Now Excerpts from an Essay sent to me by

Archy Klinkert

Love is still the Way,

  He tells us:

 Love is the cohesive power of the Universe. It attracts and holds together vibration of the same kind. It protects its budding creations against to much exposure to the Light. It allows all its creatures to grow, one step at the time, learning from the ever changing events around him/her by the laws of the circle and cause and effect.

  Love includes patience to give life time to grow and prosper. It never falters nor judge. It just embraces life to claim its own. There would be no lifeform anywhere in the universe but for the presence of Love.

  The rose is often referred to as the symbol of love. Especially the pink rose. Pink is the color of love and the color of the Third Ray of God’s Love. The beauty of the form reminds us of the beauty of all forms created by love. The softness of the petals reminds us to the protective and nourishing aspects of love, and by the fragrance of the rose we are encouraged to ascend to ever higher regions of endeavor.


  Love will help us to establish the perfect ‘cradle’ and environment to be creative. The Origin of Love extends even beyond the view of the Ascended Ones.  The Origin of Rays and Flames is from Galaxies far beyond our own and are a gift for the developing consciousness of this Galaxy. ALL IS A GIFT; EVEN LIFE ITSELF. Then what else can we do but to serve life?  Spiritual growth is linked to creativity, activity and change. Love will provide the ‘atmosphere to endure’. Human consciousness despises change. Love will lift it up to do the Will of God instead of its own.

  What does it mean: “being creative”? Well, it is not creating something out of nothing. It means the leveling of the bodies: physical, etheric, mental and emotional to become the vessel of Divine Mind. Receiving ‘Seed-Ideas’, which still have to be manifested on a plane of existence. These ideas are limitless and suitable for lifestreams on all the Seven Major Rays. Spiritual growth is depending on the way and means the individual is able to precipitate these Ideas in the world of form. When you serve the Divine Plan you automatically ensure your growth, but your growth will no longer be the issue, because your enthusiasm and love for the Plan occupy your whole REASON FOR BEING. Service and creativity become then the joy of service and the joy of being creative.


  Then you grow like the flower grows, eager to open its petals to the warmth of the sun. In our case: the Sun of our Being, the Presence of God, I AM ....THAT I AM! Let our consciousness be creative and find new ways to communicate with each other and all life!







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