# 12

March 2004

      From Glenn Kimball:

I just returned from Egypt a couple of days ago. 

This wasn't a tour of the sites of ancient Egypt. 

This was one of the greatest adventures I have had in my life. 

 Millions of visitors tour Egypt and miss perhaps the greatest story of all. 

 Jesus and his family walked the streets of Egypt as they fled from the jealous, defensive Herod when Jesus was about two years old. Hosea 11: 1 "Out of Egypt I have called my son.  Isaiah 19: 1 Behold the Lord rides on a swift cloud, and will come into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, and the Heat of Egypt will melt in the midst of it".  Isaiah 19: 25 "Blessed be Egypt, My people".  Isaiah 19: 19-20 " In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt: and a Pillar to the Lord, at its border.  And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.  Isaiah 19: 21 "Then the Lord will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the Lord in that day and will make sacrifice and offering". Matthew 2: 13 "Behold and angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word, for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him."

One might think that the Egyptian Moslem Nation would avoid this story.  However, none other than President  Mujbarak himself has issued an open invitation to the western world to come to Egypt to find the trail of Jesus.  Dr. Momdouh El-Beltagui, Minister of Tourism, says, "That the unity of the Egyptian people, both Moslems and Copts, is the backbone of the entity of the Nation-State of Egypt. Of course he is referring to the Coptic Christians of Egypt who never left from the time of Jesus and have long built shrines to Jesus and the Holy Family. 

My first book "Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus"
contains the story of the travels of the Holy Family in Egypt written by Matthew and deliberately left out of the Bible for political reasons in the fourth century. 

Those who continue to suggest that the Bible is complete have sided with those who have so badly treated Jesus for two thousand years. The ones who are supposed to protect Him have done just the opposite. 

 Mohammed said, "Come to me all you Christians and Jews, you know so little of your Jesus, and I will teach you of him". To this day Jesus is the greatest of the prophets of Islam. Mohammed not only had a point, but was one of the first voices declaring the real heresy surrounding the life of Christ. Jesus has been hidden from our view. Much of that story remains in Egypt.

The Nag Hammadi Library
was found on the banks of the Nile River in 1947 and contains more words of Jesus by many times than the Bible. The Dead Sea Scrolls deal with the Old Testament Prophets, but the Nag Hammadi deals with the time of Jesus.  Western Christianity hails the Dead Sea Scrolls and despises the Nag Hammadi which is the most blasphemous suggestion in modern religious scholarship. The Nag Hammadi Library is not alone. At the time of Arius and the Nicene Council the ruminants of the Library of Alexandria contained thousands of books on Christian and Jewish history which were contested by Constantine in favor of the second generation apostolic fathers who felt their libraries were superior.  They were wrong.  The Bible can not be complete without the records of Egypt. 

The words of Jesus are far too precious to be summarily discarded by those who suggest that all we need is seventy some odd sayings of Jesus in the Bible for our salvation.  I know that will offend many. However, Jesus said it best in the first and second verse of the Gospel of Thomas, "Whoever finds the interpretations of these sayings will not taste death. Let whoever seeks not cease from his seeking until he finds.  When he finds, he will be troubled.  When he is troubled he will marvel and will reign over all."  These are the words of Jesus found in Egypt and not included in the Bible.

There is a collection of the Secret Teachings of Jesus found in Egypt.
I can't imagine any Christian not wanting to know. 

The oldest of the copies of the Bible are in Aramaic from Egypt and not Greek.
Of course the Bible would have been written in Aramaic. That was one of the principle languages spoken by Jesus and the apostles. They didn't communicate in Greek. The only reason we have our Bible from the Greek is because of our prejudice for the second generation apostolic fathers and our continued neglect of the principle texts from Egypt. 

I am preparing a document with the official maps of the trail of Jesus in Egypt that can be followed today. I am being helped by the Egyptian Tourism Counsel, Yosef Mansur, an Egyptian movie star and a human treasure beyond belief and the magnificent Princess Malak, the Egyptian Queen of Morocco.

