The Master Morya El

Speaking to today's

Warriors of Light:

January 3, 2009

Again I come, bringing the Blessings of the Christ.

It has been a year since last I asked Beloved Lois to record my Thoughts....that I might communicate these Thoughts to those of you whose Hearts will hear Me.

Again  I ask her to continue to place in her Website the earlier Master Instruction first given through Guy and Edna Ballard and now through many others. That early Instruction is as important for today’s evolving Students of the Ascended and Angelic Hierarchy as It has ever been.

It is now more important than ever to instruct assist in clearing the Path of highly motivated Souls who have embodied at this time in order that they may give the Service they came to give.


June 11, 2009

Much has transpired on Earth and in the atmosphere of Earth since last I wished to speak to you.

Beloved Lois, being aware of both the Inner and outer consequences of the less than constructive activity of much of humanity at this time,  has listened to My repeated Invitations to record these Thoughts....but until now has resisted.....because she felt she couldn't bear to hear or to write and publish what she feared I would have to say to you.

My Mantle of Courage enfolds her

 and all who hear My Words.....

and any who will be strengthened by the Power of My Words. 


Today I must  begin by saying that yes, much negativity is continuing to work its way through the world system....much of it through the lives of people, world wide. Much is transpiring, world-wide....much We hoped could be avoided.  The cause? Simply put, the mass of mankind yet sleeps to the reality of  'who they really are' and 'what their eternal purpose is'.  They don't know....and most do not care.

And so, individually or as Nations they are forcing upon themselves certain experiences that will either awaken them.....or take them out of embodiment during this tine when certain Planetary work must be accomplished.

 In the case of Nations, over the centuries We have had to let certain very promising Nation states fail because those who were ready to embody in them, were not strong enough to protect or move forward the Cosmic Ideas that were being tried out in those places....such as the Idea of Individual Freedom that is even now being tried out in what you know as the United States of Idea beautifully expressed in the Founding documents  of that Nation and brought to Life by the early Patriot Souls.

For those of you who do not know this history I turn your attention now to that Grand Experiment whose Purpose was to give embodied Life the chance to live freely after having succumbed to slavery in one form or another for thousands of years.

The Idea was planted in the United States and took hold...and the people who chose that experience worked their way through many difficult problems....but they were to try different solutions to human problems and for years they and the country prospered.

But from the beginning there was always a 'force'....a diabolical force pushing against them....pushing against the Ideas of Freedom written into their Constitution. Many people did not understand that the underlying Purpose of those 'Ideas' was to protect the people from themselves...because once they were 'free' they could do anything....such as to bypass certain restrictions written into that Constitution.....until finally, over the several hundred years, even as the country was growing strong and flourishing, the Spiritual Ideas of government of the people, for the people and by the people were being neglected....some were gradually and deliberately being pushed aside....and over the years the ever present sinister force gradually gained ground.... until during the past fifty years it has taken control of the  minds of enough people to allow and to cause to happen the many unconstitutional  mandates that have become the law of the land.

I speak now of what is a Constitutional crisis faced by the United States of America at this time....and which if the American people do not get control of their elected representatives, the Republic will be destroyed.....thus have the many Republics of the past gone down to defeat at the hands of the people themselves......Cosmic Dreams becoming footnotes of history.

 Great Beings have worked for Ages to bring about a Nation of Enlightened Souls. The Idea for Freedom of the Individual finally found a home on the American continent and was intended to be a template for Freedom for every country for which We pledged Our Support...

and we Bless every Soul in this time or any other, who supports or has supported and worked for the Idea of God-Freedom of the Individual on Earth.

This is a God- Idea of God-Freedom for God's-Creation.


Further it should be known that if this Idea, this Freedom meant for every Individual who embodies on Earth is destroyed in the United States, it takes with it Freedom everywhere and with it those, world wide, whose responsibility it has been to foster and protect it. Those Lifestreams will learn about Freedom in another time, in another dimension....they will have time to imagine it...and if desired they will have time to create it and demonstrate a willingness  to give their lives to protect it. All who fail to achieve the stage of evolution where they understand Freedom....all who have been pawns of the 'sinister force...those who have been responsible for leading mankind astray now or in any era....the time has come for the separating of the ways....or as your saying goes, the time has come to separate the wheat from the chaff..


 For two thousand years we have been teaching mankind, saying to mankind that there is a Way that  moves all that is God-centered upward....We have been urging mankind to turn aside from the 'other way' that  takes all that is evil onto a downward spiral.

 For two thousand years mankind, Body and Soul, has been choosing.


As We (Ascended) look ahead at this time We see that there has been much progress, but not yet enough to undo all karmic reactions, let alone dissolve and consume the daily action of godlessness that continues today in the form of the unconscionable amount of insane the continual manipulation and unnecessary and cruel disruption of daily life brought about through controlled economic greed and deliberate destruction of systems of commerce meant to benefit all.

 Do you not think that We hear the sounds and see the sights of the unforgivable obscenity of abortion...and are aware of the neglect and what amounts to actual slaughter of many who cannot fend for themselves....we see the evil planned for humanity. And We ask, 'how is it and why do intelligent human beings vote for any of this...why would any vote to legalize sexual perversions.'  We see all this....all that goes on.... there is nothing hidden.


We Who vowed to remain in Earth's Sphere in order to help mankind...

 What We see and what We hear is hard to bare

even for Those of Us Who have conquered human emotions. 

We completely understand when one of our 'messengers'

 cannot bear to write our Thoughts and Instructions.


 How unfortunate it is that today many have turned away, many who know better, from the simple basic Teaching of the Christ and instead are placing their attention and focus more and more toward the human side of life. This mis-directed energy is the source of the expansion of human pride, arrogance and selfishness....the over powering of God- good on the Earth....while We stand by... ready to help ....and must watch pure evil playing games with sleeping and ignorant mankind....when what We wish to see is humanity living peacefully, enjoying Life more intelligently, more compassionately, more abundantly, with an expanding focus on each one's own Spirituality.

  However always We have to wait to see the outcome of the 'will of the people' as it plays out in the many lands on the question is '.will they continue to vote for human governmental control of their lives or will they wake up and fight for their own God-Freedom?'

The Wheel of Life turns...and today humanity must want Freedom and be willing to fight for willing to stand up and fight for the great Gift of God Freedom....the Gift others  fought for in times past, others have given their lives for....

but  which current generations have squandered

and to day, are giving away or standing by, mute and unthinking,

 while that Freedom is taken away from them..


Let it be understood that Greater Effort is now expected by Us

on the part of those who understand this. There are many who are Awakened to the Truth of all that We speak. Again We say, 'Evil never gives up....'


We have done Our Part in letting Our Voices be heard in the land...We have spoken out.....stood the Guard. Many Great Beings have dedicated Their Lives to help God's Creation understand

 what is involved in overcoming evil....given countess Life times to helping unascended Souls understand what is needed.


You must choose, people.....You who have the Spiritual Training.....You have the backing of Powerful Beings. You can overcome evil.

 Use your God Power....your Christ are powerful Beings of Christ Light

Use that Christ Power to solve humanity's problems.

  It is your duty. It is your responsibility.



Lois J. Crawford



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