Glenn talks about



Glenn Kimball recently wrote a very interesting that included some of his philosophy and experience in the realm of 'anger management' that offers a worthwhile perspective on 'anger and fear' in the face of personal attacks.

The thoughts of this Essay focus on the anger and fear projected at Jesus during His Ministry....and include Glenn's interpretation of little known History or not yet generally revealed information about the One we know as the Biblical 'Jesus'. Suffice it to say, there is still much more to that Story....but it is emerging, as many people, like Glenn, are no longer content with the 'made-up' story of Jesus' Life and Teaching as told in the Bible. And so many are searching for the Truth surrounding that Life and those times.

 It is written, 'There is nothing hidden that is not revealed'.

 Glenn has given me permission to edit and share some of his interesting and revealing ideas about 'Jesus'. So here are excerpts from that Essay.



by Glenn Kimball
  'One of the most famous outbursts of anger in recorded history was an event that happened in Jerusalem a day or two before Jesus was arrested by a Sanhedrin Police Force led by the son of Caiaphas (head high priest of the Sanhedrin from 18-36 AD, successor of Annas and his son-in-law.) 

 Caiaphas may have been the head of the Sanhedrin, but he was a shadow leader following the wishes of Annas.

We often think that it was the Romans who arrested Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. However, that is not the case. The police who arrested Jesus took Jesus first to the house of Annas, the one who had hired them, and then to the house of Caiaphas, before taking Jesus to Pontius Pilot asking that the Romans involve themselves by crucifying Jesus. 

What had Jesus done to anger these two men?

Judas Iscariot, a relative of Annas and Caiaphas had been hired to spy on Jesus from within the ranks of the chosen “Twelve Apostles and was eventually to  give testimony against Jesus on the charge of “Sedition”. Among other grievances against Jesus, it was rumored that He had been heard to say that he could tear down the sacred Temple of Herod and rebuild it in three days. 

The famous 'kiss' was to be a symbol of testimony, not of identification. 

Annas and Caiaphas had known Jesus very well. Annas had known Joseph, the Carpenter (Joseph was a Master Craftsman/Builder) from the time before Jesus was born and Annas understood the theological dispute and events surrounding the birth of Jesus.

Mathew tells us in his document, “Gospel of the Virgin Mary” that it was Annas who had tattled to the Sanhedrin on Joseph and the Virgin Mary when she was found with child before she and Joseph were legally married according to Temple Rules.  (See my book, “Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus”

 The Sanhedrin had had Joseph and Mary arrested and brought to mortal trial before the Sanhedrin on charges of adultery because it was thought that the Rules of Marriage for people of their rank had not been followed.  This was a capital offense in those days, especially for those as important as Joseph or Mary. 

 Joseph was a part of the Priesthood and Mary had been one of the Virgins of the Temple from the time she was three years old and she was protected by the high Priests of the Temple and the Sanhedrin collectively.  As you may recall Joseph and Mary were exonerated in that trial and the birth of Jesus was an embarrassment to Annas.

 One can only imagine how many times Annas had thoughts of getting even with Joseph and Mary, doing it finally through his treatment of Jesus. 

There had been a 'civil war attitude' in Jerusalem for three hundred years prior to the birth of Jesus between the ten Northern Tribes of Galilee (who became the ten so-called Lost Tribes of Israel) and the two southern tribes of Benjamin and Judah (Jews) in Jerusalem.  It started when one of the Northern tribes had molested a princess of Benjamin.  Blood had been spilt over this issue and the peace between the north and the south was tenuous at best, much like the tension between the north and the south in America that resulted in the civil war. 

Jesus was raised near Caesarea in the North in a town which has come to be known as Nazareth.  He and his father were principle participants in the building of this great city to Caesar and the home of the palace of the Jewish King Herod and his dynasty. 

 Joseph and Jesus had worked together building at least the throne of that palace, as told by Matthew in his document, “Gospel of the Virgin Mary”.  This made Jesus a man with the right Bloodlines, as would be favorable to those in Jerusalem, but from the wrong side of the tracks, because He lived among the Northern tribes.  That means that there were at least two strikes against Jesus in the eyes of the powerful Annas long before the situation at the site of the crucifixion. 

Jesus had made a name for himself in the North 
by the time of the crucifixion. Again in the book, “Gospel of the Virgin Mary” we learn that Jesus and his wealthy family gave a third of their increase every year to the poor. That led to many occasions where Jesus was followed into the hillside by thousands who came to hear him speak and to be fed.

 We all know of the one occasion where they had not brought enough food to feed the multitudes.  Twelve baskets of food would have been a great picnic for most groups, but in this case the crowd exceeded the food.  Jesus blessed the bread and fish and it turned out to be ample for the thousands who were there.  However, this most certainly was not the only time Jesus fed the crowd.  This fame of Jesus in the North was another thorn in the side of Annas and Caiaphas. 

