Excerpt taken from recorded Radio Program, May 8, 2001 

 Essay # 6.

So, when our physical body dies.....

we, the Soul withdraw, fully alive and functioning as well or better in a Body of Light. In some cases we are visible to the physical most cases we aren't....but visible or invisible, WE are no less alive.

 And then we each go to the Realms for which we have prepared ourselves....thus, the "many mansions" of Jesus.

 For all who have lost loved ones....or who may be afraid of comforted....the Spirit you, you, the Soul, God, YOU, can't die even if you wanted to.

 And that loved one who has gone on ahead of us, is going right on with Life in the Place Perfect for him or her. Never forget....Godness functions in perfect Divine Order and Justice, and in the case of each one of us, always according to the vibration of our Energy.

All Life is guided by Divine Law....there is no good or bad as we judge it....again in our case, there is only our Energy that will be magnetized to the place of similar Energy and thus begins the next learning phase.

 There is no one to judge us....again, there is only our Energy which we have colored or qualified or misqualified with our own actions, thoughts and feelings. That's what determines our future.

 There is no unfairness. The use of our free will alone, has determined our future. We must be allowed to exercise our free will, is part of the Soul Process....and that alone determines where we go from here. Everywhere, all life moves within the Law of the One....which guarantees perfect Justice for all.   

So, it is practical that we know Who We Really Are. And that we make an effort to attract as much God Light as possible into our lives here, while we can, so that the Soul has as much of God's High Frequency Light to work with both here and there. This is especially important in cases where we may have a difficult atonement situation.

Never forget that any nonsense or evilness of the human vehicle is the responsibility of the Soul. I think it's only possible to appreciate what I'm saying if it is understood that this is a 'Soul Journey', not a human one.... and that the Soul, is supposed to be in charge of the human vehicle....not the other way around. If the human is in control, it means that the Soul has lost's not supposed to happen that way.

It is always supposed to be the 'Hand of God' that is directing and holding control of all earth experiences. Looking out on the world, we can see that the 'Hand of God', through its Soul Creation, may be having very little to say about what's going on. If so, this creates an additional, terrible burden for our Souls, Who eventually have to get it all sorted out. 

Now I know this is not what we want to hear. We want to think that if we believe in this or that, that our indiscretions, past, present and future will be forgiven....that if we ask in true humility, we will be forgiven our trespasses and that will be the end to the story.

Well, yes and no. Yes, we will be forgiven, but for every mistake we've made at any time of our long lives, we now must call forth a wave of positive Energy to transmute and balance all negative energy we are responsible for leaving behind us, until, one day we have balanced all our debts to life.

This cleaning up and balancing starts with accepting the Truth that our Souls are a Powerful working part of our lives. When we get that straight in our minds, then we can begin to walk our Path....making any necessary changes in our daily lives, taking Wisdom farther out through our personal daily experiencing. Part of the process is realizing that 'God'....'Godness' the only Rock on which we can safely build our lives....human or Soul.

That all else is really just the shifting and readjusting of the sands of human activity, thought and feeling.  

At some point we simply realize that just our  human "knowing" isn't getting us anywhere....that no matter how educated we are, how smart we think we are, we aren't solving our problems....and that realization is often a turning point in many lives. In a society that loves its intellectuality....and thinks the sun rises and sets on what mankind thinks and does and comes as a big shock when one day the sky falls on us and no matter how smart we matter how intellectually we approach our problem....we discover we can't do anything human about it....our brains have failed us...our bodies have failed us....society has failed us. What a shock! Now what are we going to do? The human us is terrified when technology and "know how" fails us. 

So at that point we have to decide what we're going to do....hopefully having gotten control of some of our fear, as fear is a great destroyer. And then we have two choices....we can give up and die, come back another time and try again....or we can "look up" and live here a while longer, work on the problem a little longer....

We can admit we're in trouble....trouble we haven't been able to solve by human means. At this point it means putting pride aside and admitting we are to blame for our means submitting ourselves to Heavenly Scrutiny....that's hard to do. And finally, if we are going to get a handle on our problem, we have to ask for answers....and Heavenly Answers, that will come in simple ordinary ways, if granted, will begin to change our lives. 

That Real-Us, that Permanent Atom, the Soul of us that never dies, is one of Those beautiful 'Sparks of God'...we are all Offspring of one Great Being....all related....ancient friends and families. I can't guarantee the Process by which this all started but, among other Intuitional Ideas, I once had the Idea of how, sometime in antiquity, we volunteered or were asked to come to Earth, to take up residence in the human body.

 Our Soul Mission was from the beginning and still is, that we are to be the Head, Hands and Heart of Greater Godness, working to fulfill the Master Plan of Creation here. And we work out of a physical, dense, difficult human body.

It goes without saying that we Souls had and still have our work cut out for us here, as we attempt to do what we came to do, while supervising the activities of our human vehicles to get it done.....and particularly,  now that the human being has an educated mind of its own. We live in a time when the human has been allowed to become arrogantly powerful. And the Soul has given up much control. But ultimately each Soul must awaken, and again assume responsibility for whatever the human has done or not done.

 BUT remember this....the 'Mind of God', which our Souls are....if the human us will allow it, can take charge of the human/Soul journey and be the 'Conscious Directing Intelligence' in all present and future experiences. And with that, we start living from the integrated human/Soul perspective.

And that perspective will lead us to more Spiritual interests. There's a world of Spiritual Wisdom to be experienced. I love to go to bookstores and see what direction Spirituality is taking at any given time. 


End of excerpt.

        The whole of this Essay can be found in the

        Modern Mystic Essays.

        Go to the 'Table of Contents' on the Homepage.



Always remember to visualize and invoke

a Wall of Sparkling White Christed Light around yourselves,

Seeing It enfold and protect and perfect all you  do.

 Acknowledge the 'I AM Christ Consciousness' of your 'Holy Christ Self '

that will give direction to your human and Soul Life.


And  call forth this Mighty Activity of Light

everyday, not only for yourself, but for your family,

home and business, for friends, country and planet.


Leave no one out.

And May God Bless and protect and perfect us all, everyone!


Lois J. Crawford



Pathways               Part Three