritual Places, one of

those Many Wonderful Mansions where Spiritualized Man and 'God' create together.


 If enough of us can Believe this and if we will make a real and focused effort, we will have a positive

impact on the many serious conditions and situations the world faces.


And my Sense is that we may not have limitless time in which to figure this out.

Therefore, I urge all who resonate with this Idea to join me in individually 

striving to Awaken and in Activating each one's own very personal God-Potential.


We are privileged to live in this time. We embodied with a responsibility.

 We can make a difference by accepting our Responsibility, Body and Soul.

We can and we must help 'God' solve the problems of this Planet once and for all.


We may ask, 'Who are they who have not seen and yet have believed?'

I 'believe' they are seen in the Heavens as those who ring the

Bell of Freedom and Liberty

wherever they abide....as those who let their Light shine into whatever

 they are doing. They are those who can be identified by the dash of Spirituality

they add to their human Pilgrimage.


So again, let me Welcome you to this Website.

Thank you for coming this Way.

May God Bless and assist us all to fulfill our Divine Plan.

Lois J. Crawford

  'The hour is at hand, when the Great Cosmic Law, which governs this

system of worlds, is releasing a tremendous expansion of the 'Light of the

Mighty I AM Presence'

throughout our group of Planets, and whatever cannot accept the Power of that

'Light' is consumed thereby.  So mankind need no longer fool itself with the idea,

 that it can continue to generate

 destructive feelings and survive. The end of the former dispensation has come,

 and all things are made new. 

 Let him who runs, read-that he may learn the 'Way of Light' while there is yet time.'


  The Pathway:  Table of Contents

Click F11 to fill out pages.

Do you have questions? Comments?

I can be reached by fax ....805-541-8776

and by phone 805-541-0125....please leave a message.

It needs to be noted that I have 'borrowed' graphics and am using certain midi music, believing it is permissible. I give credit to the Sources where I know them. If I have unknowingly stepped on the Creativity of another, please let me know and I will adjust the pages accordingly. As noted all my personal text is copyrighted but can be used by any who consider it worthy of repetition....

perhaps giving credit where credit is due.


               Categories/Key Words:       Guy Ballard,   Edna Ballard,  Donald Ballard, 

The Ballard 'I Am' Movement, 

  Ascended Masters,   Jesus,   Saint  Germain,  

 Angels,   Ascension,   Violet Fire,  America,    Metaphysics,   The Constitution, 

  Freedom,   Peace,  Mystical Prophecy.

Ronald Reagan, George H.  Bush

Many articles with Spanish Translations


All  LJC  text

 Copyright © 'Beliefs'