 Annas and Caiaphas were paid employees of Rome. They were paid to run the local police force, as evidenced by the fact that the police who arrested Jesus were members of a Sanhedrin Police force and not Roman. 

 Annas and Caiaphas were also in charge of civil projects, probably including issues of water, sanitation, prisons etc.  The rise in fame of Jesus was a huge potential threat to the livelihood of men who were paid by Rome. 

We have to remember also that Jesus was not unacquainted with Tiberius Caesar (See “Death of the Messiah volumes one and two by Raymond E. Brown from Harvard , See also, “Drama of the Lost Disciples”
and, “Foxes book of Martyrs” from the fifteenth century.

A Great Uncle of Jesus,  known as 'Joseph of Arimathea' (which is a title, not a name), was appointed by Tiberius as “Noblis Decurio” (tantamount to the Secretary of Commerce for Rome). He was also given the rank and privileges of a provincial Roman Senator. This made Jesus a Roman Citizen, capable of causing Annas and Caiaphas huge trouble in Rome.  Perhaps Annas thought of Jesus as a rival for the office Rome had given to Annas and his family in Jerusalem

Therefore, by the time of the crucifixion Annas and Caiaphas had rising personal concern about Jesus.  When they saw the people throw palms under the feet of Jesus as he entered the city, they knew they were in trouble.  Then Jesus did one last intolerable thing, in the eyes of Annas.  It was the last straw.  When Jesus visited the Sacred Temple in the middle of Jerusalem He saw the moneychangers at the doors to the Temple making huge profits exchanging currency and selling sacrificial animals.

   One man, Annas, owned these booths.

( (see, “Jesus the Messiah 

 and Farrar 'Life of Jesus', now out of print). 

 So Jesus sat calmly and braided a rope and then turned over the tables in the booths of the bazaar outside the Temple.

This was a direct threat to Annas.  

No longer was Jesus just a thorn in his side. 

Now, Jesus had affected the pocketbook of Annas directly

 and embarrassed him again in front of the people;

Strike three and you're out. 

Mel Gibson, in his new movie, is suffering a lot of criticism over his portrayal of these events.  Though I haven’t seen the movie yet, his idea of blaming Annas and Caiaphas for the crucifixion of Jesus is totally correct. 

 We couple that with the fact that Annas and Caiaphas had a dirty piece of blackmail on Pontius Pilate and his relationship with Lucius Sejanus, the former Praetorian Prefect for Tiberius Caesar, and the stage was set to have Jesus killed and blame it on the Romans, so that it would not appear that Annas had killed Jesus out of anger over the moneychanger incident

Lucius and Pilot (whose real name was also Lucius and who was born in Seville, Spain, the same town and the Prefect of Tiberius) had long known each other before Tiberius killed Sejanus for sedition.  Annas could have caused Pilot a huge problem because he knew of the complicity between Pilot and Sejanus in the failed coup attempt.  (See both volumes of “Death of the Messiah” by Harvard’s Raymond E. Brown)

But Pilot didn’t want to crucify Jesus.  He tried to use the Jewish ordinance of washing his hands of the whole incident symbolizing his reluctance to do anything to Jesus. 

 Pilot knew Jesus was a Roman Citizen and that Tiberius knew Jesus and his family well and he (Pilot) didn’t want to have anything to do with the matter. 

Normally if Annas had come to Pilot to have someone crucified it wouldn’t have been a “big deal”.  However, this time it was serious for Pilot.  Pilot had people killed all the time. This time he knew there would be consequences. 

 This sets the stage for the most famous Christian Conversion in all history, the conversion of Pontius Pilate himself, when he met the Resurrected Jesus in the streets of Jerusalem with a guard of fifty men and bowed to one knee and became a follower till he met his death at the hands of Tiberius Caesar. 

Pilot’s fears were well founded. 

The death of Jesus did cost him Pilot his life. This is the reason that first and second century Christians celebrated the birthday of Pilot for two hundred years following the death of Jesus. 

 Pilot was a martyr for Jesus and they all knew it.


This brings us back to anger management.  We can see from this most famous situation the way different people, like Jesus and Annas, have dealt with their anger.  Jesus sat calmly and braided a rope and then fearlessly drove the moneychangers from the temple, even though He knew this would cause a huge problem in his life. 

 Annas cowardly had Jesus crucified and used blackmail to cover his actions and blamed Rome for his plot.

The Bible often refers to 'God' as being an “angry” and jealous God” (Old Testament).  I have often thought that these words were both inadequate and misleading. 

