On October 22, 2002

the Direction came to create a webpage to be called



    the constructive People of the Planet, those in any and every religious and

 philosophical context, need to be reminded of the Power of Prayer.

And those who Believe in and Understand the Power of Prayer

 need to be reminded how through Prayer,

Powerful Intercession and Divine Help is invoked.


And how it is, when we open the door to that Divine Help,

many 'Forces of 'Godness'  can flood the Earth with Their Light

 and Love.

But this only happens as each one of us enters into the Process and

 takes seriously our individual responsibility  to

Invoke  God Power, Light and Love here

 Every religion, every philosophy has its 'Focus of Spiritual Force'.

 Each has Its  'Heavenly Beings' through whom 'God Power' flows

 to humanity.

Thus, we.... you who have found this page and wish to participate....

you and  I

will now use this space to Invoke Powerful 'Godness' to Earth.

As we understand It and as we experience It. 

  We now Invoke

The Power of Almighty God to help the hurting people of Earth. 

Our Goal is to finally manifest True Peace on this Planet

through our Love and Compassion

poured out to our fellow men and women,

poured out to the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements.....

and poured out to the Planet, itself.

Oct. 23, 2002

I begin this Prayer Process with this thought.

Today the news is full of the unholy 'sniper' activity in the Eastern U. S.

If ever a people needed 'God Help', those people do.

So today we pray and decree for healing and protection for all those hurting

 people and for all hurting people wherever they happen to be....

We begin with this

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
...where there is injury, pardon;
...where there is doubt, faith;
...where there is despair, hope;
...where there is darkness, light;
...where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
...to be consoled as to console;
...to be understood as to understand;
...to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
...it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
...and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

  Now let us lift our thoughts to our own Holy Christ I AM  Presence

and in this mind-set of Human Being and Soul decreeing together,

we call forth God Healing, Peace and Protection for all people,

 for the whole world.


In the Name of 'Almighty God',

the Force and Power,

the Creator and Director of all that manifests in our Universe,

in the Name of my own I AM God Presence and the Godness

within all of mankind,  the Christ Flame anchored in each physical heart.

I, Body and Soul, invoke 'Cosmic Christ Perfection'

for everyone and into every activity on the Planet today.

Let all that does not measure up to 'Christed Perfection'

 be smothered

in an Ocean of our Christ Light

  in an Ocean of our Christ Love

in an Ocean of our Christ Compassion,

until all Energy on this Planet vibrates only with that

'Christ Perfection '.

'I AM the Resurrection and the Life

 of the Divine Way to live Life '.

I AM the Ascension in the Light

'I invoke the Resurrection and the Ascension,

 which is the Divine Way to live Life for all that lives upon this Planet.'


October 24, 2002

This morning I awoke to hear that two men have been arrested for the 'sniper' shootings.

 In the quiet of the early morning, while still sleeping, these two were captured,

without a shot being fired....without more murder and mayhem.

Coincidental to this Prayer Effort?





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