Evening of June 5, 2008

Beloved Saint Germain

 Projecting His Thoughts to Lois Crawford 

Beloved Ones, worldwide....

I come tonight to this Student of Mine asking her to be my Voice in order that I may visit with you....for I wish to share some Insight....

but first, I wish to enfold you all in my Ascended Strength...in My Miracle Mantle of Love Supreme for We (the Ascended Host) see that there are those who may need a little Energy Boost! That is OK as your saying goes....at times Life takes a rest.... needs a rest....it is not so very different for Us....there are times when our Ascended Energy needs to be recharged even at this Level of Life.

 There are times when We go into the Great, Great Silence and rest there for as long as We need to....perhaps We receive New Information or receive New Assignments while there. For the Ascended Octaves are busy places....there is no wasted motion or Energy.... all Activity has Transcendent Purpose.

 We are very busy people as you would say! We are always about Our Father’s Business....all of which We do with the Greatest Seriousness which translates into our Greatest Happiness and Joy to be serving the Highest Good.

 So, if you will accept it, ‘I Am’ offering you some of My Strength which is My Love of Life.  How I long to take you all into my arms....hug you....kiss your cheeks....and comfort those of you who are concerned about the ‘State of the World’ at this time.

 For We see your concern and even the fear that some of you are experiencing due to mounting pressures arising out of evolving situations currently playing out within human activity in various places all over the Planet....that along with natural calamities....all this that is all part of the Process the Earth is experiencing at this time.

We see your concern....We are not unaware that some of mankind is experiencing much that is difficult arising from these transitional manifestations which must take place in the evolutional scheme of the moment.

 But what I wish to offer you at this time is the Way to transcend the human....both the appearances and the actual situations through which you may have to walk....and remember, it is always your decision to ‘walk through’ whatever may be difficult rather than be dismayed, delayed or destroyed by circumstances over which you have no control....let me give you an Exercise to encourage you and to strengthen the Light within and around your Stream of Life. 

Let us start this Way....

I will ask you to seat yourselves in some quiet, comfortable place.

 Take a few deep, but again, quieting breaths.

Through this Student (LJC) We have been suggesting that you begin to recognize yourselves to be a Partnership of Body and Soul....that you do this by visualizing the Body of Christ Energy and Consciousness that stands just above the human you...that you ask It to descend and integrate Itself within the atoms of the physical vehicle.  

Now you are an integrated form of Physical and Christ Light. If this Exercise is held to long enough, seriously enough, all the material atoms will become Crystals of Christ Light and when that is fully accomplished you will walk the Earth as the Christed Man or Woman....

and when your Service is given, you will walk off into the next Dimension from which the Ascending Process will be offered by Those Who are participating in your Soul Development. 


So now the physical self and the Christ Self are in Partnership

 and from that ‘Frame of Mind’

I wish you to ‘see’ the Stream of Golden Light from your Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence

that flows constantly to you....

I wish you to ‘see’ It enter the top of your head

and as It flows into the Crown Chakra or Center ‘see’ It burst into a million

 Points of Light. Take a moment to savor that Sight....

to enjoy that feeling of Sparkling Light filling the top of your head....

It is much like the sensation your taste buds experience from

 a carbonated or sparkling drink....

you can feel that Sparkling Golden Light as it separates into

those many Points of Light.

 Now please let that Ray of Golden Light begin to slowly descend, 'seeing' It

 as It activates all the Energy Centers within the head....

paying especial attention to the activation and the opening of the Pineal Gland.

 Watch what occurs when you consciously utter the words, 'I AM'....

when you voice those Words in a Powerful Command...

those Words that open the Doorway to the All Seeing Eye of God....

that activate the All Knowing Mind of God within you....

the Words that are your Pathway to Freedom.


Ask that Powerful Light to expand within the Pineal- Pituitary Energy Complex...

Ask That Golden Light of God to open that door that you may SEE and KNOW perfectly....

Ask It to completely illumine that Divine Center so

that a Connection is made between the brain of the  human being

 and the Cosmic Christ Mind of God.


Now turn to your Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence ....

and Command that the entire physical brain,

 (first the right and then the left hemisphere)

 be filled permanently with Golden Light that perfectly

 connects your human mind to the Mind of your

 Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence.

Take as much time as you need to fully realize this.


 Now to finish this Exercise.

 Once you 'see' that the Mighty Third Eye connection is accomplished,

 ‘see’ the Golden Light move down through the throat center

 and into the Heart where it will expand and increase the Power of the

Three Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power that is anchored there,

 and from where you will then direct the Christ Light to expand

and move through all parts of the Earth bodies,

 finally to flow into the Earth through your feet and out into the

physical world through your hands.


 As you do this exercise you are serving the Purpose of expanding Godness on the Planet,

 becoming the Head, Heart and Hands of God in Action at your point in the

 Universe while simultaneously creating the Golden Armor of Light for


I have directed My Students to ‘see’ this Activity as a continuous flow of Light....to see it as a figure eight....Golden Light flowing out of the Head and Heart of ‘God’ into the Head and Heart of the physical body and then back up....by the same route as It descended from each one’s own Great Presence of Life.

 As you focus your Energy to accomplish this Activity, you will become more and more centered....more and more anchored in God Light....more and more protected....more and more shielded from all that goes on here....from all that must continue to unfold within the physical world at this time.

The Golden hued sparkling White Light from the Mind of Your Presence....

The silvery, shimmering pink Light of the Christ that flows from the

Heart of Your Presence, blended together becomes your Armor of Light...

Armor that will take you safely through today’s valleys of weeping.

even while It is taking you, step by step, victoriously into the Dimensions...

unto the Heights....where there is no weeping....


 Thank you for listening to, for reading My Words

 which are given to you with all My Ascended Love.

‘I AM’ your Brother....your Friend


‘I AM’ Saint Germain    


Lois J Crawford


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