As photographed over Coptic Church in Zeitoun, Egypt

(LJC) In 2006 we, my husband and I went to Santiago, Chile, not once but twice, to be with the several groups of 'I AM' Students there. A short time after our return home from one of those trips, as  I was thinking about all we had experienced, there came a Powerful Sense of an Outpouring of Love from the One we know as the Gracious Mary....I felt Her deep Gratitude and in that moment I added my Love to Hers to expand the Blessing that was being poured out to all who are the Lightbearers of our time..

Here is Her Blessing as closely as I am able to capture It.

My Beloved Friends of the Light,

I Am here

....with you....Blessing you....and assisting you in all you do.... as you pour your Love and Life into perfecting these Temples of Light dedicated to the Great Work of the Ages under the direction of our Beloved Saint Germain. I join you in pouring My Life and My Love into this Mighty Work.

We now Ascended are aware of all the Avenues of Teaching such as these in Chile. We encourage and are Ourselves encouraged by the expansion of the Positive, Powerful Christ Energy expanding on and around this Planet. We see It flowing into and out from many individuals, through many Activities...all over the world... as the Message of Christness becomes known and is accepted and is expanding....visibly and invisibly.

Yes, We see the 'Light of God' expanding in many places and in many ways,

We see It reaching people all over the world. Yes, We are very encouraged.

  For as you have heard Me say before, that Light, in sufficient quantity and quality, will eliminate the darkness. And again We ask you, please, convey that Idea in all that you do.

Again I wish to encourage you. Soon, many Great Beings Who are working with situations faced by mankind today, will walk among you. They are being prepared to descend to Earth and move among you in bodies especially suited for Their Work here. They come in visible bodies that can withstand the pressure of this material world and will work directly with those of you who have been Their Staunch Supporters....with those who have 'believed without seeing'.

Soon I will be able to appear to those of you who love Me and who work with Me in holding 'the Immaculate Concept' in all that concerns the affairs of God and man on Earth.

Let us continue our work together.

Now I enfold you ever more closely in My Love

and I say to you, 'Never tire of doing good."

'I AM'



(LJC) Beloved Mary continues to work with the One we know as Her Blessed Son, Jesus, to fulfill Their Sacred Mission as the Golden Age of Peace unfolds....They continue to work to assure the Bright Destiny of this Planet and the Souls who incarnate here. She and Others of the Ascended and Angelic Hierarchy depend mightily on the Students to stand by Their Sides and to do their part as the Planet and People go through the next years of change and purification.

Her frequent Appearances to people all over the world are reminders of the serious events in which humanity is now involved. She comes again and again to awaken all to the Promises of God-Good already enfolding the Planet....already poised to take control if allowed. The Hand of God will take control of all evil everywhere if asked for and when allowed. But humanity must is not possible to serve two is not possible to follow the pied pipers who are expanding 'paths of destruction' and hope to find God-Good at the end of the path. 

Thus She comes urging mankind to embrace the Cosmic Message of

 Christness, before it is too late.

For the Bell tolls and the hands of the

 Cosmic Clock move.

Lois J Crawford


