Modern Mystic Essays   Table of Contents

Secrets Revealed  Beloved Saint Germain: 2015  

 Saint Germain 2014 

 The Three Ballards    Beloved Lotus,

The American Dream 

Our Reality

    My Philosophy 

In Spanish

 Articles: 2  3  4  5  6  7  8

 'Our Father'  

Meditate on The Christ

The Lord is My Shepard

 Pray With Me


Violet Flame Prophecy

 Cosmic Shift of Consciousness

 Observing The Signs

Prophecy   Spanish Translation

Love is the Way

The Trees of Knowledge in English and Spanish

The Trees of Knowledge  part 2

*La Realidad

*Mirtha and Guillermo

*  Mirtha Verde-Ramo

'Music'  1    2  3  4  5

Honoring  Pres Ronald Reagan 

'Morning in America'

 Faith vs. Politics

The  Nature of Money




Introduction to Beloved Edna

I Remember 'Mama' 

 A Tribute to Her Faithfulness

*The Tribute Continued

*In English and Spanish 

Teaching  7

Early Instruction

Law of Forgiveness

On the 'Presence'

Powerful Invocation


Divine Mercy

Part Five- Mary's Appearance in Egypt.. Text In Spanish

 Beloved  Mary Part One

Part Three-Text of Parts One and Two in Spanish

Part Four 'My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord'

Part Four- Text in Spanish

Beloved Mary's Christmas Message 2010

Blessing of Beloved Mary


War or Peace? 

The Struggle for Peace

Historical Iraq

Let us be through with Barbarism

The God of Light

Master Voices


The Ascending Process

The Secret of Victory

The Many Mansions  Articles: 2  3  4 

Our changing world 

 Changes 1

Changes 2

  GUY W. BALLARD  'Unveiled Mysteries'  Chapters  1 & 2

  3  4  5   6   7  8   9

 There is No Death

The Lady  Quan Yin     cont. pgs.  2  3  4 .. Text in Spanish

 Spanish Translation

About the United States of America


The Rule of Law

 George Washington

Washington's Vision  

Washington's Prayer

 The Founder's Wisdom...Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Jefferson

The Declaration of Independence

 The Constitution

What the Declaration of Independence is Not

Presidents Acknowledge God.

The Pledge of Allegiance

The American Creed

American Thanksgiving

Life Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness

'I Am  Your Flag

 The Place of God in this Nation 

The Role of Spirituality and Citizenship in America

  Political Correctness

Myron Magnet's FoundingofAmerica

 Lynne Cheney Speaks About America



Sing the Song of the Violet Flame

The Violet Fire

About the Violet Flame

More about the Violet Flame

Introduction to Those  Who have Ascended

 Beloved Saint Germain  Part  2  3 4

 Saint Germain-The Unified Flame 2007 

 September 2008-Beloved Saint Germain:  'Stand up and Fight for God'.

'Jesus' : 'Becoming the Star'  2003

'Are We Letting Our Light Shine? ' 2004

A Message for the New Year 2004

The Path to Higher Ground Year 2005

'Jesus', Micah, the Angel of Unity, 

Blessings of Beloved Mary and 'Jesus'

Morya El     Messages  2 3  4  5   6  7 

Message  1-29-05   

Message 2-9-07

The Master Morya....Heart to Heart Connections 2007.

 A Blessing from Beloved Morya El 

Secrets of 'Soulness'

Sophia-The Ancient Wisdom

In the Service of the Cosmic Christ 2


Spanish Translation

Cosmic Service

Theresa and Barry Dunford: Sacred Connections

Serge King on 'The Aloha Spirit'

Gregg Braden on 'The Shift of the Ages'

Glenn Kimball---the Historical  Jesus

'More about Jesus'

 Lawrence Gardner 'Jesus and the Holy Grail'

Lawrence  Gardner     The Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark

 Pope John Paul ll


New...Electro-magnetic Pollution

Vaccines (update)   Nutrition Mammography.

The Scourge of Women...Abortion and Breast Cancer

Conversation with Judith Conrad

Judith & Lois talk about the Purpose of the Violet Flame

The Temple at Mt. Shasta

All About Angels    Michael, the Archangel speaks


The Book of Susan

A Conversation: June 23, 2005

   A Conversation July 2009

Birthday Visit June 23, 2010

June 23, 2011....A New Conversation

 December 1, 2011....A Conversation about Angels

June 23, 2012 A Birthday Wish For Susan

Book of Susan  September 2, 2014 Memories


M O T H ER 'S  DAY   2 0 1 3


Patricia Cota-Robles: Hold On Here We go


  Spiritual Pathways   The Violet Flame  Divine Principles

In English and Spanish

Buscando Los Arboles Del Conocimiento

, La Puerta Abierta

 --George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

"It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and, at no distant period, a great nation,

to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an

 exalted justice and  benevolence."


America- Its Cosmic  Purpose  The Founder's Wisdom...Benjamin Franklin

 American Thanksgiving

Freedom -About Natural Rights

Freedom-About Moral Equivalency

America- The Rule of Law...Prophecy and Historical Documents 

National Day of Prayer in the United States.

Pres. Geo Bush   Inaugural Speech 1-20-15Promises to Keep

  About  Christmas   More About Christmas 

Christmas Blessings from Beloved Edna and Donald Ballard

*La Navidad

Holy Christmas  

 Beloved 'Jesus' Christmas 2005

'Jesus' Christmas Blessing 2006

 'Jesus'  Message December 2008

About Easter

E a s t e r…. 2 0 1 4

 Easter 2010

'Easter' En Español

 April 2012....Giving Thought to the meaning of Easter

'Easter' En Español

.  From the human perspective....Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection and renewal of the human spirit.  

It is a time for optimism, for renewing our faith that good can indeed triumph over evil

. From the perspective of the is the time to resonate with.. get in touch with the Process of Ascending....which is the Message of Easter

  Final Thoughts



I have offered this Website to the world as One more Avenue

for sharing certain aspects of the Light and Truth of God' with the people of Earth, 

and thus hoping to expand Freedom over the whole planet through the sharing of this

 Transcendent Ascended Master Instruction given to us in this past century for this very purpose.

 I am especially concerned about preserving personal Freedoms as outlined in the Founding  Documents of the

 United States of America in as much as the United States of America is the first country of record

 ever offering that kind  of freedom to its citizens.

 I believe that that freedom of the individual must be protected and expanded throughout the world if

the people are ever to live peacefully together!!


All  LJC  text

 Copyright © 'Beliefs'
