October 25, 2002

Leona Lal-Singh, a friend in

 New Zealand e-mailed these heart felt thoughts to me:

 "New Zealand and our close Australian neighbors

 are still reeling from the Bali bombings.

Bali is a favorite holiday place for young New Zealanders and Australians

 so it has been a terrible time for many individuals and families.

I heard that the number of Australians dead and missing is equal per population

to the horrendous 911 losses in New York.

There are also hundreds of survivors badly burned and maimed and in need of healing prayers.

The Balinese people as well are suffering greatly because of this terrorist attack,

they are stunned by it and cannot understand

 why or how it could happen in their beautiful country."


Leona and her husband, Wayne, believe in the Power of Prayer.

I invited them to join me in reminding the People of the Planet

that we are not without Help...how through our Prayers,

Powerful Intercession and Divine Help is invoked.

And how it is, when we open the door to that Divine Help,

many 'Forces of 'Godness'  can flood the Earth with Their Light and Love.

But this only happens as each one of us remembers to Invoke

 God Power, Light and Love here

Thus, today I join Leona  and Wayne as  they  Invoke

The Power of Almighty God to help the hurting people of Earth.  


A Prayer and Invocation for Healing

New Zealand and their close Australian neighbors are still reeling over the  Bali terrorist bombings. Bali is a favourite holiday destination for young New Zealanders and Australians so it has been a terrible time for many individuals and families. Of course not only “Kiwis” and “Aussies” were there but Canadians, Brits and others also, and of course the Balinese themselves also suffered tragically. 

Many have lost their lives in this horrendous attack and many more are still missing presumed dead. There are hundreds very badly burned and maimed and in great need of our healing prayers.

I invite all you lovers of Light, you lovers of men and Angels, to join with us in prayer for the thousands affected by this terrible event.

The ‘Inspiration’ for this prayer and invocation is to invoke the Violet Cosmic Fire not only for those affected by the Bali bombings but also for the people and World at large.

Knowledge of the Violet Fire energy has been given to the World to help raise or "quicken" the race of man and all life upon and within the Earth, as well as the very Earth itself.
The Violet Ray is the ray of redemption, the ray of freedom. Its loving action is transmuting and healing.

(Take your time with this prayer and invocation and really become part of its action.)

Pray these Words

Oh Infinite Eternal God, through Thy Spirit within us, 'I AM',

 I invoke Thy Cosmic Violet Fire.

Using your inherent power of creative thought, visualize yourself enveloped in Violet Light, close your eyes for a time and raise your thoughts to our God of Love, the One Eternal Infinite God of All Life. Then with your “inner eye”, see yourself enveloped in the beautiful Violet Light and become aware of the vibration, or feeling, of love embracing you...from within your heart the feeling of peace establishing itself.

Pray these words

Oh Great Infinite Spirit, I invoke this Violet Light, not only for myself, but for all who suffer and have suffered by the hands of terrorists.
I invoke Thy Violet Fire to lovingly embrace them, transmuting from within them that which has been created through fear, suffering and doubt, so that mental, emotional and physical healing may take place, that their faith in God may be restored.

Close your eyes again and visualize violet light surrounding you and flowing through you, through your eyes, through your hands, and out though your heart. You have through your own True Nature, the Spirit of God within you, 'I AM'. Invoked the Violet Fire and it is flowing into you and out from you. You are the vessel of the Living God from which flows His Love, Mercy and His Healing Light. Let this Living Intelligent Cosmic Violet Fire flow through you freely, out into the ethers towards those for whom you pray. (You increase its flow by visualizing it happening.)

Pray these words

Oh Thou Mighty Father-Mother God, who created and sustains all Life, I invoke Thy Cosmic Violet Energy not only for these but for the whole world. Not only for those who love you but for All.

I invoke the Violet Fire to envelop those who are terrorists that Thy transmuting Power can begin to transmute the darkness of ignorance and hatred into the Light of Love and Brotherhood.
I invoke Thy Violet Fire to embrace all peoples, all animals, all forests and all plants, all the rivers and oceans and all Life in them, all the birds of the air and land, all life on our earth and the atmosphere that surrounds her.

Close your eyes again, and again with your inner eye, visualize the world enfolded in Violet Light. You can imagine you are out in space looking at the earth from a distance and visualizing our beautiful magnificent earth completely shrouded in radiant Violet Light, God's Ray of Transmutation and Freedom. See this Violet Light flowing freely from you and into our Mother Earth and to all who live on her.

If you seek Truth, Freedom and Peace for All, you should lovingly invoke this Sacred Light for the world and yourself every day. 

"That which ye do for others shall be done unto you."

Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty

'I Am'

           Leona Lal-Singh

Wayne and Leona Lal-Singh--New Zealand 



Thus we can see how through our combined Human/Soul Efforts

we, Souls of Earth-

We Sparks of that Great 'I AM'

  cooperating with Heaven,

will manifest Peace and Compassion  on this Planet through our Love

poured out to our fellow men and women,

poured out to the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements.....

and poured out to the Planet, itself.

'I AM' the Resurrection and the Life of my Divine Plan fulfilled....

'I Am' the Resurrection and the Life of humanity's Divine Plan fulfilled.

'I AM' invoking the Divine Way to live Life for all that lives upon this Planet.'

Lois J Crawford



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