I had the surreal opportunity to be with Yosef Mansur and Princess Malak for eleven days. The Princess is the owner of the King Tut Exhibit that has toured the world. 

 I have never met a princess in my life until now. However, she is everything I imagined a princess would be and more.  She is the heart of both Egypt and Morocco.  She held a special dinner on her boat on the Nile the day we arrived.  She invited all the powerful and beautiful people from Egypt and surrounding countries to attend.  It was a magic night I will never forget.  John Fassett, my producer, was asked to speak first in this crowd as we sailed up the Nile on our dinner cruise.  He told the group of our pending business dealings with film company in Egypt. 

 To my surprise they asked me to stand and speak too. As I arose tears filled my eyes.  I told them that I had long felt the passion of Egypt and considered her the 'mother of history'.  I told them that the Voice of Egypt had been stolen for two thousand years. The room erupted in cheers and tears.  Other countries had taken it upon themselves from the time of Napoleon to tell the story of Egypt.  Napoleon landed in Egypt in 1798 with his armies, but also a full contingency of historians. This was strange behavior for the arrogant Napoleon.  I told them that Napoleon came to Egypt to find the roots of the Divine Right of Kings which would give him the right to be the ruler of the world and perhaps even to make himself deity. 

The voice of Egypt in her sacred writings (Hieroglyphs) had been extinguished from the fourth century when Rome subjugated Arius into denying his Christian history and they buried the books.
After that time the world would not be able to read the sacred writings of the Egyptians until Napoleon found the Rosetta Stone. There are those who suggest that there is nothing in Egyptian Hieroglyphs that pertains to Christianity. Those of you who have read "The Da Vinci Code"
now know that to be completely false.

  The source of the Egyptian religions and that of the Christians and Jews is the same. Ahkenaten tried to reorient the religions of Egypt in his day.  http://www.ancientmanuscriptscom/books/moses_and_akhenaten.htm
Jeremiah took the Arc of the Covenant to Egypt in his flight from the Babylonians in 587 BC
in order to take the Arc from one temple to another in Amarna
which was exactly like the one in Jerusalem. However, he didn't leave it there because by the time of Jeremiah the temple at Amarna, the birthplace of Ahkenaten, had been re-converted to the religions of Amon.

It was no small event when we understand that Joseph of Arimathea, the great uncle of Jesus mentioned in the Bible, was born in Egypt. The flight of the family of Jesus to Egypt was a flight to familiar ground.
(the best of the books on my site)

The sister of Joseph of Arimathea was the famous grandmother of Jesus Saint Anna
was born in England.  This is a new book on my site and comes from the German, French and Latin texts in their translation from the Aramaic. This is the recommended book of the month for sure. It can't be well understood without "The Drama of the Lost Disciples" mentioned above. However, hundreds of thousands around the world celebrate her festival but know nothing about her.

  One can not understand Anna without understanding the Cathedral at Roslyn
where it is suggested that the bones of John the Baptist are located and where Elizabeth the niece of Anna originated. Of course they would take the body of John the Baptist back to the homeland of his mother. The "Jolly Roger" flag of sailors and pirates have long hailed their fraternal orders from England and fly the beheaded bones of the "Fraternal Order of John" the Baptist. These were the predecessors of the Knights Templar. Each of the nine originators of the Templars were members of the "Fraternal Order of John".

I was struck by all the lions in Egypt.
This symbol is on all the royal crests of England and yet there are no lions in England and never have been.They get their lions from Egypt. Egypt was the mother of power in ancient England. There are scholars today that suggest that Moses and Joshua who were learned in all the knowledge of Egypt visited England to learn from the ancient fraternal order of the Magi.

"The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt"
written by an Islamic Historian. 

The Jewish Egyptian historian born in 20 BC and died in 50 AD.  This one is mentioned in the movie "The Ten Commandments".  This one even has a chapter on the Giants in the Land. 
"Origen" the Egyptian second generation Christian apostolic father.

"Gregory of Nyssa"
one of the most interesting stories of the fourth century and a wonderful perspective on earliest Christianity. 

"The Ancient State"
perhaps the best piece of research on this topic ever written. 

Glenn Kimball






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