The Master Morya El
Speaking to today's
Warriors of Light:
July 28, 2003
My Friends,
Again, I come in the Fullness of the Power of My Heart's 'Christ Fire'
appealing to and desiring to connect with the Christ Fire of your own Hearts.
Today this One (LJC) has felt My Presence....
has felt Me asking her to 'take pen in hand' as once we described it.
Now she sits at the computer, and asks,
'what say Ye today, Precious Master Morya?'
I enfold her in the Grateful Love of My Heart....
grateful for her willingness to listen....
grateful for allowing Us to train her to 'hear and record' Our Thoughts.
Now, today I wish to talk
about the confusion many perceive exists around
the manner in which Spiritual Beliefs and Ideas are described in your 'time'.
It seems strange that modern, educated people don't 'understand'
how and why it is quite possible
for confusion around terms to arise out of the steady stream of
Evolutionary (Spiritual) Information that has come
and is coming constantly to the various
cultures on the Planet, throughout all the ages continuing into your 'time'.
For example think of the confusion that has arisen over the One you know as Jesus:
There is endless controversy and speculation about
Who this 'Jesus' was two thousand years ago
and no less controversy about His Place today, in either the human
or Spiritual Scheme.
While His Purpose is not yet clearly perceived except by the few.
It is hard to understand why mankind does not see or sense
a steady Progression of Events on this Planet....
or try to reason out a larger Progression of Events in the Greater
Universe. It is peculiar the way the human mind of any era tends to think
that what people know at that time....
what they are being given in the way of Spiritual Instruction at that time
is the 'Truth' ....the only Truth.... of and for all time.
Even those cultures who have history to draw upon, giving them facts
of other times,
fail to see the correlation between what is occurring in the time in which they are
living and what has gone before. They don't connect the dots!
Now when We speak of mankind or humanity,
We are speaking of the ensouled human beings.
The Ultimate Purpose of those 'Souls' is to share in the Perfecting of this planet
and all Life here.
It is as each Soul fulfills Its Destiny and Duty, that Those Who have faithfully trod
the Path, have heard the Message,
'Well done, my true and faithful Servant'.
The Soul Mission is always centered on serving 'God' first, putting Duty first.
And when the human being asks, 'what's in it for me' the answer has always been,
'Serve ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added unto".
Now to complete My Thoughts
about the confusion within all the Spiritual Information
that exists on this planet at the present time.
It must be understood that there are many diverse groups of Souls
matriculating on this planet at any time.
There are 'Cosmic Reasons' for this procedure having to do with Soul Evolution....
having to do with the Progression of Cycles....
having to do with the needs of the Planet itself.
Souls embody to fulfill those 'needs',
Thus, you have heard the expression 'there are Many Mansions',
which is one way of saying that there are many Avenues of Service and Evolution....
or perhaps another way of realizing the many Levels of Life within the Universe
and that within all those Levels of Life,
there is Infinite Variety of Achievement and Effort,
and that is for both the physical and Soul Self, past and present,
as it is now laid out on Earth.
At the moment only a small 'slice' of planetary history is glimpsed. There are only a
few who correctly 'get the picture', while the majority of human minds conjecture
incorrectly. And thus the mist of confusion arises.
For example, the Abrahamic history,
which is recorded within various cultures,
is diversely 'mis-told'.
The error around the Great Being mankind calls 'Jesus' has been compounded
generation after generation, until the Truth, which is so simply understood
when the human mind is correctly taught, can scarcely be believed.
The Truth of this Cosmic Being has been deliberately twisted over the centuries
by those whose sole purpose on Earth and beyond, is to keep in chains, both the
mankind of this planet and Souls who must embody here to progress.
And so the Truth has been and continues to be interwoven with
myth and legend and lies. And individuals cry out,
'what am I to believe?'
Thus in the past century, the Great Lords who direct this
System of Worlds, decreed
that Souls who would choose to embody at this time, were to be given the Truth of
their Being. They would be taught before they embodied and again, once on Earth,
the Truth of their I AM Presence.
The Teaching of Jesus had been to give mankind
the Information about their Christness.
Now two thousand years later they would be
taught that their Christ Nature comes directly from their I AM Presence.
And thus, you see how Information builds
and today you have the Information Age
making available the so-called New Age Teaching of your time.
Many have been 'called' to take advantage of this New Teaching
....and many are choosing to upgrade their lives
and have accepted the New Level of Spiritual Enlightenment of the New Cycle.
Those who have taken time to investigate and carefully study Spiritual Thought
as it has proceeded through 'history', will perceive the Truth of today
as being the same Truth of all times.
There is only One Truth.
And those among you who give 'God' credit for knowing what needs to be done,
can safely and correctly assume that there has always been a Plan of Evolution....
a 'Design for the Universe' with many parts....
proceeding through time and space
in spite of any 'error' thrown in Its path.
'The Plan' is always being addressed by Those of the Hierarchy of Heaven
in Whose Charge the Plan is at any given time.
'The Plan' is always being served on Earth by those Souls
Who embody during the various periods of Time to assist.
There are always those, in Many Mansions, doing what they can
to further 'The Plan',
doing it based on the Teaching given within that time period.
All Cosmic Teaching is Progressive....
one Course of Study leading to the next and the next and the next.
Over the countless ages
as different cultures developed, some of them very Inspired,
many languages were used....
Thus, many different terms were used to describe the One God...the one Truth.
And in the process confusion crept in....
Sometimes was deliberately introduced.
And so today we hear people say of those older cultures,
'well, those people didn't understand and didn't worship correctly.
They didn't understand what we now know to be Truth.'
Thus Christians speak of 'pagans and heretics' and Muslims of 'infidels',
while many of the Jewish group refuse to add to the Teaching that came through
Moses and the Prophets.
They refuse to accept the 'update' of that Teaching that was introduced
through 'Jesus'.
However, there has always been a group of Souls on Earth
through whom 'God' can speak.
Truth is always being taught somewhere on the Planet.....
always being taught for those who are willing to listen,
who are able to understand It, and live It.
This is Evolution.
'Truth' shines and is expanding in many hearts today.
The Indwelling Soul recognizes the Truth of Its Being....the Truth of Its Creator.
The Soul is drawn to Light and the Truth inherent in Cosmic Light.
And has only to control the darkness within its human vehicle in order to let
that Light shine on Earth.
Darkness fears the Light!
Thus, 'deliberate controlled confusion' is witnessed in every age, as certain
fearful human minds try to discredit those 'things of the Spirit'.
In the Light of God is all Truth.
That Light....that Truth has the Power to extinguish the darkness
within every human mind.
Perhaps you wish to think on this.