Mary in Christmas
Verde-Ramo, Actividad Saint Germain.
Santiago of Chile, December 18th, 2009.
Beloved Mother Mary
Sons and daughters of the world
My breath comes to you as the whisper of the
mother when she makes sleepy her child in the arms, as I hug you now feeling
that each one of you is that boy in Christ, living and breathing in the same way
that He
did it in yourselves, sons and daughters that keep the breath of God.
What a great happiness I feel when seeing to expand the light of fraternity in
this allegorical time in which to many people the symbol of the Nativity of
Jesus represents the call of the Father of the Heavens Who
gives from his own Being the projection of the Christ Son!
Especially the whole Earth enfolds again with the subtle and vibrant energy of
the Secret Star of Love that is a powerful expression of the Love of the Cosmic
Mother and in that moment when She, like a winged
rose, alights and hugs the world, thousands of light sparks of the most
exquisite vibrato of love and light that in turn touch the individualized sparks
of the 'I AM' Presence of all the human beings who inhabit the Earth.
In turn the Spirit of Christmas, conformed by the purest energies of the good
will, fraternity and brotherhood also emanated from the hearts of the human
beings themselves, wraps the whole world and my son
Jesus in person, even with more reason in these special days 24th and 25th of
December, projects from His own record of Ascended Master Light a multi powerful
vortex of the most powerful electronic light
that you can imagine, enhancing all good thought, feeling and action that is
born form each one of you.
My sons and daughters, as we go on being protagonist of the new times that dawn,
the speed of the energy will be cleaning and purifying the whole face of the
My request as Mother of the World is that attentive to the changes and the new
outpost keep faithful and awake to the plans of God, everyone living in the best
way that you can conceive as your own Immaculate
Concept feeling free and full of the Light that blesses you everyday.
In love and company,
I love you,
Beloved Lois:
Strengthening our bonds of Love and Friendship
we want to give you this Gift .
Mirtha Verde-Ramo
"Beloved One,
Many of the Great Servants model in the Light of the ether
the Life of God that is expressed in thousands of diverse facets.
There are poets that design their verses in celestial figures.
You are one of them that have been able to go into the Angelic
and the Devic (Elemental) Kingdom .
Thank you for filling the world with beauty."
'Mother Mary'.
"Muchos de los Grandes
moldean en la Luz del éter
la Vida de Dios
que se plasma en miles
de facetas diversas.
Hay poetas que diseñan sus versos
en figuras celestiales.
Ustedes son
algunos de ellos que han podido adrentrarse en el Reino Angélico
y Dévico (Elemental).
Gracias por llenar de belleza el mundo.
Madre María".
Our deepest Love and a Great Hug
from your Friends and Brothers in Light,
Yo me siento
complacida en compartir Este Regalo de Amistad
con todos los que Amana la Amada María,
Todos se fortalecerán por Su
Amor vertido hacia cada uno.
I am pleased to share This Gift of Friendship with all who Love Beloved Mary,
All will be strengthened by Her Love poured back to each one.
Ahora nosotros le respondemos a la Amada María con esta nuestra
And now we Answer Beloved Mary with this our Prayer
YO SOY la Gracia
del Concepto Inmaculado
que con
Rayos de Luz
forma el Manto arrobador y amoroso
con el que
bendigo a todos los seres.
Desde el cáliz
del Corazón de mi
Presencia Yo Soy,
Yo vierto
la Perla Inmaculada de la Dulce Concepción
en cada palabra y pensamiento.
YO SOY morando en el Corazón de María,
Ella me cubre con su Santa Luz,
Mientras las estrellas de Su Manto resplandecen en el corazón
de cada ser humano.
YO SOY la Gracia
del Concepto Inmaculado
del Amor de María.
Mirtha Verde-Ramo
I AM' the Divine Grace of the Immaculate Concept
that with Rays
of Light forms the rapturous and loving Mantle
through which I
bless all the beings.
From the Chalice of the Heart of my I AM Presence,
pour out the Immaculate Pearl
of the Sweet Conception
in every word and thought.
'I AM' living in the Heart of Mary, She covers me with her Holy Light,
While the stars of Her Mantle glow
in the heart
of every human being.
'I AM' the Divine
Grace of the Immaculate Concept
of the Love of Mary.
Mirtha Verde-Ramo