March 16, 2012

Saint Germain.... speaking to Lois Crawford....

Beloved of My Heart….in response to your thoughts that have come to me today….

thoughts that are reaching up, reaching beyond the layers of  ‘humanness’ that weigh heavily upon the people…

.and endeavoring to look  past the discord that is bringing mass injury and harm to so many worldwide and that is of such concern to you….I come in response to your looking for reassurance....

 reassurance that there is a Rainbow after the storm clouds roll away.

I can tell you this….For some....actually for many who have chosen to embody at this time…there will be individual Rainbows, varying in brilliance with the individual qualities of Sacred Fire which each one has drawn forth and expanded within each Life Stream during these past two thousand years…and particularly during this last two hundred years....years in which certain Ascended Ones have begun the Cosmic Work of awakening the human mind and heart to the Presence of the Indwelling Christ Soul....a time in which the 'Course in Brotherhood' has been presented again to mankind.

 Many Souls have embodied during this period….both to take part in this Project We call, ‘Love thy Neighbor’….as well as to be enfolded in the vast amount of Cosmic Love, Cosmic Christ Love that began Its descent to Earth with the Transcendent Work of the Beloved Jesus and Those Who came with Him.

That Love,  that Sacred Fire Love has been pouring out of Heaven ever since….It has been expanding exponentially as more and more individuals have taken up the Cross and begun to carry it….assisting the Ascended and Angelic Hierarchy Who labor without ceasing to bring this planet to a certain level of perfection within a set timetable. And this cannot be done without the Awakening of many who have chosen to embody at this time….of many who have chosen to help and who, once ‘knowing who they really are’, have and are giving freely of their time and Energy, as you say....Body and Soul. For you are correct in saying, in believing, that this 'time' requires the Cosmic Effort of both man and God, working together to bring this cycle to a constructive close, benefitting all Life here.       

 The sense of change so many are intuiting today is then nothing more than the Fulfillment of certain on-going Projects, human and Cosmic.... to be followed by graduation for many out of this present classroom and into the next for which each Blessed One has prepared him or herself.

For some 'graduation' means the Glory of having completed the work of the Soul in so far as this human process is concerned….it means no more class work here in physical embodiment on Earth unless desired by that one.

For others graduation means moving from one classroom to another....some Souls continue on here, but advancing to a much higher level of achievement.

And then there are those who do not graduate…

But My Words today come enfolded in My Violet Flame Radiation and are to comfort you and others who will read these words. ‘Be of good Cheer’ we were told those many years ago when mankind faced equally difficult and tragic situations….and faced them without the expansion yet of the Christ Light.

How do I describe the darkness in which the planet existed at the time Beloved Jesus offered His Services. He could not save the people of the time from further great destruction….but there were those to whom He was able to impart Cosmic Truth long absent from the Earth and there were strong Life streams who carried on His Work....there are many who continue to do so to the present time.

He was an Example for the people to emulate…instructing individuals on how to work their way out of personal darkness. He showed the Way....which had It had been allowed to evolve as was hoped, It would have prevented much heartache and subsequent misery during the centuries....even unto this day of continuing discord among the races.

Now humanity is at another cyclic moment in time. The group of Souls….Life streams… who came under the  Cosmic Wings of the 'Jesus Dispensation' have had two thousand years to learn and to live and to expand the Truth He taught….and those are the Ones who will now reap the reward of ‘work well done’….enjoying and expanding the Light of God....encouraging the explosion of Christ Light within and around all those who have yet to accept and apply this Sacred Fire to their lives.

 Many are fearful of the seeming uncertainty of the present time. Let me say this: Life in any period of time has had its joys and sorrows....history records much destructive activity which the people have had to live through.

Those of you who are advancing along Life's Path are learning to stay focused on the Basic Truths you have been given throughout the thousands of years that Magnificent Ones have taken on the task of showing the know, many of the Ascended Ones have shared in making Life easier and better for those who still must evolve through time spent on Earth by coming as Teachers or leaders....or as just regular people. They had to take what came, one day at a time.

I think back to my days lived as Francis Bacon….now that was a strange time where I learned patience....because there were so many interweaving energies at work even as there are today and in that embodiment, I was often caught up in the middle of the activities of powerful people. It was very much like (your saying) of 'walking through minefields'.

 However, that was the life experience in which I worked my way through much that might have caused me to have embody again... but not before experiencing many difficult situations….yes, I too had to take it carefully one day at a time.

I, too, had to learn to live in the certain Belief that if we stay with the Truth of God, if given the opportunity the Hand of that 'God' clears and leads the Way…

and today you have the knowledge....which we didn't have at that time I speak of....that God, your Mighty 'I AM' Presence is in control of your lives, if you will allow nothing can prevent your Victory.

Yes, Beloved Ones with the new Ascended Master Instruction of your modern times, the Immortal Soul finally has the Tool, the Knowledge to become the Victor over human travail.

I leave you now with those thoughts.

I ask you to stay enfolded in My Miracle Mantle of Violet Flame Mastery…..

I ask you to Blaze your Heart Flames' Cosmic Christ Love wherever you go,

into what ever you do....

Go in Peace and Harmony

and always I join with Others in standing your guard,

'I AM' Your Brother,

Saint Germain



Saint Germain's Invocation


Thou Infinite ‘Mighty 'I AM' Presence’,


Whose wondrous Light fills the Universe!


We stand glorified in Thy Glorious Radiance. Like jewels sent forth for


 the finishing of the facets that produce such marvellous lustre, so are


 the Children of Light in the acknowledgment of Thy Wondrous Presence,


being made the finished jewels of Thy Heart.´


For in their wondrous acknowledgment of Thee, is their ability to


 become the Perfect Jewel which Thou has mounted in the human


 form, that may be perfect or otherwise, according to the choice or


 decree of the outer self.´


We give praise and rejoice greatly, that the day is at hand for


Thy Perfection to come forth in full Power,


to all who sincerely look to Thee.



Lois J. Crawford 

March 2012

Beloved Saint Germain....June 5, 2008  En Español


To The Pathway



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