I AM turning your attention to this, reminding you to Call This Transfiguring Flame to pass through all the materials of the physical world in order that We can bring forth in the physical world through physical manufacture, the Materials mankind can use for clothing and outer things. They will carry an Healing Radiation, which will bring Peace; which will remain immaculately clean, which can be made Imperishable if you so desire. These materials will bring greater Perfection into your daily life and begin to reveal that which is to become a permanent Condition of the Incoming Golden Age. We (in the Ascended Octaves) have That Beautiful Fine Substance of Light which We condense into Tangible Objects as tangible as you have in the physical world. We create Our Palaces and Temples of This Light-Substance, visible and tangible to all....Magnificent, Beautiful, Imperishable, Self-Luminous....Magnificent beyond words to describe. You can begin to change the things in the physical world and in your daily use by which you can all live more conveniently, more comfortably and in such Greater Joy, Purity and Perfection. As you draw forth through your calls in your outer daily use, This transmuting, Transfiguring Flame of our Love, you draw Our Love into the substance of your world and that substance is raised into the Substance of Our Octave ....and It gives off Its Radiating Power to assist mankind to become Purified and Free. THE GREAT LAW OF LIFE IS THE GIVING FORTH OF LOVE FROM THE HEART OF THE CENTRAL SUN. As you make that Call and pour It forth throughout the Earth, every Wave becomes greater than the one before and raises you in vibratory action, of your Higher Mental (Holy Christ) Body. As you pour this forth to all Life, even the plant and animal life, you will find that the Purifying Love from the the Heart of the 'I AM' Presence will release all Life from that which is not Eternal Light. I want to say something concerning America, because of its relationship to the whole world. Throughout the centuries, strange as it may seem, your Nation and the war of the Revolution, were the only activities on Earth where mankind dedicated the Nation to the worship of God. In every Nation, down through the centuries, there has been the recognition of God, and the (Ascended) Effort poured forth to help the people to turn Godward and to serve Life in the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan. Those who founded your Nation, left the rest of the world (to come to America) willing to go through the vicissitudes of war for the RIGHT TO LOVE GOD. 'IN GOD WE TRUST' IS THE DIVINE COMMAND TO THE NATION. Therefore, America's Destiny, (the World's Destiny), holding as America does the Heart Flame of the Cosmic Christ to the World, is dependent upon the Strength of This Transfiguring Flame drawn forth by the people (of all Nations) within themselves; in order for the expanding Cosmic Action to draw through the structure of Earth that which is the Purifying, Illumining Activity. THE CALLING FORTH OF THE COSMIC ACTION OF MY ASCENDED JESUS CHRIST TRANSFIGURING FLAME is the beginning of the Illumination of the Earth once again. Great is your privilege to be a part of It. Always remember: YOUR 'I AM' PRESENCE IS THAT WHICH GLORIFIES YOU AND YOUR COUNTRY(S) AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL, EVERY MOMENT WITH THE LOVE OF ITS OWN BLAZING HEART. IT GLORIFIES ALL WHO LOOK UNTO IT ! When I said 'I Am the Open Door that no man can shut' it was because of the Vow I gave to the Mighty 'I AM' Presence....that when I was clothed with This Flame (the Transfiguration Flame) I would render this Service. The 'I AM' Presence answered Me and I left the Example before mankind, charged with the Power of the Great Central Sun Magnet. Today I AM Come again to fulfill My Promise in outer action through you....the Beloved of the Heart of God. I AM Come again, to fulfill My Words and to remain with you until the Work of the Ages is completed and mankind is redeemed from the shadow of distress that was never meant to be. THE FULFILLMENT OF YOUR DESTINY.... AND OF THE DESTINY OF THIS NATION.... THE DESTINY OF ALL NATIONS.... THE FULFILLMENT OF YOUR SERVICE TO LIFE, RESTS UPON THIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND USE OF THE GREAT TRANSFIGURING FLAME. Therefore I say to you; 'Turn to your 'I AM' Presence and call to Its Glorifying Flame of the Victorious Transmuting, Transfiguring Christ in and around yourselves. And let it TRANSFIGURE YOU.
Messenger: Beloved Edna Ballard Excerpts from Message 3 June 1948 'Voice' 'I AM' the Cosmic Flame of Love and Its Everlasting Freedom of the Victorious Christ which is the Glory of the Mighty 'I AM' Presence in the Great Central Sun which forever Glorifies Life with ever-increasing Happiness 'I AM' THE TRANSFIGURING FLAME OF THE VICTORIOUS COSMIC CHRIST THAT GLORIFIES ALL LIFE.
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Mensajera: Bien Amada Edna Ballard
Lois J Crawford 2003-2009