Peace Prayer for the World 

sent to me by

Leona and Wayne  Lal-Singh

New Zealand 


To all our friends and to you we haven't met yet,

we send this invitation;

We invite you to join us to help change the World through this simple act. 

Every evening at 9pm 
Send out your Thoughts and Prayers 
of Unity, Brotherhood, Peace & Love. 

Hold in your mind this simple Idea of a 
Unified World;  a World where 
All People are One - Brothers and Sisters 
where all people are tolerant, loving and kind 

Lets look beyond ourselves 
at least for a few minutes a day 
to create, at first in prayer, 
and then on Earth, 
This perfect world. 

If you, like us, 
want to live in a World 
of Peace, Unity, Freedom and Love then please 
Take part in this simple act of 
Creative Action

When many people join together in Prayer, great things can happen. 
Please don't let this opportunity go by without acting.

You can make a difference!

Send this page to friends and family. Ask them to join us.

See you every night at 9!

Love and Blessings, 

Leona and Wayne Lal-Singh 



Leona and Wayne asked me

to share their Prayer with those  of you who come to this website.

 I wish to add a few 'philosophical thoughts' on the subject of Prayer.

 First of all to say: I use this site as a Way to offer Spiritual Information

 and Prayers and Decrees for the

Peaceful Awakening of the human self to the individual's Indwelling Christness  

 which if allowed to 'outpicture'  on Earth  will cause the

 Individual to become a  Peace Commanding Presence.

 The Example for this was given to us by the One we know as the Christed Jesus. 


For  when we pray from that Christ Level of

Consciousness of Peace, Invoking Divine Help,

 the Human Being working in partnership with the Soul (God),

 can call forth tremendous Christ Light, which will then flood the Earth with all the

 Love, Wisdom and Power

necessary to  once and for all, put out all the 'fires of hate' that are currently

raging and threatening to engulf and destroy the lives of millions on this Planet.

 There is only One Way to  produce Permanent Peace on Earth.

And that is for each of us to become personally peaceful.

That's where Peace begins. That means that everything less than Peace

in our individual lives has to go. 

 Peace starts with each one of us, right where we are.....

many do not realize this.

 The world can not, will not change until we change.

 Our world is a reflection of all the many levels of 'human consciousness'

that lives and has lived on this Planet. 

Thus, Peace happens globally as each member of society becomes

the kind of  Peace that springs from The Godness....the Christness within each one.

If we can remember to monitor every human thought, feeling, action and spoken up the actions that produce un-peaceful energy, and which then flows out into the larger 'world of energy' causing destructive ripples there, as well as in our own energy which wants to be calm and Peaceful.

Therefore in this moment let us come together as One People

with our attention on the Goal of Christed Peace for all

and Pray for Peace throughout the Whole World.

My Prayer

I pray for Peace on Earth

I pray for Freedom for all on Earth

Almighty God, flood me with Your Strength of Peace. 

Let Your Peace and Freedom begin with me





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