Oh, Beloved Mighty 'I AM' Presence,

 Oh, Beloved Violet Flame,

 Blaze up through us now

in Your most intense Powerful Activity,

cut away, dissolve and consume, 

everything which binds the Children of Light

to the darkness of human consciousness.


Mighty Angels of the Violet Flame,

Consume from the atmosphere of Earth everything that

 is of the cruelness of human nature. Purify the

 human consciousness of all on Earth .


Great Ascended Host of Light and Great Cosmic Beings

Charge all human consciousness with the Ascended

 Masters' Consciousness and Determination which You

 have so graciously offered to the humanity of Earth.

 Charge Life on Earth with Your Love and Light

 and Understanding of the Mighty 'I AM' God Self of

 each one.


Beloved Saint Germain

 Enfold all who love Life

 in Your Miracle Mantle of Violet Flame Mastery.

Fill all Hearts with Your Presence of the

 Mastery of Divine Love .

 May we become so charged, Body and Soul, with the active Presence of Your Violet Flame Love, that Its Radiance becomes a Consuming Activity around us, and all that is not the Perfection of God is instantly consumed upon contact with Your Ascended Love.

Blaze the Shining Love of the Violet Flame through us

 every minute of every day.

Beloved Saint Germain, Charge us, our physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies with the Active Presence of Your Divine Love.

 Manifest Your Shining Love of the Violet Flame

everywhere in the Hearts and minds of all mankind

 every minute of every day.

In the Name, Love, Wisdom and Power

of the Eternal Light and Perfection of the Universe,

 We People of Light

now call forth the Cosmic Power and Love of the

Violet Flame and send It throughout the Earth,

to once and for all time, free mankind from the recoil

of all inharmonious thoughts, feelings, actions and

 spoken words of the past and present.

In the Name of Almighty God, the Cosmic

'I Am' Presence

and Holy Christ Self of all mankind.

We command that all Life be held in the Governing

 Presence and Perfection of the Divine Love of the

Mighty 'I AM' Presence of each one

Now and forever.   


Beloved Mighty God Presence of Each One

Insulate us all within a Wall of Dazzling White Light

 of Cosmic Christ Purity and Perfection.

Make this Light around us so powerful that nothing of

 the human can ever touch us or our worlds again.


Project Pillars of Violet Flame in through and around

 every Lifestream on the Earth.

 Blaze the Violet Flame forth...blaze It around all Life

around  every Lifestream

 with such Cosmic Power that all human creation 

 is annihilated immediately, its cause, effect, record

 and memory.

Beloved 'I AM' Presence.

See that we never again fail nor make a mistake.

We bow to Your Authority

and call forth Your Ascended Master Victory,

invoking That Mastery of Victory into everything we

 do, think, feel or say to keep our lives filled to

 overflowing with only Your Perfection in all we do.


Release through us the instantaneous Purifying Power

 of the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame that we may go

 forward, Master of all that we dare to do,

serving Life in Your Holy Name.


Together we say:

'I Am' the Resurrection and the Life of my Divine Plan

 manifest in the full Ascended Master Feeling and

 Purifying Power of the Cosmic Violet Flame 

in action in me now.


'I Am' the Eternal Victory of my Mighty God Presence

 in action in me now. I sing the Song of Joy,


I blaze forth the Ecstasy of the Light of God that Never

 Fails as forevermore 'I AM' at Peace, Grateful that my

 every Call to God is answered!


 From this day, I go forward, invoking and expanding

 the Cosmic Violet Light of God, blazing It forth onto

 this Planet doing this through my every

 thought, feeling, action and spoken word.

'I AM' God's Mighty Peace

Commanding Presence

and Violet Flame Warrior.

Lois J. Crawford




Back to Pathways         The Violet Fire

   Beloved Saint Germain speaks of the Violet Flame      

Saint Germain's  Lessons on Expanding the Violet Flame

Loving the Violet Flame

Blazing the Violet Flame

Enfolding All With The Violet Flame

Become Violet Flame Consciousness

 The Violet Fire   

  Calling The Violet Flame into Action

   Violet Flame Decrees

All  LJC  text

 Copyright © 'Beliefs'


Use of this material freely given (LJC)