'God' allowed Jesus to visit and Teach in other countries during his Lifetime, as is evidenced by the huge body of manuscripts describing the so-called 'missing years of Jesus'. These years weren’t missing at all. 

We are the ones who have refused to acknowledge what Jesus said, wrote and did before he returned to Palestine for his final three years of Ministry. In all of this, where is any 'act of jealousy' on the part of 'God'?  There is only evidence of love and tolerance. 

 There comes a time in history where the Purposes of Heaven will not be denied.  'God' has the 'Power to correct' at any minute in time, and has on various occasions throughout history.  The “Flood of Noah” is not the only time that nations have disappeared from the Earth.

Where does anger come into all of this....and what is 'anger'?

 Anger is made up of many things. 

 Most often anger is composed of fear. 

 Jesus wasn’t afraid, that is what made his anger different. 

 Annas was afraid, that is what made his anger evil. 

We are all afraid from time to time.

Therefore, managing anger is more a factor of managing fear

than anything else.

  Now what has prompted these thoughts?

There has been a recent event regarding my new CD

 “Washington: His Visions and Prayers”. 

 I have been accused of using a statement from Captain David Perry, in his book “Reflections of an Old Soldier” incorrectly. 

I suggested that Captain Perry had heard General Washington say, after his Vision of the future at Valley Forge, that we should fear the date September 11th.

  Critics have suggested, when they found the quote, that it referred exclusively to the date September 11, 1814 during the War of 1812. 

 George Washington was dead by that time. But he was Prophetic in his predictions, and it remains my opinion that he 'caught the flavor' of that date, September 11th, and saw it even farther into the future.

  My critics would like to hang me for saying that! 

 They have condemned me for saying something they consider wrong....saying that I made up the quote entirely.

Thus, like Jesus, I have the Annas’s in my life....those who would love to bring me to my knees and have me beg them for forgiveness....while they stand on my body to lift themselves up. 

I confess one thing to be absolutely true.  I have made many mistakes in my life.  I make mistakes today.  I will make mistakes in the future. 

If I were afraid of making mistakes I would not be doing what I do. 

 Someone has to stand up at the risk of public censor and tell the world about the larger body of history that has been shabbily treated. 

I would rather it were someone else. 

I understand it when Jesus said that he would have rather have the 'cup pass from his lips.' 

 I would rather sit at home and listen to someone else teach me about history on the radio and television.

 I would 'pass the cup' instantly. 

 However, in the absence of another volunteer, my purpose has been to stand up and bring Hope and Faith to a faithless world.  I have not condemned the churches of the world nor the collective Jews, nor the people of Islam nor the Nicene Council for their lack of foresight, graft and corruption. These are errors of men, who, like myself, for the most part were trying to do their best.

  The only part of their actions that I condemn is their fear. They cannot be Holy and (at the same time) be afraid that someone else knows more than they do. They cannot be Holy and at the same time, be afraid to share the 'Truth of Jesus' with another culture, people, country and time. 

Mohammed said to the Christians and Jews, “You Christians and Jews know so little about your Jesus.  Come to me and I will tell you about him”.  Mohammed had a great point. 

Chief Justice Douglas of the Supreme Court when he went to Tibet was told by the Grand Lama that, “We own your Jesus”.  The Grand Lama knew that his records contained more about Jesus than the Christians in the West.  He too had a point. 

Western Christians hate Gnostic Christians.  They buried or burned the books of the Gnostics at the time of the Nicene Council and continue to do so today. (At a later time they destroyed any Gnostic they could the history of the Albigensian Crusades)

 Arius of Egypt was condemned by the Nicene Council for wanting to include a huge additional body of Scripture to our Bible. 

 The northern Bishops of the fourth Century under Constantine were afraid that Jesus had spoken more to the Gnostics than to themselves.  They were right.  The Nag Hammadi Library (Gnostic) has a hundred times more words of Jesus than the Bible. 

There are those who fear me and have literally threatened my life several times.  They think that this will influence me to keep quiet. They use the wrong tactic. I had a Near Death Experience and long to return to the Peace of the Other World from whence I came. 

They could shut me up by standing up and replacing me. I would gladly stand down for someone who was unafraid to tell it like it is.

If you are unafraid of the truth, then here are a few books to choose from to stimulate your thinking:

The Lost Testament
Moses and Ahkenaten
Holy Kingdom
Gnostic Gospels ****
He walked the Americas
21 Lessons of Merlin
Nag Hammadi Library ****
Where we got the Bible
Israel-Britain or Anglo Saxon Israel
America BC
Mystery Cave of Many Faces (my dig in Illinois)
James the Brother of Jesus
Biblical Antiquities (New)
The Lost Gospel of Q

Test of Time

and finally

“Washington: His Visions and Prayers” (CD)

I can be found at

Glenn Kimball





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